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Make your own zombie survival guide.


Aya Brea
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put it, if so, sorry.

This is "Make Your Own Zombie Surival Guide". Where you can list down ways you plan to survive if ever a viral outbreak, chemical breakdown, or whatever occurs causing a mass of Zombies to roam the Earth for all eternity... or until they and everyone else just die out. Try to be as realistic as possible.

What type of area do you live in? What type of area would you think is a good location to be at? If you encountered a Zombie, what tactics would you use? Will you fight back or run? Would you be willing to raid out the local mall or grocery store for food and clothing? Give out your best ideas. What to do and what you think others should just avoid in survival.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Initially, I suggest you at least have a knife, because I dought the average person would have a gun on hand.

The tactics I would use to fend a Zombie off is to grab it under the chin to keep its face away from mine, as I dought they are very duriable because they are decomposeing.

I would go for their vital spot's, neck, spine, and anyother spot that I see open to attach.

I would never Fight more then two at a time if I am not armed with a gun of some kind.

When the out break happens I would find a van in the street thats wide enough to be filled with various caned goods and other nonperishable items.

Regardless of time of year I would try to wear rough material's such as, jeans, and jean jackets as they can not bite though them.

Due to playing alot of "ResidentEvil" I know fear is the real enemy so I would not let the tense mood get to me.

Imediately after getting myself together I would try to find other survivors of the outbreak, I would then establish a small band of cars in which we would stay on the road and teach self defense lessons.

I've thought such an event as this through very carefully, and I found it funny I'm not the only one who thought of this.:p


The devoted
easy way to stop yourself being a zombie, act like homer simpson, be so dumb, they dont think u have brains, alternatively, vinyl records make brilliant ammo aim at the neck, the head comes off and the zombie is dead, again


New Member
I live in an area outside the city center, in a block of apartment buildings. If a swarm of zombies would break throughout the world, and what's of my concern, around the place I'd live, I have plenty of ammo and weapons in my house. I also have a warehouse near, in which I've deposited my own swords and fire arms.

There are like 35-40 little markets around the place I live, uber-filled with food supplies. Clothes aren't a problem at all. Plenty of cars are around the neighborhood, so I wouldn't worry about them.

What would I advice to people living in the same area as me, is to hold the strategic points of the surrounding environment and use It on their own profit and advantage, i.e. making barricades using abandoned cars, lock holes such as windows and doors they don't use, and secure the stairs and other spaces around them.

By video game experience and movie, mainly Resident Evil, the best tactic, aim their heads. Use long, sharp and thick materials to bat their heads off.

By the way, Kayla, nice idea to make a thread for. Rep+ for that. ;)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
In the case of a viral outbreak, the first thing I would do is stay away from infected area, possibly head for an incredibly secure place, ensuring I have some form of weapon on my person. (Shouldn’t be difficult in my case…)

I live in a rather small town, so a prime location would either be the local supermarket or police station, perhaps police station firs to consolidate any need for firearms and then base myself in the supermarket, eliminating any need for food or water.

After that, all you can really do is keep yourself safe, aim for the head and pray to god that someone finds you, failing that, fight your way out, seeing as my town isn’t really that big, it wouldn’t be difficult to try and escape guns blazing, plus there are plenty back ways through fields that lead pretty far away from my town.


well i live in new york city so i most likely find a hardware stroe to grab hammers and some chainsaws then go to amarkwt to stock up food wear thick coats and pants and hope for the best


Aya Brea
I live in a heavily populated area, but that does leave alot of hospitals, churches, grocerie stores, plus alot of weapon stores too. My first idea would be medical supplise. Just like water and canned foods, any type of medican for simple woulds like cuts and all would be needed to heal flesh so incase of any contact with an infected person, any bodily fluid or blood will not get on the cut and lead to infection.

We also have alot of heavily wooded areas and docks over hear. Boat access could be easy. Last I heard Zombies can't swim, but who knows. I'd also stock up on flashlights, BATTERIES! LOTS OF BATTERIES! I wouldn't carry all kinds of weapons, but perhaps a very large knife, a shotgun and handgun with pleanty of bullets. I would try to hold out on the gun unless I absolutely have no other way of getting out of a situation without the use of a gun when a knife isn't handy.

Whether infection is airborn or not, I would keep any type of gas mask handy. Who knows what chemicals could linger in the air. I have a whole bunch of ideas. I'll post later.

Feel free to post as many ideas as you want!

