After Batman and Robin I think something like that was needed.its the reboot we deserved...but not the one we needed right now
After Batman and Robin I think something like that was needed.its the reboot we deserved...but not the one we needed right now
After Batman and Robin I think something like that was needed.
Not all new games or movies suck either.Not all reboots suck. Stop whining.
I heard that the next film would have been a different take on Batman: Year One that would have been totally awful because it wasn't even Batman. It was gonna be darker but, Batman wasn't a rich guy. He didn't have a butler and was adopted by a mechanic named Big Al. The Batmobile was going to be some cheap scrap car customized. Also he wouldn't have become Batman because of his parents dying. He would have randomly punched some criminal and said I want to be Batman hurr durr.well...not really. because joel was forced to make a 2 hour toy commercial. he really wanted to make a dark and menacing movie that would have been rated R, but he was denied that. the next batman movie was going to be batman triumphant. my friend who has a friend in hollywood said that the movie was gonna be really dark. but hey, batman begins was amazing. i'm glad we got it
I heard that the next film would have been a different take on Batman: Year One that would have been totally awful because it wasn't even Batman. It was gonna be darker but, Batman wasn't a rich guy. He didn't have a butler and was adopted by a mechanic named Big Al. The Batmobile was going to be some cheap scrap car customized. Also he wouldn't have become Batman because of his parents dying. He would have randomly punched some criminal and said I want to be Batman hurr durr.
By Darren Aronofsky when he was really f#cking tripping balls one night so they scrapped it and Nolan came on board with Batman Begins. Thank goodness.
To be fair, it sounds like an interesting Elseworlds story but, as the primary Batman franchise this was probably hoping it would become, no f#cking way.actually, i read the script. long story short, its year one and the only changes are bruce denying his inheritance and alfred being a mechanic who is an old body guard for thomas wayne i think. haven't read it in years. but it was a great script.
Now StylishNero is riling me up! Laughing at my view on NT, are we?
No wonder some say those two games are good... They were outsourced? I didn't know that... Still, give them a chance with this AAA of theirs. And I have not played those two games, and I cannot rely on just reviews, be it from 'pros' or fans. Time to make my own view by actually playing them!I'm not laughing at anyone's view of NT. I'm just exposing the truth.
Ninja Theory aren't as good as you claim they are (well their writing skills for the most part).
DmC's writing is questionable and don't throw the Enslaved and Heavenly Sword had amazing stories bs since those weren't written by NT as they outsourced the writing to outside writers who wrote the actual stories not NT.
I don't give NT credit to the story of Heavenly Sword, I give that credit to Rihanna Patchet (who also wrote the Tomb Raider reboot) nor do I give credit to Enslaved as that was written by Alex Garland. I only give NT credit for Heavenly Sword's and Enslaved's below mediocre gameplay and their nice art design.
I don't give them much credit on DmC's gameplay since Itsuno and 10 workers at Capcom (who were part of the DMC3/DMC4 dev team) actually assisted them. They actually had 10 workers from Capcom on the DmC dev team it wasn't just Capcom teaches them and bam they can make a quality DMC title no Capcom was still hand holding them the entire journey of the way.
However, if this new AAA game of theirs is actually really good in both the gameplay and story department on their own (no outsourced writers or much to any help from other dev teams) I'll change my perspective of them. Unless they can prove to me then they can make a great game on THEIR OWN and actually seem to show that they can learn from their mistakes then they are still a mediocre dev team in my eyes....a very overrated mediocre dev team.
Anyway, have you read my say on those DMC1 fans still loathing DMC3 and DMC4? Unknown told me this before. Reuben Langdon received hate mail from them according to an interview of his. It must've upset them when Reuben said that DMC3 is a DMC1 reboot in his interview regarding DmC.
I have seen the more shocking truth of a fanbase divided! It happened even before DmC came about! -goes muy loco-
I never get upset over every little, and trivial, thing if everything isn't the way I wanted. The world never revolved around anybody (you, me, or anybody else) for that matter... Some still hate Nero, like the MGS fans still hating on Raiden. I still have mixed feelings towards DMC4 (a step up to DMC3's gameplay, yet I didn't like the levels Dante got in; he should've just got his own).Yes I heard you the first hundredth time.
