Freddy777;270289 said:
I'm sorry if you did't like my idea, but what's with the full on attack, man.
I didn't attack your idea at all. I just pointed out the weaknesses in it. I don't know what you were looking for by posting it if not analysis of it.
The percentage numbers isn't a real percentage. It is only meant to show what influence is on my idea and how much of it is on there.
And the "no heretical and pagan ideas" just means that i'm not going to use what has already been used in other games, books, and movies. That's why I was going for something original. DMC already has heretical and pagan ideas in it.
Well, one must consider that there are no original ideas anyway. But you shouldn't purposefully be making a story that is opposite of DMC, which has so-called heretical ideas in it. Your story, if you want ti to be convincing and fit with the series, needs to contain some of the same themes and elements as the same series. From what I read, such an account isn't particularly "DMC" if you know what I mean. That is my opinion.
And having knowledge doesn't have anything to do with evil. Knowledge only means just that, knowledge. It just meant that the Angels knew how things worked in the universe, better than Mankind does. Knowledge or science has nothing to do with good and evil. It is what you do with that knowledge that matters, whether for good or evil.
Classically, knowledge and evil are intimately connected. Perhaps you think evil is arbitrary, but the philosophers believed that evil was only the result of ignorance. That is, if one knew the full truth of everything, committing evil would be a non-option. It would be like if you knew that hot things burned you, you wouldn't willfully stick your hand into a fire and hold it there, unless it was in furtherance of some greater good.
Also, knowledge is not a deterrant to evil, wisdom is. That's is why human means wise man, b/c these humans were wise to keep to the light, even though evil had tainted them.
Also, it is because that Mankind had little knowledge that the man Oren fell first.
Wisdom and knowledge were the same here I thought. You should untangle them if you're using them differnetly. And you just said that Oren fell because he had little knowledge, not little wisdom. In any case, if the humans were wise, then Oren should have never fallen.
And Oren was not the only one isolated by the Angels. Remember that Oren had a female partner namded Levana, who was also influenced by Oren's pure darkness. And both of them were isolated.
Then my point still stands. If they were isolated, then how did evil spring up again? Was it some kind of infection?
And I knew it would contradict something in the Genesis manga, I already said it was a work-in progress, a draft.
I see that, I think you should work on it further if you're trying to make it agree with the manga. Or if you aren't, then don't worry.
And just as you are going off the internal evidence, so I am doing the same by proposing the possibility of God and angels in the game.
Not exactly. I used internal evidence to create a framework for the series. You seem to merely be forcing things in where they don't fit. Nothing in the games alludes to the God and fallen angels and whatnot that you have in your story. Maybe you just need to develop the story further to connect the dots some more.
And I never tried to disprove your idea or criticize it so strongly like you did to mine, but I only gave my opinion and why. Your story idea was not original b/c it used heretical and pagan ideas that have been used so much and so frequently. That's it.
I didn't attack yours either. I'm pretty sure my story is original in its formulation, but of course all stories are derivative and draw on earlier works, whether their authors care to recognize that or not. I certainly do recognize it and I included those elements consciously, with the understanding that the arrangement is more important than the separate elements. Originality for its own sake is meaningless, alas.
I could attack your story idea as well, but that is not my goal. My goal is to see how God and Angels can be integrated into the game.
And I'm am certainly NOT trying to push my "established" view. In fact, I am the only one in this thread that is actually trying to help others with their ideas by giving them info. and ideas.
You're free to do whatever you want, of course. If you want to attack my idea, use the PMs. But the problem here is that your idea doesn't really integrate anything smoothly. It needs to be tweaked unless you want it to be analogous to my Jesus example, with him just popping out of nowhere. Really, what does your story mean? What are we meant to learn from it? What is its telos?
I owe nothing to the fiction world. I thought we were here b/c we were fans of DMC and wanted to throw in our own ideas, not see which one is better. Your dislike of Christian ideas and western ideas means nothing to me. It is your opinion.
Besides, since DMC 5 has already been confirmed, they have already decicded to take a western approach.
Of course you do, you owe everything to it, as a fan. If you aren't going to respect the fictional world of DMC, then you really have no business discussing it or suggesting ways to change it. As fans, we all have this inherent respect for DMC and that means keeping it coherent and intelligible. If you want to talk about putting things into DMC, you have to make sure you keep them in the style or theme or motifs of DMC, and not just make things up willy nilly. I'm not saying you did that, but your story isn't DMC enough to make it noteworthy IMO.
I have no dislike of Christian or western ideas though, and I have no idea where you got that. I don't think DMC should be forced into a stereotypically Christian framework, that's all. It constantly seems to resist it, so blame Kamiya and Kobayashi, not me.
But seriously moses, I'm not here to bicker or argue with you. As you see I have only been defending myself.
You don't have to reply, you know. I simply offered my opinion on your story, which you posted in a public forum no less. If you are expecting outright acceptance, you certainly won't find it from me.