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emo pole


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dante devil

Dante- Vergil- Nero
as a emo/scene kid who here likes emos cause i've had a lot of mixed reactions at my apperance dont hold back.:D


Shall we dance?
I generally find emos no better than chavs in my college. Its a matter clothing colour thats all. However, if I had to pick style over everything else i'd pick and snazzy gothic style in DMC. I can't stand boring style, so I guess emo is 'ok' aslong as you're not an attention whore and such OTT with piercings etc.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Can't we have a middle ground? I feel nothing for emos, I sure as hell don't feel sympathy for their whiny asses, but I don't HATE them either, I pretty much nothing them.

It's like any other style to me, why should anyone care?

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
^ :lol: Vauxchen, emos aren't usually happy...........they are called emos because they don't like to live..........that's what I've heard ^_^

I like emos. I'm almost one, but not quite. They are very nice when you get to know them ^_^


Is not rat, is hamster
Do not care how someone wishes to dress/what music they listen to...the only objection I have to the whole "emo" thing is the incessant need by some to go on and on and on and on and on and on about how they're going to kill themselves, cut themselves, they're so depressed etc etc. Get a grip, get a therapist, get a hobby - whatever. Just don't push it in everyone's face that your little middle class life is, like, soooooo depressing. Some people have real problems, y'know...:dry:


The devoted
lol, yeah i worded that badly

i like emos that arent really emos, they just dress like them and look awesome
but the selfharming emos, dont usually look like an emo lol, (weird huh?) but i dont like the 2nd kind

The Da3dra

Master Of War
Demons Destiny;129174 said:
I like emos. I'm almost one,

Me too.
Anyways there is a big difference between dressing emo and being emo. I find the emo style clothes and stuff like that kinda cool but I don't like when they are dicks.

EX: I made my own forum then this guy joined named emoguy his first post was "I like snake because his soul is black and hurt like mine" WTF?? regardless i was all yay a new member "I hope you haver fun on the forum!!!" his response was "the forum is alright but I don't need your "hope"...Basically he said **** you. I then typed "lol you make me laugh" he then said "What do you think i am your personal ****ing clown?" once again completely uncalled for (hes not only talking to me he is also floating around the forum trolling everymember)
"I understand that you wanna be unique but there is no reason to get on the forum and troll everyone."

Theres no need to continue (he obviously continued to be an ass)

Angelo Credo;129152 said:
I sure as hell don't feel sympathy for their whiny asses,
Agreed, there is a difference between "You ate my cookie jerk" and "you ate my cookie now there is no point in living imma cut my wrist and cry in the corner even tho i have nothing to cry about. I have a nice a home a family that loves me, and all the emo music, clothes, and makeup I could ever want, but this is still not good enough.....no one understands me, my soul is black like my boy friend's GENITALS" < I censored it.

My friend shean he dresses emo but he is about as far from emo as you can get, it's now a running joke to give him a cookie when we inspect his wrist and find no cuts, there were never any to begin with tho we just like screwing with him :p

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
That is a good point, I like people who adopt the style, but aren't all manic depressive about absolutely everything.
For example, a lot of my friends have adopted the style, but don't think like a stereotypical emo, wanting to kill themselves and so on, my dress sense could even be described as emo.

Even though I've essentially taken the emo style and added my own twists to it, because of the length of the shirts I wear, in terms of the sleeves covering my wrists, people always make that assumption, if they ask nicely, I just show them, and there's never anything there, like Angel says, I only have a problem with those that needlessly go on and on about every little thing, crying about every problem, wanting to kill themselves over the smallest things, when there are people out there with real problems.

I have no time for those people, none whatsoever.

The Da3dra

Master Of War
Emo is short for emotional so yes on a technicality you are emo but once again there is a huge difference between "You ate my cookie jerk" and "you ate my cookie now there is no point in living imma cut my wrist and cry in the corner blah blah blah"
Personally I feel that emos really shouldn't even really be called emos because they never display any emotion other than homosexuality...I mean sadness. emos are more like depressed queers (not in the queer gay i mean queer strange) if anything else

The Da3dra

Master Of War
uhm...I wasn't saying they were? I was making a joke, how could you not tell, like seriously i'm genuinely baffled.


Shall we dance?
PorKYkinG;129205 said:
I'm a very emotional guy. Does that make me emo?

There's nothing wrong with being emotional. Because EVERYONE is, otherwise we're not human. Emo's tend to exagerate it though, like someone cracked a non-harmful joke they go mad and upset over it. Emos are attention whores.
Almost anything is called emo these days, its just a general insult that goes around alot now.
It ****es me off how Nero is called emo when someone he deeply loved was taken, possibily killed, Credo betrayed him since growing up with him aswel, the world is on your shoulders...heck id have a mental breakdown.
There's a need to cry and a need NOT to cry.

The Da3dra

Master Of War
NerosDevil;129218 said:
There's nothing wrong with being emotional. Because EVERYONE is, otherwise we're not human. Emo's tend to exagerate it though, like someone cracked a non-harmful joke they go mad and upset over it. Emos are attention whores.
Almost anything is called emo these days, its just a general insult that goes around alot now....
There's a need to cry and a need NOT to cry.

Good job couldn't have said it better +Rep

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
^ I can't help having a strong distaste for people who blow their problems way out of proportion, it's not childish, it's years of built up irritation, but I shan't go further into this for fear of creating an argument I'd rather not go into.

I'd rather not end up having this thread locked, it brings up a nice and controversial topic for us to discuss, in fact, I think I'll go rep the creator...
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