DmC's cons and fails

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Well, let's see.

-There is a delay when pressing the angel/devil weapons. It's most obvious when you are trying to use O/B with Arbiter but more times than not you get Rebellion. It's also obvious the first time you try to pull the angel glide, it's not LT+A/X, it's LT and then X or A.
-No lock-on. If you can live without it kudos but if I'm playing a game where I'm trying to do certain things, like kill one enemy and move on to the next (without losing track of which is the one I was working on since he looks exactly like the rest), or get the one over there and not the one near me, or just plain ol' keep track of one it's an option I'd like to have. I've had plenty of scenarios where I'll try to slam an enemy down to finish him off in mid air but then Dante will turn around and target the enemy behind him when I use the helm braker effectively saving the life of the flying a'hole I was just about to get off my back. It's a matter of having the option to use it if you want or need it and it makes no sense to me that they'd want to limit your options by removing a feature that so many people obviously want.
-There are way too many glitches... No game is perfect but there are way too many obvious ones here. Like the one that Dante freezes while doing a stinger, effects and everything freezes.
-Boss fights need improvement.
-Lack of combos. Each weapon only has 2 combos and a lifting move + their air equivalents, how 'bout some more combo moves.
-Garbage camera. Specially when you are using the angel glide. When I fight Poison I don't use the blue crystals to navigate every time, I'll glide to the next platform from time to time, however, when I do that the camera will do an entire 180 effectively leaving me staring at nothing and unable to see where the platform I was trying to get to is. It happens more than once and it happens in inconvenient times.
-Unskippable cut scenes. Too many and often times a pain and disruption of the action.
-Charges aren't constant. You can loose the charges on your weapon way too easily. Example is the E&I charge. That sequence in the demo where you first see the demon chards I tried to charge my guns before hand to use 'em on it but because of the cutscene I lost the charge.
-No running. Bayonetta and DMC4 both had some type of running feature where she'd turn into a panther and they would start running faster. Here you are stuck at the same speed. I haven't scene any speed increases on the upgrade menu so I'm guessing there isn't one?
-DT just isn't working for me.
Well I rented the game and the Cons...
-Game is to easy I beat all four modes combined in 5 hours( Yes Hell and Hell included), went through DMD without any upgrades because hoping it could be redeemed(Had no choice for DT and Health Meters) and it was still to easy. Opinion wise; it felt like you guys, the Reviewers, and NT were overhyping the difficulty like it was carried over and was still the same, somehow I rank it DMC 4 to DMC 2 Difficulty wise.
-The combat just to doesn't have a flow, it feels, restricted when the Colored Enemies pop up,as much as you guys say it is for difficulty, but its just my opinion that sometimes it makes it restricted and easy just making you rely on that one weapon in that situation as a whole. I just can't feel the same game I grew up with for 10 years ( 11 technically now)
-The Story felt to predictable just to me...and the ending wasn't surprising and Vergil's motives were clear even from the beginning just the false visage he had on him for about 95% of the game.
-The two dodge buttons don't make sense, I used one button for angel and demon primarily while the other just sat their collecting dust.

-At least it brought in some more fans ( much as it annoys me to say because even after the games release its showing more immaturity from both sides, if I insulted you anyway, I apologize for the statement I made)
-Art direction was fine, but they need to work better on the liquid and some of the buildings and items and it would have been pleasing.
- It at least gave it a breath of life to the franchise as a whole and keeping the franchise alive at least. ( Who the hell knows what the hell will happen to DMC)
-I don't care about the Lock-On, it would be nice for it to be optional.
u beat 4 difficulties in 5 hours? the cut scenes alone run around 2 hours, so ur first playthrough was 3 hours lol and the other 3 within 2 hours lol wtf

I would love to see ur walkthrough on YouTube.
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u beat 4 difficulties in 5 hours? the cut scenes alone run around 2 hours, so ur first playthrough was 3 hours lol and the other 3 within 2 hours lol wtf

I would love to see ur walkthrough on YouTube.

