Well, let's see.
-There is a delay when pressing the angel/devil weapons. It's most obvious when you are trying to use O/B with Arbiter but more times than not you get Rebellion. It's also obvious the first time you try to pull the angel glide, it's not LT+A/X, it's LT and then X or A.
-No lock-on. If you can live without it kudos but if I'm playing a game where I'm trying to do certain things, like kill one enemy and move on to the next (without losing track of which is the one I was working on since he looks exactly like the rest), or get the one over there and not the one near me, or just plain ol' keep track of one it's an option I'd like to have. I've had plenty of scenarios where I'll try to slam an enemy down to finish him off in mid air but then Dante will turn around and target the enemy behind him when I use the helm braker effectively saving the life of the flying a'hole I was just about to get off my back. It's a matter of having the option to use it if you want or need it and it makes no sense to me that they'd want to limit your options by removing a feature that so many people obviously want.
-There are way too many glitches... No game is perfect but there are way too many obvious ones here. Like the one that Dante freezes while doing a stinger, effects and everything freezes.
-Boss fights need improvement.
-Lack of combos. Each weapon only has 2 combos and a lifting move + their air equivalents, how 'bout some more combo moves.
-Garbage camera. Specially when you are using the angel glide. When I fight Poison I don't use the blue crystals to navigate every time, I'll glide to the next platform from time to time, however, when I do that the camera will do an entire 180 effectively leaving me staring at nothing and unable to see where the platform I was trying to get to is. It happens more than once and it happens in inconvenient times.
-Unskippable cut scenes. Too many and often times a pain and disruption of the action.
-Charges aren't constant. You can loose the charges on your weapon way too easily. Example is the E&I charge. That sequence in the demo where you first see the demon chards I tried to charge my guns before hand to use 'em on it but because of the cutscene I lost the charge.
-No running. Bayonetta and DMC4 both had some type of running feature where she'd turn into a panther and they would start running faster. Here you are stuck at the same speed. I haven't scene any speed increases on the upgrade menu so I'm guessing there isn't one?
-DT just isn't working for me.
-There is a delay when pressing the angel/devil weapons. It's most obvious when you are trying to use O/B with Arbiter but more times than not you get Rebellion. It's also obvious the first time you try to pull the angel glide, it's not LT+A/X, it's LT and then X or A.
-No lock-on. If you can live without it kudos but if I'm playing a game where I'm trying to do certain things, like kill one enemy and move on to the next (without losing track of which is the one I was working on since he looks exactly like the rest), or get the one over there and not the one near me, or just plain ol' keep track of one it's an option I'd like to have. I've had plenty of scenarios where I'll try to slam an enemy down to finish him off in mid air but then Dante will turn around and target the enemy behind him when I use the helm braker effectively saving the life of the flying a'hole I was just about to get off my back. It's a matter of having the option to use it if you want or need it and it makes no sense to me that they'd want to limit your options by removing a feature that so many people obviously want.
-There are way too many glitches... No game is perfect but there are way too many obvious ones here. Like the one that Dante freezes while doing a stinger, effects and everything freezes.
-Boss fights need improvement.
-Lack of combos. Each weapon only has 2 combos and a lifting move + their air equivalents, how 'bout some more combo moves.
-Garbage camera. Specially when you are using the angel glide. When I fight Poison I don't use the blue crystals to navigate every time, I'll glide to the next platform from time to time, however, when I do that the camera will do an entire 180 effectively leaving me staring at nothing and unable to see where the platform I was trying to get to is. It happens more than once and it happens in inconvenient times.
-Unskippable cut scenes. Too many and often times a pain and disruption of the action.
-Charges aren't constant. You can loose the charges on your weapon way too easily. Example is the E&I charge. That sequence in the demo where you first see the demon chards I tried to charge my guns before hand to use 'em on it but because of the cutscene I lost the charge.
-No running. Bayonetta and DMC4 both had some type of running feature where she'd turn into a panther and they would start running faster. Here you are stuck at the same speed. I haven't scene any speed increases on the upgrade menu so I'm guessing there isn't one?
-DT just isn't working for me.