those who want to know if he said "i dont care"
That article sounds so... biased. Emphasizing the negative feelings.
But who am I to criticize it in the end.
those who want to know if he said "i dont care"
dear god i know! i've never been on a forum with so many hateful, close-minded people. i've been a fan of every dmc game, and i am a fan of DmC too, it has put alot of people in a pickle, because there are some people who just want to buy the game, but because of the way tameem has acted towards the fans, alot of people don't wanna buy the game, which is very understandable because the developer should respect its fanbase (not including the haters). us fans would not have been put in this position in the first place if tameem would just think before he talks. "what was cool 12 years ago isn't cool now"-tameem come on tameem! first of all dmc didn't even start 12 years ago, and the things that were cool in the first dmc are why we all support the game now. "i don't care" (referring to the fans' complaints)-tameem, tam tam tam tam tam....that's probably not something you should say when the dmc fans are already ****ed off about your decisions. tameem you could've worded that aaaaaaallllllloooooootttt better man, you should let the fanbase know that their complaints DO matter, and you may overlook some, but you are not overlooking the ones who are actually worried about YOUR game and want it to be something they will want to play. tam tam/capcom/nt just has to work on his people skills ALOT.I've never been raked down with stakes and arrows from the hardcore peeps on this forum, but on capcom-unity...
LOL i thought you posted twice you guys!!
so weird...
A special edition would be sweet. but i dunno about 200 smackers, YOUR INSANE MAN! INSANE!!
That article sounds so... biased. Emphasizing the negative feelings.
But who am I to criticize it in the end.
Well, i made a sig. and then i didnt like it so i deleted it, and now i have a huge gap like 50cent.*offtopic*
Out of curiousity, why is your sig so huge wallenb?
And on that note, what is the sig limit on this site?
In general its a case by case scenario because the infamous scandal was a totally different beast than the dmc reboot and requires different handling.
In general, it is possible to reach a middle ground where you could take fan feedback into account without sacrificing artistic integrity by deciding whether or not its something you need and approaching it on your terms.
Well, i made a sig. and then i didnt like it so i deleted it, and now i have a huge gap like 50cent.
You could center it, then it would look less "gappy". But I loved the 50cent reference. XD
ok hows that?