1. I was to tired from work and school and just didn't care about the time. Must have been in the 8 PM to god knows how long in the morning and crashed then because didn't care about the time. (I returned it today)

2. Im just to lazy to make meh:P
u beat 4 difficulties in 5 hours? the cut scenes alone run around 2 hours, so ur first playthrough was 3 hours lol and the other 3 within 2 hours lol wtf

I would love to see ur walkthrough on YouTube.
Yeah, honestly I don't believe that one bit. You had to have purposely ran through as quickly as possible and skipped every cutscene possible, even on the first run. And given you commented on the story, no way.
Yeah, honestly I don't believe that one bit. You had to have purposely ran through as quickly as possible and skipped every cutscene possible, even on the first run. And given you commented on the story, no way.

Believe what you want to believe. I'm not asking you to believe my opinion aren't I nor my story for that matter? And the story it was in a nutshell knowing that Vergil put it bluntly that they were Neph that it would happen that Mundus would be defeated and he would try to vie for that kind of power. That Kat who saw Vergil as symbol of the truth in the beginning later showed that everything she knew about him was almost a lie right smack dab at the end. That Vergil had a false physical shell to care for others but later in the story showed that everyone was a pawn excluding Dante, whom he saw as a more unique kind of piece to the board.

But I'm just gonna leave it at that, just my two cents for my last post to I put why. Pretty much all I gotta say.
I love how people just want to look for hate in this game but cant find any, not anything worth hating anyway.
The story was well thought out and didn't have many/if any plot holes. The Combat system was pretty damn fun to use
(I love the switch on the go) and the levels don't all look grungy ( most look terrific.

I've heard people say how bad this game is because of things as stupid as Dantes hair to "no Lock on", Remember lock on in DMC1-2-3-4?, I do. And when using it, it felt a lot clunkier than this game and a helluva lot less free.
Personally, I loved the old DMCs and that's what they are now, OLD DMCs.

But my personal opinion is...This game topped every other DMC in Story, Character progression, Level design, combat design...even down to the Soundtrack.
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modeling extra costumes takes A LOT of work dude, they can't help it if a extra costume causes issues such as no clipping or if it doesn't show up in full motion cutscenes, it doesn't happen very often though with costumes like the dmc 3 dante costume though

You know what, I think I see what's going on now. Some scenes actually ARE pre-rendered. It was very hard for me to tell; if there wasn't the occasional framerate chop during the non pre-rendered scenes, I wouldn't have never realized. Good show, NT. Good show.
You know what, I think I see what's going on now. Some scenes actually ARE pre-rendered. It was very hard for me to tell; if there wasn't the occasional framerate chop during the non pre-rendered scenes, I wouldn't have never realized. Good show, NT. Good show.
if by pre-rendered you mean cgi that's not the case, every cutscene in this game is real-time, no pre-rendered cutscenes here, just full motion, which is different
if by pre-rendered you mean cgi that's not the case, every cutscene in this game is real-time, no pre-rendered cutscenes here, just full motion, which is different

No some are.


And that's another thing about the lock on. People talk about not being able to target exactly who they want from afar, but that's the SAME thing that would happen in the old games. Which is why they had an option to switch targets. The SAME EXACT option is here. People just choose to ignore it. Takes the same amount of effort...
No some are.


And that's another thing about the lock on. People talk about not being able to target exactly who they want from afar, but that's the SAME thing that would happen in the old games. Which is why they had an option to switch targets. The SAME EXACT option is here. People just choose to ignore it. Takes the same amount of effort...
exactly, all you need to do is control the camera, its not that hard at all
The only thing I dislike is that the Drekavac, despite being technically a boss, doesn't have a life bar.
-A.I. isn't bad, it shuffles around the player and attempts to flank so it doesn't get its ass kicked instead of blindly attacking like in old games
-enemy variety, eh, there's like 17 types, good enough for me in ten hours
-half the bosses in dmc4 were pretty static
-DMD+no upgrades=let's see you do this
-ITSUNO TOLD THEM TO NOT INCLUDE LOCK ON, seriously that's not an issue its annoying to hear fans talk about it like NT didn't try to implement it before ITSUNO said NO

Its great that you defend DmC so fervently, but you need to take your anger out somewhere else, not on here.
My complaints as of now.

