There is many things wrong with this post.
1. I never said DmC was a failure (maybe Demon did) I even said it shows they were improving.
2. We never said they can't get better, they can, we denied the fact of them surpassing Capcom/PG.
3. Sales do count a lot as many development studios and publishers had to lay off people and even shut down because their games weren't selling (THQ being an example).
4. Maybe they can surpass Capcom/PG (lol) but we doubt it'll happen any time soon.
5. They've been around for 10 years the fact the quality in their games barely went up since they first started. Either they're slow learners or lazy considering they went on a 4 year break unless they were working on HS for 3-4 years.
6. The topic is not if NT can improve is does NT has what it takes to make a game that will revolutionize/innovate the hack and slash genre such as the likes of DMC3 and Bayonetta or offer some new and fresh to the table. I say not them for even if they can improve the quality of their games in the past (even now with DmC) all they've shown is to make mediocre games that were as simple as a one paragraph essay and doesn't dare to be new, interesting, or fresh just lazily done rehash of ideas used in many other games.
7. We don't count DmC as a success in NT's part because why.....who taught them how to make it, who guided them frame by frame how stuff should work, who helped them along the road, who establish a visionary method of making a 30 fps game feel like a 60 fps game, who was part of the dev of 90 workers who made the game? CAPCOM for you know if Capcom barely helped out or did nothing it would be THESE games all over again.
But with pretty environments and bland platforming.
I mean think about it DmC's shining quality was its combat system (and art/design/environments something NT was known for when they first started up) and Capcom helped out with what didn't they helped out with (outside art/design/environments).....hmmm platforming and boss battles.
Platforming.....bland and repetitive.
Boss Fights........only Vergil seemed to have effort put into it.
Geez even with Capcom's help the combat was unbalanced and broken that Capcom had to patch it.
Enemies.......shameless (about half of them are lazy, shameless, rehashed recolors)....well at least the Dreamrunner, Witch, Butcher, and Ravanger were cool....Harpies and Tyrants were decent.
Now I want to see what NT can make on their own (since Capcom apparently taught them new combat development skills) then I will properly how much they doesn't even have to be a hack and slash game it just have to be an amazing game that goes outside the boundaries of its genre and tries to do new things that makes it stands out in its genre and NT stands out as a developer because how good they're works are with their own creative talent (no helps from far superior devs or even outsourced writing....well personally wouldn't care about that but I hate how they get credit for another person who actually did the work) not how much the press/journalists sucks their d*ck for being mediocre.
One reason why NT isn't the one to make this next innovative hack and slash that pushes the boundaries of the genre for they have their priorities in the wrong place such as putting more emphasis on development budget and narrative that it kills the gameplay (constant cutscene interruptions to show how good its motion capture is and taking out features for the sake of narrative...herp-a-derp derp). Yahtzee in his review of DmC said it was an example of hogwash design philosophies that plague modern AAA action games.