That was sarcasm, The Whole entire glitch rant. Was Sarcasm. How do you still not get that.He's easy without the glitch, the glitch just emphasized how passive the AI is.
You actively implied that I said all problem's with the game were due to the glitch. Which it's not, the video even despite the glitch has commentary of the guy sarcastically pointing out the games many flaws.
How about you respond to the actual flaws of the game instead of falling back on "NO! YOU JUST WANT TO HATE IT!" and covering your hears while shouting that you can't hear me?

What I'm saying in 100% true, you just want to hate it.
I'm hearing what you're saying but its flying rite over my head because its something i honestly don't care about.
As I've said, that end boss fight isn't as easy as you like to think and that glitch isn't a common one.
Play on a harder difficulty. + All you keep bringing up is Vergils too easy/broken..What exactly do you think updates are for.