General DMC 5 Discussion

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If you want to make s rank in hell and hell simply avoid all combat and kill enemy at the distance even if you suck during combat if you manage to not get one hit you will receive an s rank... Also avoid the fight That are not necessary, whit Nero take 8 rag time whit you and use them during combat, you must use th move were you press the breaker button until It charge, also stay always in the air and use you devil bringer to take them every time in the air, when a boss happer refile you rag time and press the breaker button until it explode do this whit all the 8 rag time you take so you can freeze time and you will kill the boss easyli.... Whit v just attack whit the familiar and stay alway at distance whit him and always move or jump... Whit dante I dominate the battlefield so it s not really difficult whit him, try to refeal the sin devil trigger gauge and use it when needed, press R2 when you are in sin devil trigger to attack enemy whit projectal and when you are about to end the trasformation press triangle+square this move will freeze time and dante will perform an attack that not only will probably kill every enemy in the area but will also gauge you style rank exponentially
Knowing foxtrot , I doubt he will do that method as no offense but that sounds really boring lmao

I go with I frames in the air , jump cancelling everything but Fury's , which I use Ice age and royal guard for

Urizen in mission 12 is a joke once u learn his distance specific moves

If you exploit the range he will do a spinning move with his tentacles trying to hit you

You can trickster out of them and JC his head , or royal guard them for Dt bars or sin bar

With Nero helter skelter in dt does great damage and is perfect for crowd control

Gerbera parries fury

And max act constantly

Again I frames in the air

With v , hold RT/R2 to build Dt
Then L2/Lt to have griffon and shadow auto attack

Bring in nightmare and jump on his head to keep out of harm's way
Knowing foxtrot , I doubt he will do that method as no offense but that sounds really boring lmao

I go with I frames in the air , jump cancelling everything but Fury's , which I use Ice age and royal guard for

Urizen in mission 12 is a joke once u learn his distance specific moves

If you exploit the range he will do a spinning move with his tentacles trying to hit you

You can trickster out of them and JC his head , or royal guard them for Dt bars or sin bar
It's an easy way to take the s rank in hell and hell for people who arent able to do that, it s not boring, you end every mission in less than 5 minutes...
Also I did the s rank in hell and hell by studying every enemy movement and doing every fight, I miss only a few mission... not everyone are able to get s rank by playing normally so the method I say apply to people who want s rank easyli but are unable to get it
I am talking about everyone, I am talking about foxtrot (who I have known for ages and who one time I helped to learn jc)

He is an up close and personal combat kind of guy

And to people who like that kind of combat , staying at a distance and shooting is Boring

It's not an attack on your method by the way

Just my own personal opinion on it which I'm sure would be shared by people who play like me

I agree your method would work , but it takes all the fun out of it as far as I think
I am talking about everyone, I am talking about foxtrot (who I have known for ages and who one time I helped to learn jc)

He is an up close and personal combat kind of guy

And to people who like that kind of combat , staying at a distance and shooting is Boring

It's not an attack on your method by the way

Just my own personal opinion on it which I'm sure would be shared by people who play like me

I agree your method would work , but it takes all the fun out of it as far as I think
Even i dont like It because it s not fun, I am not the guy That play on distance ecc... But my method is not about eving fun but to get the s rank easily, and since every persone play dmc 5 differently, this metod is so simple that can be used by everyone also people who never played action game in their life and played dmc 5 as their first action game... It can also be use by professional game in case they want to get the easy way... I suggested this to foxtrot in case he wanted to get s rank easy, it s up to him if he want to use it or not... Also the method of staying in the distance applayed only to nero, since v you must stay in the distance in any case XD and dante method is not about staying in distance but attacking and boost sin dt gauge
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Fair enough bud , Nero can fight up close like Dante

Just comes down to the know how I guess

I do forget at times that lots of people still use basic non JC fighting styles
Fair enough bud , Nero can fight up close like Dante

Just comes down to the know how I guess

I do forget at times that lots of people still use basic non JC fighting styles
There are people who just press triangle while playing dmc, not their fault, 15 year ago I was the same when first played dmc, whit time a became to master every move and kill every enemy whit easy
If I ever do Hell and Hell... I'd probably choose to use Super Dante and then just hold Royal Guard.

