Ok, here's the beginning...prologue as you might say. It's just an outline, very rough and no dialogue or a lot of details. We can add those at a later time.

Here it is.
It has been peaceful in Fortune for several weeks, Nero is having fun with Kyrie, his lover. But something in the back of his mind was nagging constently. Shrugging it off he ignored it. Then one night, nightmares began to frequently occur. Not wanting to scare Kyrie, he kept them secret. A blue figure with a powerful aura always reappears in these nightmares. The figure's lips move, but no words come out. Shortly after, Nero's Devil Arm begins to glow brightly, then a flash. Nero is bathed in blood and the figure claps his hands, then says something inaudiable again. Slowly, they begin to merge...
Puzzled and frustrated as to what these dreams mean, Nero begins digging around in Argus' underground lab for answers. Finding trails of clues over another few weeks, he heads to Dante in search for answers to his past. While on his journey to Dante's business, he could've sworn he heard a Devil's Cry.
EDIT: Please don't be afraid to poke and prod it...it won't bite. I might though.
Just joking. This is for everyone who is collabing on the story to use, so you can change it a bit but just let me know what you have changed so I don't miss it and ignore your hard work in making something work. Send me a PM or VM letting me know that you changed a part of the prologue.