That would be hard in a genre that has never done that if anything you'll need a RPG team or a team who made a RPG or an open world exploration type of game or a non-linear one to get new results in this genre..........but at the same be well versed in creating deep gameplay mechanics and have shown to be able to create excellent combat systems or decent to great hack and slash games with great combat engines/mechanics.
But I wonder who....
I wonder who???
I mean even if they can make a hack and slash game more unique to the others outside the combat department.....need actual experience in creating action games to produce a deep high octane action game engine.
I mean can it be Platinum they can make great action games but they haven't shown they can make something non-linear or different....Ninja Theory..........nah.....they may have made a great linear experience type game (DmC) but nothing new or creative....Team Ninja.......nope.....Santa Monica???
I wonder who can make a different type of hack and slash that can focus on not being totally linear or being a different kind of experience but they need to show they can make a RPG and an open world type of experience for I only see improving the genre by adding RPG and open world exploration type of elements.