Okay, then again, you don't have much evidence to support your theories either. There isn't much evidence for ANY theory.
Sure I do, I just didn't present it because I wasn't promoting any theory. I was showing how the reincarnation theory is too faulty to be reasonable. Some theories are more reasonable than others, such as the clone and offspring theories, even the split Vergil and Psychodrama theory. (Last one is mine).
BTW, Sparda in human form had white hair and was described as cold like Vergil but annoying like Dante. Sounds like Nero to me.
I don't believe Sparda was ever called annoying, and Nero himself isn't cold at all. He's more like Dante than any other character. None of this points to Sparda, except the white hair, which the twins also share.
And you say things as if Sparda would willingly reincarnate himself. Reincarnation is not a willful thing, it just happens. The reincarnate person has no control over it. And you also lose your memories/experiences of your past life.
So he just randomly happened to reincarnate into his own bloodline on and island where they worshipped him and somehow got demonic powers?
My point was exactly that reincarnation doesn't work like that. This is the most damning fact against the theory, because it is basically impossible that Sparda would reincarnate as Nero if he had no choice in the matter. If reincarnation does exist in DMC, then Sparda is probably a regular person, who looks nothing like the twins and has no powers. He could even be an animal for all we know, or reincarnated back in Hell.
Agnus had most likely been with the Order for a long time if he'd been able to create so many demons and do so much research. That would obviously take a long time-span, so that debunks the theory of Nero being an experiment.
No, the research didn't take that long. It is implied in the game that it took a few years, after they found the Yamato and shards of Nelo's armor. This means that it has to happen some time after DMC1, at which point Nero was already alive. It is therefore highly likely that Agnus was not the head of research and development at that time, while Sanctus was still the leader of the cult. It doesn't debunk anything.
If Nero's DT ghost wasn't blue, no one would say it was Vergil's. Just because it has a blue tint doesn't mean it's Vergil's DT. Look at it, the design except for the arm sheath is completely different. You can't say it's wearing Nelo's armor either, because it's not. It's too angular, and the horns are too screwed up.
Yeah, the fact that it is blue is a huge hint that it is Vergil, as that is his established motif. It also has a variation of Vergil's leitmotif upon being revealed in the game, the sheath, summoned swords, similar type of horns, etc. Even the fuly body of it, revealed in concept art has the same structure as Vergil's DT in DMC3, with the buttwings. And no, it doesn't look like Nelo, because Nelo is not a natural DT. It looks exactly like a development of the DMC3 DT, where the Mozart hair has turned into a helmet and horns. Go compare them if you want.
One thing is for sure, it looks absolutely nothing like Sparda in any way whatsoever.
And I think you're letting your hate for Nero get in the way of some of your judgment. Such as the fact that "Sparda wouldn't get reincarnated as some whiny emo kid". Dude, the guy is f*cking 17. Cut him some slack, he's not mature yet. That's the part that f*cking ticks me off SO MUCH. Nero is YOUNGER than Dante, so OF COURSE he's not going to be as cool! Get the hell over it, people.
Believe me, I'm not. I'm just using actual logic and reason to guide me. The fact is that, even if Nero is just a kid, it would be a very stupid move for Capcom to choose him as a reincarnation of Sparda. He embodies none of Sparda's power or nobility, he is totally unexplained, and he has basically no connection to Sparda aside from having a girlfriend (I have one too, I don't think that makes me Sparda
Berial is most likely talking about Sparda. Nero is nothing like Vergil in his DMC1 incarnation. Not at all.
It is more likely he is talking about Sparda, but it could be either. Berial would have met Vergil in Hell, not in DMC1. In any case, it isn't really evidence for Nero being like Sparda.