Devil Hunter 95

Supreme Trickster
well since my town is small but has alot of places to hide i would go for a weapon shop and stock up on all kinds of guns and keep a katana at my side at all times (since i have already have one it wouldn't be too hard to fight off infected).

i would hide out in the weapon shop because the windows and everything else is barred.

when i need food i would go to local food stores that r not too far away from my location and if there r infected in the area then i would stick to the rooftops since the buildings r easy for me to climb.

and if there is one infected in the food store i would take it out quickly before any others know where im at.

and if there are surivours then i would help them find weapons to hold infected back and supply them with guns.

and if i had no chioce but to escape i would at least get a heavy armored van to make a get-a-way.

but if there where alot of infected so that i could not leave then i would have to find other means for protection and food.

but if i had no choice but to fight a larg amount of infected i would have to go for the sword/gun combo.

but if i ran out of ammo on my person i would have to run and hide
(since i played many games that invlove this concept i know to hind in places that people wouldnt expect).

and if there was a female survivour then of course i would have no chioce but to reproduce so that i have futer generations to keep the fight going.


Well-known Member
I live in a niche' area between two heavily populated areas.
Short drive to either means I have easy access to food, water and ammunition whilst at the same time being isolated enough to set up a secure camp that would be undetectible from the mass amounts of infectees.

The first priority is to gather food, water and medical supplies, even without weapons you can shut yourself away undetected via basement etc and simply wait for them to eat each other.

Weapons is a second priority but a Flare Gun ranks higher.

When a vaccine is EVENTUALLY designed there may be military scouts via the air whom are looking for unaffected survivors so a signal would be nessacary whereas a constant fire (very Lord of the Flies) would draw any local hostiles near.

The third and final major item needed to survive a mass outbreak are allies. Without other un affected members many heavy duty tasks would leave an individual weak and tired with no energy left to defend themselves when needed, this would be remedied by gathering neigbours (provided no Zombie attack has taken place at their residence) and assigning them duties also.

Nice topic! :D +rep

Devil Hunter 95

Supreme Trickster
ok so far the ideas for surival guides are great but what if there was a limitation of items and etc. what would you do then?


Aya Brea
Then you'd either try to make the best out of fighting and getting to areas where there may be a larger ammount of supplies or just give up. To be honest, on that decision, it would have to really happen to see how I would react on that.

One thing I would avoid is getting caught in crouds of infected and non infected. People could get confused and just shoot anything.


New Member
VI-Rainbow;89004 said:
One thing I would avoid is getting caught in crouds of infected and non infected. People could get confused and just shoot anything.

Crowds always mean trouble.


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
For me it doesn't matter what part of town I live in, weither it's crowded, isolated, there will always be zombies

As for what I would do: Go to a bar and get drunk and kill a whole lot of the MF, but first kill the MF who started the outbreak in the first place

As for tatics: Have the power of spontanious combustion (alot of things happen when your drunk)


Lost Soul
1. Don't go running around shouting we are all gonna die
2. Don't take aloud of drunk people fully armed saying it will be just like hunting
3. Place yourself someplace where people can't get in. Though you should note you can't get out either so take alot of thinks to keep you less bored.
4. Don't bunk up with nutty people
5. Get fully armed with weapons
6. make sure the place you are bunking up isn't full of dead people.


Aya Brea
If I really had to get away from the area I'm in due to a large mass of infected or god knows what, I'll have to find shelter else where. Sometimes large houses might be good, due to basements or attics, but one thing I wouldn't like about it is being cornered in an attic. There could be more in the house. That's why I agree with Dalkin on making sure your hideout or whatever is free of infected or other people.

I know stealing is wrong, but I would probably switch vehicles from time to time. Unless one dies out or has alot of damage, so I'd take some car keys with me. If I do come in contact with other survivors that are NOT infected, I suggest checking their ID if they do have one available. During such times people can become mad or irritated and may not be who they truely are and will try take over you as a leader.

So don't take too many with you. If you are in a large group, make a plan incase you have to split up. Know your surroundings so you won't get lost. I don't think it matters what time of day it is, but night time is far more dangerous. I wouldn't go out if I absolutely have to.

Another idea... kinda like Robert did from I Am Ledgend, make broadcast signals to see if you can get ahold of police or any type of other help from those who are in a heavily protected area.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Zombie Survival: Trust nobody, and always check yourself to make sure that you have not been biten or anything.

If you find that somebody has, even if they are a friend, kill them immediately so it doesn't spread further.

Devil Hunter 95

Supreme Trickster
ok if that happened to of friend of mine i wouldnt kill them on the spot, i would try to make a cure for the infection spread and if that dont work then i would have to kill them.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Yeah, but whilst you are doing that, they could be about to attack you. Not to mention the danger you'd be putting others in.
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