I have seen way too many people do this (Judge DmC by what they've seen) me Included, but after beating the game I'm having a real hard time finding things to complain about, Without the Targeting system the movements are more free flowing than previous DMC games. Demon dodge helped me in no way possible. Angel dodge does though. The game has roughly the same amount of weapons as previous DMCs and well. As those games were far from original so I don't really mind. And the Story is "IMO" better than all prior, except maybe 3 <-Simple as that...as i said before. This game beats the whole series even down to the soundtrack. Oh and if we are talking about predictability. The ONLY DMC that was slightly unpredictable was 4 to some extent.My complaints as of now.
1. No Lock - On
Lock - On is a necessity in DMC. If you were able to work around with the Soft Lock on system, kudos to you. But when I'm trying to reorient my camera position to where my targets are actually visible, I am not able to do so by auto locking onto them. This presents a problem especially if I need to reset my camera if it is an awkward position. As well as this, I cannot actually confirm if I am locked onto a specific enemy until I start attacking.
2. Nerf Demon Dodge
"But what about DMC4 with it's DRI--" Stop right there. Don't even start it.
DRI has to be used multiple times in succession. Each attack can take about 2/10ths - 3/10ths of a Bosses healthbar unless you DRI correctly and hit it's weakspot, (Dagon mainly) while a Distorted Straight is about half of a bosses healthbar. It also requires you to be still as well as your enemy. So you can't perform this in a crowd of demons that are surrounding you. But this is different from Demon Dodging since it can be used as soon as any enemy tries to attack you.
If you dodge too early (which will most likely happen) you'll end up dodging the attack completely. And essentially, it's a much safer version of Royal Guard.
I've seen bosses healthbars deplete halfway with just a Demon Dodge + Overdrive. Combined with a D.T. and that's almost a full healthbar. It's almost 2x stronger than DMC4's Devil Trigger's strength boost for Dante. Which is just ridiculous to me.
3. Not many Unique Weapons
I was fairly disappointed when I saw the weapons in DmC. It seems as if Capcom has a bad habit of recycling weapon ideas. However this time, some weapons received a few downgrades as well as having old concepts. (Eyrx, Rebellion, and Kablooey). I say this because Eryx doesn't have much to work with other than using charged attacks and it also has less moves to work with. Rebellion received some ups and downs (Has roulette spin but loses Round Trip and Prop/Shredder to Osiris and Aquila and completely loses Dance Macabre). And Kablooey suffers from only having shoot and detonate as main attack functions. Aquila, Arbiter, and Osiris were the only weapons that were relatively new, which is still good. But I just feel as if that we should have seen new concepts with different weapons. Mainly Eryx and Kablooey.
4. Story
To make it short and simple, I wasn't too impressed by the story. I'd expected a bit more after the developers constantly said how much emphasis they have put inside of the story. It was a fairly plain, predictable plot that didn't hold my interest that much when I watched playthroughs of the game.
I won't talk much about the gameplay since I haven't played the full game myself. But unfortunately it's still a step down from what I've seen. But still, this doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad game since every game has their own flaws.
So, final thoughts, As cliche as it sounds the "Don't judge a book by its cover" should be implied here.
If you play a reboot without an open mind, sure you're going to dislike it.