@Meg: I was joking when I called you a traitor. I know you voted for Dante ^_^ (but shame on you for creating a Nero Love group)
@NOtsoawesomefaise: I do LOVE how your mind works, rofl!
DreadnoughtDT;203068 said:
Why do I get that sense of dread that only overcomes you when you're overwhelmed?
I just can't believe the amount of Nero haters... It's sad, really. You don't like something new, so people hate it... You know, Dante bugs the crap out of me. He really does. I've said before that I hate Dante as he is now. He was awesome in DMC 1 and should've stayed that way, but now he's a stupid immature fool who's never EVER serious, even when he should be. Furthermore, his character's ability to be used as a protagonist has been nearly exhausted, and he's been demoted to what seems to be an errand boy just doing his job.
There. Let the wave of hate attack me. I will stand and fight, even if I'm alone. Valiance and effort are often rewarded with results, even though those results are often not the wanted outcome. Attack me, vile demons, and show me your true hatred, I'm not afraid!
Dread not Dreadnought!


I had to say that, I can't help myself. Fun and games aside, are you ready to defend yourself? *whips out Rebellion, just incase* I'll chop off your freaky arm, so don't try it!
Reason why I hate Nero - I haven't played the previous games in the series, but DMC4 is a sappy fluff fest compared to the others. Don't get me wrong now, I really do love Kyrie and Nero's relationship but Nero playing the inexperienced hero to save his damsel in distress...it's been done before. It's meh. There should have been more focus on Dante, more emphasis on his history, like DMC1 and DMC3. Because, at the end of the day, Devil May Cry IS about Dante.
And if you really believe that his role has been exhausted, then it's only because of your hate for his character. Dante has loads of potential.
So does Nero, but really, who wants to see how he was moulded into the obvious softie he is? He was pretty much human up until he got attacked, and in DMC, human = boring (and more annoying than Dante himself). And what followup story can they have for his character? We got to know him as the rebel without a cause who ends up playing the hero to save the girl.
Typical romance gore. What are they going to do next, have Kyrie abducted by Dante so Nero goes awol? He only really got some drive into his character when she was taken hostage, just like Dante only really gets drive into his lazy arse when he gets a job involving some trace of his heritage. Which means that if they bring Nero back, they have to bring Kyrie back, and if they bring those two back, then they might as well bring Vergil back too and we'll have ourselves a party. Why Vergil? Well, we need some level of COOL to join forces with Dante and balance out Nero's uncoolness.