It's true that those two cases are pretty weird to compare. But both involves if you believe someone or something. And my point is that i don't believe NT if they don't show proof.Claiming to see an alien and claiming to have made concept art are two very different things. It is highly unlikely that you actually saw an alien, but I have no doubts that NT actually made concept art of Dante looking like his former self.
And I also don't like your reasoning that just because Dante doesn't look completely like his former self, then NT are jerks. It sounds like a child calling his parents for jerks, just because he can't have any candy. It's rather juvenile.
And last, we do not know if Dante's hair ends up being all white or not, however, if that's the case, then it is probably due to some story element - to show Dante's progression or something like that. All we can do is speculate, as there are no official info about it yet.
Well if Ninja theory didn't create Dante character designs then it tells me that they care more about themself and their thoughts and ideas. Why say Dante would get laughed out when their own creation Monkey would get laughed out alot more.
Story element or not - why change a character only to make him the same? The devil trigger of DmC Dante has white hair and red jacket. So they went back to original white hair of Dante.
Now it's true that it's not offical that at end of DmC it will not be full white hair do you explain the white patch of hair? Obviously with new devil trigger white hair represents demon powers. So without Devil trigger DmC Dante still has a patch of white hair.
It's weird for Capcom to say "Change Dante drastically" and then Ninja theory brings back white hair and red jacket and says "Well that's his devil trigger" or "It's because Dante went through a story progress". Then what was the point of character design change?