I'm really not liking how Nero's Charged Shots aren't color-coded.
When keeping track of the charge in DMC4, you immediately know if it's Level 1, 2 or 3, based on the color.
Here, you kinda have to second guess and "look closer" to see if the blue aura is still charging or is finished.
Not a very good interface, compared to instant confirmation in the previous game.
There's a reason traffic lights are red, yellow and green, not different shades of blue or blinking at a precise interval.
Nothing beats color-coding to instantly recognize something on the fly.
You don't have to look at the arm, you can see the charge status on the interface on the top left. Color coding or not, having the actual UI telling you that is still better cause Nero's arm can get obscured by pieces of scenery, enemies or his own model.