Haha, yeah I can picture it. I'm just wondering how much would be involved in that, since even with modding animations and particle effects, you'd need to mod the input to trigger several smaller Slash Dimensions in succession to replicate it. Yeah, I'm gonna' say that's the furthest you could get into it without modifying the game's code itself which isn't ossible as it's proprietary and doesn't expose those kinds of properties in plaintext.
But yeah, it would be pretty sweet. XD It reminds me of all the stuff Smash Bros. Brawl modders get away with when modding motion files. That Scott Pilgrim mod is insane in how original the entire moveset is.
Anyway, back on topic for a moment. Do you guys think Slash Dimension was born simply as Dante's unique way of using Yamato, or do you think Vergil will lose Judgement Cut in favor of it in Special Edition, much as his counterpart did in DmC?