typically reboots aren't well received anyway so it doesn't really matter
I don't know much about anime other than the fact that it makes me recoil in disgust whenever I see it, but I didn't see DMC as animeish until DMC3.The ones who fell in love with the DMC games did so for many reasons, not the least of which were the anime/gothic feel, the over-the-top characters, the cheesiness, and the overall Japaneseness of it all. When they decided to westernize it and make it more realistic, they threw away those elements
Valid point. And I guess Aggrotech bands fit the visual of DmC more than Hardcore Punk bands do.To be fair, they don't fit DMC, but they sure as hell fit DmC, with its anti-establishment, rebellious punk theme; and the darker and more gruesome elements. DMC is about that clean and sleek style, which is fine and dandy, but DmC uses a more raw and chaotic style. They're both good, just...different.
I don't know much about anime other than the fact that it makes me recoil in disgust whenever I see it, but I didn't see DMC as animeish until DMC3.
DMC1 for example feels very western to me; Dante is a badass with a Van Helsing style fashion sense, dual wields 2 M1900s, has a medieval looking sword, goes around a European looking castle killing demons, fights a demonic knight named Nelo Angelo(Nero Angelo = "black knight" in Italian), a main boss named Mundus(Latin for "world"), Alastor looks very much like a Claymore and in Greek mythology is linked to Zeus, Griffin being a Greek mythological creature, the trident (Posideon), the staff of Hermes, philosopher's stone, etc. seems overwhelmingly western - especially European.
I really love how you guys blame the bad PR on the initial fan reaction
A lot of the skeptics on this forum were just that. SKEPTICS
I will admit I was angered by the new Dante, but what really rustled my jimmies was more or less that Devil May Cry was being handled by the makers of Enslaved, Heavenly Sword, and Kung Fu Chaos.
I mean really? I get that developers have to be firm and follow their own visions.
But when you take a critically-acclaimed series with a loyal fanbase, and completely rework it from the ground up in terms of both gameplay AND story. Then at least have some kind of reputation to back it up.
I liked DmC, but the PR was practically the equivolant of Daniel Way trying to trash talk Joe Kelly
You may have wrote the modern iterations . But he wrote the arc people care about
^This pretty much sums it up for me.
And while I respect your viewpoint Chancey, I can't agree with it. They say the fans were the ones to blame, but both Capcom and NT handled the PR horribly, there is no escaping that fact. I understand that, as a creator, writer, whatever, Tameem may have taken some of the backlash personally. But as professionals, he and Alex are expected to handle these things in a professional manner, and they both failed-epically, I might add.
It was their overly entitled, "Shut up and like our game without making an educated decision on it" attitudes that put a lot of people off of the game. If it wasn't sitting under the Devil May Cry title, I may have been able to warm up to it; but, I just can't. Oh believe me, I've tried. I really, really have...
But to me, those characters just aren't the ones I know. With the whole debacle going down the way it did, the damage is done. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.
If they had handled the PR better (not just NT, but Capcom, above all) I may have been more inclined to give it a show. I still would have been skeptical, but I pride myself on my willingness to try out new things.
However, they expected respect from the fans, when they gave none in return. For those people who like one or both franchises in part or in whole-kudos. No seriously, kudos; I wish I had that level of forgiveness and openness.
The announcement trailer raises a lot of questions, but the CG trailer (if used first) would have raised better ones without causing nearly as much hub-bub.
Constantine, Buffy, Angel, Supernatural, etc all have a heavy mythological influence, why is it weird for DMC to have it?
Demons talking normally is just a convenience thing. Having them all sound like Death or Black metal singers, whilst inherently more demonic than regular talking, would just be annoying for most players.
His look is odd - primarily because of the red colour scheme. That exists because Dante is red, Vergil (or Nelo in DMC1) is blue, and Sparda is purple, a combination of those 2 colours, Had they not thought that up it's very likely Dante would've been decked out in 100% black - which is less weird. Blade? Basically everyone in Underworld? Spike? Angel? Van Helsing? Even the white hair thing is really just a plot related oddity, it's an easy visual cue of Cambions.
DMC3 Dante himself isn't that much more anime in my eyes (aside from the random duster + no shirt combo), the game itself is just more anime. Everything in DMC3 is visually more cartoony than DMC1 or 2.
Fair point about DMC3's bosses.
1 and 2 keep the gothic feel for me. It's 3 ad the brightly coloured 4 that look anime to me.
But as professionals, he and Alex are expected to handle these things in a professional manner, and they both failed-epically, I might add.
It was their overly entitled, "Shut up and like our game without making an educated decision on it" attitudes that put a lot of people off of the game.
However, they expected respect from the fans, when they gave none in return. For those people who like one or both franchises in part or in whole-kudos. No seriously, kudos; I wish I had that level of forgiveness and openness.
but that trailer is pretty annoying to me simply because of how smug Dante sounds when he says his name,
(ooooh, I'm wearing a hoodie, how cool am I?)
or that guy sitting there with his 'b*tches'
Oh of course. It's not the entire fandom's fault, but the lowest of the low, who were very outspoken and extremely vocal. There was even a GameFAQs thread declaring the "mission statement" of what we'd call those extremists where they prattled off their plan to ensure that misinformation was heard over anything else, and all this other really dumb stuff :/
The one time I have seen Tameem "bite anyone's head off" was actually not even that, because he replied to the wrong guy. He was getting bombarded with tweets when the demo came out, and I had been following his responses when it came up. The tweet he actually was trying to leave his snarky response to was from someone just being a gigantic turd about how using Ophion Angel Pull needs a fix because it keeps you airborne :/
Or just being succinct :tongue: Rather odd to be concerned with the random voice actor sounding smug when 75% of the games in the classics had an extremely smug Dante of their own. We could also argue that smugness is in the eye of the beholder, though.
It was raining, he has a hood. How is it bad that he actually uses his hood for the exact reason it was designed for >.>
Shows off the excess and debauchery of the demonic establishment, it's a quick shot to help establish that Moneybags McChubster isn't innocent. It's a lot of quick things to establish in 90-second spot, but they did it well.
Any time old Dante sounded smug, it was meant as a joke - like when he said ''my father wasn't that ugly. Can't you tell by looking at me?'' all the while holding up a hand mirror he pulled out of nowhere. That was meant to be a cartoonish joke, and it was also meant as a way to annoy his enemy.
You seriously don't think it was meant to make him look 'cool' and make him stand out from the crowd? The setting of the trailer might as well have been in bright daylight - it wouldn't have changed anything, other than that the people on the street wouldn't be using umbrellas. This was all clearly set up to give Dante a reason to look 'gangsta' *shiver*. Why not use an umbrella and do something interesting with that? For example, he could use it as a weapon once he enters the building. Or give the umbrella some kind of feature that makes it stand out from the other umbrellas so you know something is going on on the street.
Actually, he was looking at his reflection in Rebellion's blade when he said that. XD But yeah, I derived humour from most of Dante's cocky antics, as well. It was never meant to be taken seriously; he knew who he was and what he was, he had mixed feelings about that, but he made the best of it. That's how I see him.
Of course, everyone is going to interpret it differently, but that's what keeps things like this interesting.
I can't really nitpick his clothing, but the moment you mentioned the umbrella being used as a weapon, my mind instantly went to Roberta from Black Lagoon. :laugh: It would have been interesting to see something that isn't ordinarily a weapon being utilized as one, though.