1. No Lock - On

Lock - On is a necessity in DMC. If you were able to work around with the Soft Lock on system, kudos to you. But when I'm trying to reorient my camera position to where my targets are actually visible, I am not able to do so by auto locking onto them. This presents a problem especially if I need to reset my camera if it is an awkward position. As well as this, I cannot actually confirm if I am locked onto a specific enemy until I start attacking.

2. Nerf Demon Dodge

"But what about DMC4 with it's DRI--" Stop right there. Don't even start it.

DRI has to be used multiple times in succession. Each attack can take about 2/10ths - 3/10ths of a Bosses healthbar unless you DRI correctly and hit it's weakspot, (Dagon mainly) while a Distorted Straight is about half of a bosses healthbar. It also requires you to be still as well as your enemy. So you can't perform this in a crowd of demons that are surrounding you. But this is different from Demon Dodging since it can be used as soon as any enemy tries to attack you.
If you dodge too early (which will most likely happen) you'll end up dodging the attack completely. And essentially, it's a much safer version of Royal Guard.

I've seen bosses healthbars deplete halfway with just a Demon Dodge + Overdrive. Combined with a D.T. and that's almost a full healthbar. It's almost 2x stronger than DMC4's Devil Trigger's strength boost for Dante. Which is just ridiculous to me.

3. Not many Unique Weapons

I was fairly disappointed when I saw the weapons in DmC. It seems as if Capcom has a bad habit of recycling weapon ideas. However this time, some weapons received a few downgrades as well as having old concepts. (Eyrx, Rebellion, and Kablooey). I say this because Eryx doesn't have much to work with other than using charged attacks and it also has less moves to work with. Rebellion received some ups and downs (Has roulette spin but loses Round Trip and Prop/Shredder to Osiris and Aquila and completely loses Dance Macabre). And Kablooey suffers from only having shoot and detonate as main attack functions. Aquila, Arbiter, and Osiris were the only weapons that were relatively new, which is still good. But I just feel as if that we should have seen new concepts with different weapons. Mainly Eryx and Kablooey.

4. Story

To make it short and simple, I wasn't too impressed by the story. I'd expected a bit more after the developers constantly said how much emphasis they have put inside of the story. It was a fairly plain, predictable plot that didn't hold my interest that much when I watched playthroughs of the game.

I won't talk much about the gameplay since I haven't played the full game myself. But unfortunately it's still a step down from what I've seen. But still, this doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad game since every game has their own flaws.
Nice replies so far, just a reminder, this isn't a hater nor a "I'm a biased pro" thread, but more of a feedback one. "What you wish changed for DmC2" if you will.
Come to think of it, there is a legit gameplay concern I have;

Select Ebony and Ivory or the shotgun, shoot to start charging for a Ricoshot or Charge Shot and immediately follow with a single weapon swing. Your guns should charge.

Now do it again but this time, do a full sword combo like say, Hacker. Your guns won't charge. That has been abit of a nuisance for me lately when I'm trying to charge up a ricoshot in the heat of battle.
Mission length:

i felt that some missions especially near the beginning of the game were to short and linear. needed more exploration and plot. as they made me feel like i was just taking a stroll.


i dont have any real problems with the weapon designs themselves. they were all pretty standard, not brilliant but acceptable. my problem was the moves or lack of. you got fewer than a dozen moves for each not including upgrades. when NT said they were going to emphasize pause combos i had imagined something similair to neros Red Queen. where each strike of Combo A could lead to a different pause move. plus i wanted more variaty in weapon moves. especially with the demon ones.

Demon dodge:

this seems to be a common one. the distance you move with the demon dodge is just not significantly better than the normal dodge. i get your substituting distance for a power up. but said power up is pointless if you cant avoid the attack. its especially pointless when you can gain partial invincibility with angel dodge.

(just nit picking here)