Caliber is there but, yes, there was no enemy step, which would've been very helpful in the Goliath fight.It seems this demo is an even earlier build than the Gamescon demo since features like Enemy Step/Jump Canceling and more of Nero's moves like Shuffle and seems even Caliber are gone.
I was on an S. I can't afford an X. I already returned it. I had not issues with the performance, though. No screen tearing nor any particularly noticeable drops is performance. I knew from the start that the build was an old one and my guess is that, since it's an almost month long demo, they'll be updating it as the days go by, but I'm satisfied and I need my money for the holidays and other things, anyway.You could be suffering from performance issues if you're using a base Xbox One and not the X
The first one I bought was awful so I had them exchange it for a better one but, like I said, I think RB was unresponsive, but I couldn't tell.Also you said you bought or rented an used Xbox One? How is the controller quality?
This guy does a cool little thing here at the start. He mentions it before he does it. It’s better if I don’t say what it is.
That’s not at the beginning. I meant the bang bang bang.You mean parry Goliath's charge attack with a drop kick?
and this XBox is a pain in the ass. I hate this machine.
Hahaha, now that's a product review.
And thanks for the offer, but I'll be fine. I'm not immensely sour about it, I'll get the demo (and the game) eventually, just the fact that they made an exclusive demo is just...
![](), I don't know what anyone involved in that decision thought would happen? Did Microsoft think it would move systems? Did Capcom think that their fans would be fine with it? It gave a portion of the playerbase a chance to try the game out, but actually, literally alienated the rest, and for what? People aren't suddenly going to switch their preferred platform because of a demo on a multiplatform game, they aren't going to be amazed by the Xbox One's graphics or performance over the previous investment they've already made in a PS4, or especially PC.
Myself, personally, I didn't invest in an Xbox One because there are absolutely zero games on it I want. I cannot justify dropping the coin on that system for the minuscule offering it provides to me, not when I get that and more out of another. All they did was screw people over for supporting one system over another, specifically the system that has been the franchise's home since inception.
Just a terrible call, and it stings a little bit more given how well Capcom has been doing lately. It just reeks of "we got money for this" and while that's nice for them, I hope it's worth upsetting your customers.
Really!? This is DMC5's biggest PR mistake. Not the controversy with the lead singer of Subhuman and his song ****ing off....most if not 99.9% of the fanbase or the inclusion of microtransactions that made headlines (and not the positive ones Capcom wants to hear) and still echoes to this day. But I guess you don't personally mind those so those are not as bad as something you think personally affects you.
Well, here's the thing. Subhuman is a bad song, I don't like it, but I also barely liked a lot of the music that was in DMC before this. I hated DMC3 and DMC4's battle themes, too (absolute heresy, I know). However, I don't take this as an affront to my sensibilities. I'm not clutching my pearls over them deciding Subhuman was ever a decent song, but I'm also one dude, my tastes don't determine all. Additionally, the music director finished that song before the controversy even happened, there's no way he could have known. The microtransactions, that was always a massively stupid argument, because they aren't predatory in any way, shape, or form. The moment they want me to dig into my own pockets to play the game as normal, like some mobile garbage that thinks I'm an aquatic animal, that's when there's a problem. Until then, it's just an extra thing that we'll barely even notice, and will have less of an impact.
And sure, it was pretty dumb that they had a timed Monster Hunter beta only on PS4 - it's stupid either way. However, bein' real honest here, nobody bought and Xbox hoping for the next Monster Hunter title to be on it. Hell, people didn't buy PS4s hoping for a new Monster Hunter.
I think all the black tint fades from his body to summon the black creatures. If he had black eyes they'd turn a different shade.![]()
Looks like his tattoos evaporate when he Devil Triggers. Could be a seal that contains his demonic power.
That's Sparta. It's just the artist who drew it probably drew it by memory and didn't really pay attention to it's appearance.
I think that's a bit of a reach. There's no doubt that's suppose to be Sparda since that's most likely the sword Dante will use near the end of the game. I think the artist really did just draw whatever came to mind with Sparda since you don't really see the whole sword in that picture anyway.
Shall we bet on it?
It's Sparda, mate, it's Sparda!
Why not?:wink: Make your bet!
Nothing grand. ‘Tis a gentlemen’s agreement. Winner gets to say “Ha! I told you so!’
I hope the Live-action cutscenes can be toggled on and off, I don't want to be stuck with them active all the time.
More importantly look at his sword
More importantly look at his sword
I guess berto got his bragging rights now.
For now. We won’t know until we see how it all goes but for now, I’ll take it.If this isn't Sparda's in any form, @berto sir, you won! You had told us, sir!