Well, I'll put it to you like this. I played the demo 5 times and I even S the mission but at no time did I feel as in control of the character as I have with every other DMC game. I have a weird feeling that that might have a lot to do with, and I'm guessing here, the controller's lock-on button being unresponsive because if isn't then the game releases the lock on with way too much ease. I had a hard time pulling off helm breaker when the enemies were constantly moving beneath me. It's a step backward that Nero's snatch wire only works one way, yank or towards, not both. I know people don't like DmC but just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everything in it has to be thrown out the window and the lift and pull were a good progression of the DevBrgnr.
I also didn't like the options don't let you change the taunt button. I like to put Nero's taunt on R2 so I can run and dropkick without having to reach for the select button. By the way, you can drop kick now without going to full speed. Nero doesn't cover as much space so you have to get closer to connect but now you don't have to go at full dash.
I really didn't like how the game plays exactly like DMC4. It's got a few alterations, good ones, but even if it look much better and the animation is smoother the game still feels like 4. It's been 10 years and aside from the DvlBrkr and the new loading charge shots mechanics but the game is almost identical to 4 and after that decade I want more. How about some more combos? I'm tired of the same 4 on the ground and the same 2 in the air. Or, even better, how about an entirely new set? Even Bayonetta 2, which had the same combos, had the foresight to alternate them and make them all variations from the one game to the other so you're not just playing new stages on what's basically the same game.
Yeah but this isn't like that. It's more like those enemies in Bloodborne that you had to catch and kill and they gave you plenty of blood echoes for your troubles. In fact, it's very much that.
You know what? Honestly I could not agree more with you Berto. I was away the whole weekend the demo came out and could not wait to get home to play it.
All of your gripes with it are the same as what I was feeling when I was playing it.
Again, I don’t know whether it’s to do with us not having an Xbox One X but I’m very underwhelmed.
The combat can feel amazing but I genuinely feel like they’ve missed the trick here. People can say what they want about DmC but some of the things they implemented were the kind of changes that make you go; “omg, why wasn’t that always the case?” Proper no brainers and stuff.
The taunt thing really bugs me, I’m hoping that it’s just on the demo we can’t change it. Because there are two unused buttons and I think it’s a crime we can’t togglw taunt to them. Especially since we have that Red Queen skateboard aerial taunt, which I love implementing into my combos.
And I feel like part of the ‘having less control’ night actually have something to do with the way they’ve done the animations and stuff, you know? A couple of times I’ve tried to cancel out of certain moves and it just wasn’t having any of it.
Everyone should try this..
It seems a really odd thing to do but it will give you perspective on how the controls feel different.
On every other DMC game, it you just wiggle the left analog stick in a circle frantically, your character matches exactly that movement, regardless of how stupid it looks. It’s complete control.
Try it on DMC 5. Nero will not follow your thumb exactly as you’re doing it. The animation of turning abruptly takes paramount over the actual movement.
It does sound weird but it’s something I noticed.
I also noticed though that you can REALLY influence your directional movement mid jump. More so than ever before it’s a bit mad.
I’m just rambling now because I’m in work and I’ve snuck off to the toilet to come on here
But yeah Berto, exact same problems you have with the game my man. Exactly the same. Properly enjoying it but I do feel a little underwhelmed