Completely fair tactic as far as I'm concerned. Super unfair enemies vs super unfair blocking potential... But, I'm not too good with these games. I'm more of a SoS combo type of player.
Nah just holding the button does a normal guard and with enough attacks that can be broken through

There is an animation for it where u hear glass breaking

Then Ur open to attack
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There are so many hidden things in the game you keep finding new stuff

Even new areas in missions not there before

It sure does

Vergil getting a doppleganger like his DmC counterpart actually annoyed me to be honest, but his moveset was good

Hopefully that wasn't all of it showcased , and we get to play with an expanded one with more moves in bloody palace

Possibly with force edge and beowolf

It makes a lot of sense why Vergil would have Doppleganger. Especially when you take the events of DMC5 and even Nero's DT in DMC4 into consideration. Its establish in DMC5 now that stabbing oneself with Yamato can separate man from devil. Nero's DT in DMC4 and Vergil's Doppleganger could be the user isolating their demonic energy into a physical form via the Yamato.

One of V's early concepts was a female version that they should totally reuse for another character or DmC. It kinda looks like Malphas so maybe it could be her human form( I want a rematch with V). I wanna see this reused for an older Patty or Patty's mom because they have the potential for it. She might have summoned Phantom or a medusa-like demon given how her hair was drawn.

One of them looks like Gilver, another looks like he's auditioning for the Crow and one looks he's in college so it would be a cool costume pack. It would be funny if V gets a sword and tries to do a weak version of Dark slayer- Griffin should be his announcer.

Dante has a muttonchop mustache which is funny to me.

Well the concept art section had the female design labeled under V. So she probably wasn't an idea for Malphas or they based Malphas off of it. They are known for using scrapped ideas from previous games so something like her could be used for another project. While she does seem to be an early idea for V and look like they took some of her aesthetics to make Malphas the whole hair thing doesn't seem used in the game. Although perhaps they had the idea of having all the summons tied to her hair. I can see her being a design heavily associated with Mundus. Like another one of his creations or his own spawn. Either way they can easily just have her take up V's playstyle (and not even be related to V).

Itsuno revealed in a recent interview they planned to make V Gilver instead but didn't because it would've been too obvious. So we got the V we know instead.

They are known of reusing scrapped ideas.

Did you manage to pull that off yourself? Cause if I try to double tap DT it just summons Nightmare and he does his regular things. It doesn't seem like the game recognizes double tapping, it seems it only cares about the first button press.

I was only told about by Pat from Castle Super Beast in the Woolie VS DMC5 videos (my fault really Pat is usually wrong about most things associated with DMC). I tried testing it out myself but it seems to not work. It seems it only works in tight spaces like in the sewers in Mission 5.

Nightmare has a lot of environment based summons but there are a few summon scenarios that we can cause that seem to be context sensitive. Like his underground uppercut, the meteor fall, the belly flop, and coming out like normal. I know the meteor fall only comes when you're outdoors. I'm still trying to figure out how to consistently trigger those different summoning animations.

Does anybody have a clue?
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Knew about all those things in the videos , and found the DMC4 scarecrow toy in Nico's van

Saw a few other things in the missions

Those two videos don't cover everything

There is also a bael the butcher reference to bael

And a sparda express sign in the market

There are a lot of hidden gems
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I'd want to know whether or not Nobodies or any of the Blade enemies have critical hits, like the Death Scissors.

I know you can put the Nobodies into an extended stun state if you parry their mask as they're putting it on, which checks off the hint in their description... I'm doubting they have any weaknesses that inflict critical damage, but I'm still hoping for someone to discover something.

The default Blade enemy (haven't memorized their names yet) had a description that hinted towards some kind of weakness as well, but I haven't seen anyone find anything yet.
You can use double kalina Ann to stun the nobody and then attack them
Knew about all those things in the videos , and found the DMC4 scarecrow toy in Nico's van

Saw a few other things in the missions

Those two videos don't cover everything

There is also a bael the butcher reference to bael

And a sparda express sign in the market

There are a lot of hidden gems

Oh I'm aware. Is there any videos online that has a list of all or most of the hidden stuff anywhere or maybe some list on a forum or Reddit somewhere? Especially if it's gameplay orientated. Tips, enemy guides, secret tech, hidden counters, Easter eggs, etc?

Is it weird that I wanna see V's female concept art reused for Nero's mom?

That could work. The opening prologue claimed "will this conflict be resolved by man, demon, or......" and Nero's bio on the website list him as hybrid/???. Both Vergil and Dante are puzzled by Nero's powers. Dante has been around and seen most things and Vergil due to both his research into demonic resources for power and his time as Nelo Angelo and wandering the underworld decaying for a decade should know a lot but even Nero still surprises them. Combined with the fact the Vergil opening cutscene in DMC4SE that his mom could be more significant than just a random Fortuna lady Vergil shagged during his time there. Probably leaning towards a special human bloodline like Lady and the priestest Sparda sacrificed or perhaps related to Mundus.

Then again Nero's power could be the result of being mostly human so his demon side can be fueled by more human blood than a halfie would.
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