Plus that is besides the point, fans (well some are) will always get upset over every little thing if everything isn't the way they want it.
Prior to DmC the fanbase isn't as divided as you claim it is if so DMC4 wouldn't have sold as well as it did if a portion of a divided fanbase hated it unless if DMC3/4 actually attracted a lot of new fans to make up the lost ones....something DmC failed to do.
I never get upset over every little, and trivial, thing if everything isn't the way I wanted. The world never revolved around anybody (you, me, or anybody else) for that matter... Some still hate Nero, like the MGS fans still hating on Raiden. I still have mixed feelings towards DMC4 (a step up to DMC3's gameplay, yet I didn't like the levels Dante got in; he should've just got his own).
What I'm getting at here is that the DMC1 fans think the novels, DMC1, and DMC2 were the only things canon. They pretended DMC3 Manga, DMC3, DMC Anime, and DMC4 didn't exist, because they hated the fact DMC1 got retconned. They must be pro-Kamiya all the way. This is an example.
Well it's understandable not everybody liked DmC anyway. We can argue all we want, but it would be endless and open-ended...
What I am also fearing is that the DMC1 fans still hating on DMC3 and DMC4 may backlash DMC5 as well.
I guess the fanbase has already been divided even before the reboot came in! How scary!
I'm with Meg. Let's get back on topic, shall we? What's so hard on that? I ask because this will be the last off-topic thing I will post here! Honestly, we should just STOP going off-topic! I don't like another thread closed by the mods or the admins!
Now StylishNero is riling me up! Laughing at my view on NT, are we?
No point lamenting on the past. What's done is done. We can't change history or things have turned out. We must accept the way things are and why they're that way to prevent repeating history.
Stylish Nero and Jak, thanks. You brought my faith back in high hopes for Devil May Cry. I agree, Jak, that DMC was rebooted too early. Why couldn't they take Konami's example of rebooting Castlevania like after a lot of games (many don't like it, yet it's understandable why they did it; I mean, with Dracula dead, what now?)?the DmC fanbase is much like the james bond fanbase. most people think daniel craig's bond started the civil war, when in fact it goes back to timothy dalton. dalton's bond (like DMC3) changed the tone of the series dramatically aand pretty much rebooted the franchise. this is where the fan base divided. and it wasn't until skyfall really that people started looking at james bond again (much like DmC got people back into DmC). and i heard rumors after the failure of quantum of solace that 007 was going to go back to the original timeline (much like people are saying that DMC5 is gonna happen). but then we got skyfall (which gives me hope that we might get a DmC2)
Stylish Nero and Jak, thanks. You brought my faith back in high hopes for Devil May Cry. I agree, Jak, that DMC was rebooted too early. Why couldn't they take Konami's example of rebooting Castlevania like after a lot of games (many don't like it, yet it's understandable why they did it; I mean, with Dracula dead, what now?)?
DMC5 please! And, no, I don't want it as a DMC4 rehash! Please!
I have an idea for it though:
Make it 30 missions (10 for Dante, 10 for Nero, and 10 for both); 20 is repetitive. I want DMC5 to have actual 2-player coop stylish combat! How's that, guys? DMC3SE allows you to do so in Doppelganger style with 2-player controls. Why not Dante and Nero be the two player characters for it? Well?
Got a point there, Jak. This fanbase is divided like the 007 fanbase, which I never knew until you told me this.
I see the site. Thanks. I can see it in ENGRISH!Well Capcom opened up a 30th anniversary website where they take fan feedback or at least allow you to send them a message.
Fortunately it has english so it seems to be welcoming English speakers as well to send a message.
I see the site. Thanks. I can see it in ENGRISH!
There, I sent a message!Thanks for providing it, SN!
What I said here. DMC5 have 30 Missions!I didn't send anything....what dd you send them and how does it feel sending a letter to Capcom of Japan...forget Capcom of USA its Capcom of JAPAN (they're the one who makes 85% of the business decisions and makes the games)?
What I said here. DMC5 have 30 Missions!
Wished they lengthened the limit, though...
Most of Capcom USA are blank tools, with a few exceptions, such as Gregaman.
I know, right?Geez it was so hard trying to actually post something.....THAT WAS NOT 60 felt like 20.