The only environment you visit repeatedly is a small area before Urizen's throne room and you only pass by that area like 3 times. DMC1, 2, 3, and 4 all have moments have you go through certains more than once. Now if you're complaint about the Prologue, the last quarter of Mission 8, and Mission 10 look too similar then yeah I can see your point somewhat but due to story reasons that is why that is the case and I guess I can give you the last half of Mssion 14 and most of Mission 15 although those Missions takes place in the same area at the same time. Also out of 20 and a half Missions. That is the least amount of repeating areas in a DMC game (well not if you count DmC). I'm not going to go measure every polygon of unique areas in every DMC game but I'm fairly certain DMC5 wins out the other DMC games in this regard.
As for repeating bosses
That is quite the math you made there lets check that well as far as Dante goes
Devil Sword Dante
- Combo A
- Combo B
- Combo C (incorporates Prop and Shredder into the moveset)
- Stinger
- Aerial Rave
- High Time
- Million Stab
- Drive
- Overdrive
- Swords Formation (NEW and adds way more new options and depth to Dante's kit)
- Dance Macabre
- Four Handed (NEW)
- Stingers (NEW)
- High Times (NEW)
- Round Trips (A drastically different version of a old move so new)
Punch Mode
- Light Blow Combo (NEW)
- Heavy Jolt (serves the same function of Straight but without the back dash so sort of new and sort of old)
- Fly Dragon (NEW)
- Welter Move (NEW)
- Bantam Revenge (NEW)
- Feather Combo (NEW)
- Middle Break (NEW)
- Cruiser Drive (its Spark/Sparkling and Volcano so old)
- Minimum Dragon
- Rising Dragon (old but new method of executing it)
- Divine Dragon (same as Rising Dragon)
- Real Impact (old but must be ignited to use now)
- Mode Change (NEW FEATURE)
- Ignition (NEW feature that changes how charge/power up attacks work)
Kick Mode
- Combo A (NEW COMBO)
- Combo B (NEW COMBO)
- Friction
- Ignition Dance (NEW)
- Updraft (You said its like Vergil's DT Lunar Phase (DMC4SE) or Rising Sun but the animations are very different Rising Sun is a spinning rising front kicks like Chun Li's Tensho Kyaku while Updraft is basically Guile's Flash Kick, Updraft and Lunar Phase is about as similar as Stinger and Streak they accomplish a similar thing but are drastically different if you look at the animation and that Updraft puts you at an equal elevation of the enemy whereas Rising Sun knocks them a bit higher and you can choose to hold Rising Sun to go in the air or not where Updraft doesn't have that option and Rising Sun hits the enemy twice while Updraft only hits once so NEW) Please know what you're talking about
- Rolling Blaze
- Break Spiral (NEW)
- Firestorm (NEW)
- Flint Wheel (NEW)
- Pyromania (its Kick 13 but needed to be ignited)
Out of Balrog's 23 moves only like 7 is returning from past gauntlets/greaves and those are essentials at this point (like what a punch based weapon not having uppercuts or straight punches?) and you get gauntlet weapons every game (minus DMC2) so what is the problem here.
Cavaliere like you said is completely new (so count that as 14/15 if you count Cavaliere R)
King Cerberus
- Combo A
- Combo B
- Swing
- Revolver (can now be performed in the air)
- Crystal (replaces Windmill as the back move)
- Ice Age (no longer mapped to Sword Master)
- Combo C (NEW)
- Combo D (NEW)
- Role Play (similar to the end of DMC3 Crazy Dance so debatable)
- Combustion (NEW)
- Hot Stuff (NEW)
- Long Barrel (NEW)
- Long Revolver (Its NEW but its also a longer and faster version of Revolver)
- Thunder Clap (NEW but resembles Nevan's lightning bat summons somewhat)
- Revolution (NEW)
- Turbulence (NEW)
- Regicide (NEW)
- Percussion (NEW but it appears to be the lightning version of Million Carats)
Its tough to say but out of King Cerberus 19 moves like 6 - 9 are old moves so about half of the weapon is new and old. Also there is nothing wrong with returning weapons as long as they are upgraded and changed enough to justify it like King Cerberus and especially Balrog. Especially when you have tons of fans demanding weapons like Agni and Rudra (understandable), Nevan (eww), and Alastor (don't see why it should unless Trish gets it).
Then you have Sin DT (which is oddly independent from DSD) and rather than list the moves since they're all new its 10.
Ebony and Ivory
TwoSome Time works completely differently now with Gunslinger making shoot Ivory and style ebony and you can now choose which gun to shoot and where and they have different properties adding far more dynamics to E&I while in Gunslinger.
In Gunslinger E&I automatically charge and they're independent from each other.
Honeycomb Shot is now an independent move that doesn't have to be chained from Twosome Time and thus can come out more instantaneously now.
Rainstorm now has built inertia that can be used to move you from place to place
Coyote A
- Charge Shot
- Fireworks
- Shotgun Stinger
- Backslider
- Cut In/Cut Out, Cut Left (this one is hard to count but lets count it as 1 move to keep it simple. Its just 1 simple move with a lot of possibilities and uses SO NEW)
Kalina Ann/Kalina Ann 2/Double Kalina Ann
- Howizter Shot
- High Explosive
- Multiple (altered from Lady's version and now has 2 versions where you can either hit a single target or target all nearby enemies)
- Blaster (its NEW you can say its the same as Lady's double jump in DMC4SE but 1) it doesn't give Dante a second jump and 2) it launches enemies into the air whereas Lady's double jump in DMC4SE doesn't and that they different animations)
- Hysteric
- Cascade (NEW)
- Mega Cascade (NEW)
*Double Kalina Ann is mostly the same as Kalina Ann but it has double the firing rate so it fires twice as much missiles in moves and can fire twice as fast with Howizter Shot and Blaster
*Holding down the gunslinger button with Double Kalina Ann equipped dismounts one Kalina Ann to use one Kalina Ann and have that moveset instead of Double Kalina (cool hidden feature but don't really see much benefit so far outside a different charge shot and the fact using the same move again but with either Kalina Ann or Double Kalina Ann will still raise style meter)
Faust Hat is completely NEW and comes with 8 moves
So lets do the math here. Only counting melee focused options (excluding Trickster and RoyalGuard) and excluding Rebellion/Sparda. Dante's combat focused moveset is 108 moves in total and ONLY 38-40 of that is returning moves. Even if you throw in Royal Guard and Trickster the amount of "recycled" moves are still less than 50%. You need to retake algebra boi.
Nero is a story for another time.
Lets not forget that the Swords Formation adds way more depth and more tools to Dante's disposal especially since it provides longer attack range and special attack formations that vary based on moves (carry over to other weapons), extra dashes (that can inflict damage) and an extra air jump in Trickster, automatic defense in Royal Guard, and shoots at nearby enemies in Gunslinger.
That is such a superfluous example especially for a series that has repeat bosses all the time especially DMC1 and DMC3 (well DMC4 is no better either probably a lot worst in this regard). In those games you refought ALL the bosses (minus Lady and Arkham in 3 and stupidly not Credo and gratefully not the Savior in 4 granted in DMC1 you fought every boss 3 times and DMC3 has you fight Vergil 3 times) at least once. In DMC5 you only refought Urizen (ok maybe 4 times was overdoing it but it was mainly due to story reasons and final form Urizen deviates very far from his last 3 fights), Vergil, and weaker versions of Cavaliere Angelo, Artemis, and Goliath and unlike DMC1/3 its far more justified since V plays drastically different from Nero/Dante so its a different experience. And just cause Cavaliere is riding Geryon its NOT the same boss fight as Cavaliere Angelo (that is a pile of HORSE





. The two fights are mechanically and drastically different. That is like saying you fought the Savior as Nero in DMC4 because Sanctus used him a bit in his boss fight against Nero. The only DMC game to not have repeat boss fights was DmC.
Its Capcom tradition to have repeat boss fights or boss rushes. They're going to keep implementing them in a lot of their games no matter how much people bitch about it. Although I like boss rushes (I really don't get the hate unless if they're done well like in DMC3, or the bosses chosen were good and not tedious, and I honestly found DMC5's mini boss rush the best attempt in the series with more effort and thought put into it than past entries).
Also its not like the game was made within 10 years. It had a dev cycle of little over 3 years. Game length as long as DMC3 but with zero backtracking, boss and enemy roster on par with DMC3's size (with debate ably better quality in most areas). Best enemy variety in the series or at least tied to DMC1. Nuanced combat mechanics for (at least 2 characters) dripping with near limitless possibilities, a new drastically different play style with its own hurdles to make, visuals this good, models and animations with tons of work put into them, exuding with extreme detail at every corner, and making sure all enemies and bosses could work and are designed for 3 characters with drastically different playstyles. To me feels like an AAA DMC game made in 3 years which is what it is. As someone who studied Game Design and Coding before changing to Concept Art/Vis Dev I can say Game Development doesn't work like that.
I'm one for all having different opinions (don't care where you rank the series) but when you spout "facts" that are objectively WRONG or pure nonsense to undermine all the hard work and effort that a team put behind a project (especially when the director threatened to leave his job to have your dumb sequel to a capitalistic product made) people will call you out.