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DmC Theories


Well-known Member
Im sorry i dont have link or anything(hopefully someone will post something) but they mention it in interviews and articles around the time that it was revealed that it was his DT, its suppose to be a test of skill now. But if want to still try to stay optimistic its possible that he may have an Angel trigger since he's half angel too, or even a combination of angel and demonic powers. Its kinda doubtful on the combining powers things but an AT seems possible.
nice i like that.. its very may well be...smart thinking


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
Hair dye is a very implausible theory for a few reasons.
1. His hair was dyed as a young kid as seen during the captivity scenes. That's kind of complex for a child to do, not to mention dangerous.

2. When would he have time to dye his hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes? Presumably he is on the run. And why would he specifically miss a white patch on the top?

3. If he dyed his hair to get away from his memory of Sparda, then why isn't his hair dyed in the beginning of DMC3, when he still rejects Sparda?

Too many holes for it to be plausible.
maybe in that world white hair is exclusive to demons only and so he dyed his hair black to hide himself


Well-known Member
Hair dye is a very implausible theory for a few reasons.
1. His hair was dyed as a young kid as seen during the captivity scenes. That's kind of complex for a child to do, not to mention dangerous.

2. When would he have time to dye his hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes? Presumably he is on the run. And why would he specifically miss a white patch on the top?

3. If he dyed his hair to get away from his memory of Sparda, then why isn't his hair dyed in the beginning of DMC3, when he still rejects Sparda?

Too many holes for it to be plausible.

maybe in that world white hair is exclusive to demons only and so he dyed his hair black to hide himself

In the original DMC games the white hair was a genetic trait that was inherited from Sparda. In DmC the reason Dante doesnt have white hair is because NT wanted to add some story to explain it and give it meaning so my guess is that it comes as he understands and learns to control his powers, so it turns white naturally after he gets stronger.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
In the original DMC games the white hair was a genetic trait that was inherited from Sparda. In DmC the reason Dante doesnt have white hair is because NT wanted to add some story to explain it and give it meaning so my guess is that it comes as he understands and learns to control his powers, so it turns white naturally after he gets stronger.
I hope you don't mind me correcting you:
They are not giving it MEANING. They are giving it a different meaning.

And the reason why Dante doesn't have white hair is not because NT wants to give it a different meaning but because Capcom ordered something different. That is why according to Alex Jones/Tameem Antoniades it took a year to get the character design ready.


Well-known Member
I hope you don't mind me correcting you:
They are not giving it MEANING. They are giving it a different meaning.

And the reason why Dante doesn't have white hair is not because NT wants to give it a different meaning but because Capcom ordered something different. That is way according to Alex Jones/Tameem Antoniades it took a year to get the character design ready.

The white hair never had meaning in the original games did it? Yea capcom wanted something different but that was to the entire character design not the the hair also what i said about giving it meaning came from Tameem as well since what i said is the answer he would give whenever a question about the hair came up.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
The white hair never had meaning in the original games did it? Yea capcom wanted something different but that was to the entire character design not the the hair also what i said about giving it meaning came from Tameem as well since what i said is the answer he would give whenever a question about the hair came up.
White hair = a genetic trait = meaning.

Hair is a important part of a character design. Annoyed gamers can testify to that.

If you give DMC 3 Dante DmC Dante's coat he will still be DMC 3 Dante.
If you give any of weapons DmC Dante has to DMC 3 Dante he will still be the same.

Hair is probably the biggest part of his character design.


Well-known Member
White hair = a genetic trait = meaning.
Well technically it will have the same meaning(his powers come from bein half angel/demon and because of the powers hair changes). Anyway the just wanna make it a story element.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Well technically it will have the same meaning(his powers come from bein half angel/demon and because of the powers hair changes). Anyway the just wanna make it a story element.
No, it won't.
DMC 1, 2, 3 and 4 Dante's hair is white because it was a genetic trait of his father. That is the story meaning to DMC Dante's hair colour.
Outside the game and story the inspiration for why DMC Dante had white hair comes from japanese folklore where someone with white hair was suspected to be possessed by a demon.

Let's go through the meanings again:

DmC = White hair represents his demonic(and possibly his angel) powers
DMC = White hair was a genetic trait

Are they the same meaning? Don't tell me they are lol :p


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
all theyre doing is putting a meaning behind his white hair. because dante isnt an albino, his eyes are brown (usually) and even then he doesnt have pink eyes and the many conditions that come with albinoism. think back when you first saw DMC in general did you think "wow this games must be good the guys hair is white" or did you (like me) hear that it was one of the best games out there and that you must play it? hair means no more than him wearing red (which in japan meant you were usually the hero) it makes little difference so can we please just drop it?


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
all theyre doing is putting a meaning behind his white hair. because dante isnt an albino, his eyes are brown (usually) and even then he doesnt have pink eyes and the many conditions that come with albinoism. think back when you first saw DMC in general did you think "wow this games must be good the guys hair is white" or did you (like me) hear that it was one of the best games out there and that you must play it? hair means no more than him wearing red (which in japan meant you were usually the hero) it makes little difference so can we please just drop it?
All i did was correct and enlighten Chocolatepanda.

Do you got a problem with that? If so i would like to hear why :)


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
my only problem is that DMC fans have been stuck over the hair thing for two years now. im not aiming it at anyone i just wanted to point out how little importance it hold in the grand scheme of things. seriously weve become a sub culture from now on over reacting to a redesign is a doing a DMC fanboy


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
my only problem is that DMC fans have been stuck over the hair thing for two years now. im not aiming it at anyone i just wanted to point out how little importance it hold in the grand scheme of things. seriously weve become a sub culture from now on over reacting to a redesign is a doing a DMC fanboy
I am not complaining about DmC Dante having black hair. For all i care he could have pink hair. He's a rebooted character, and has shares similarities with Dante from DMC only because of marketing reasons. Rebooting games aren't exactly done to bring innovation. It's done to earn money on something that has fanbase already. Why do you think there is a superman, spiderman or batman movie released every 2 years or so?

What i am doing (and ChocolatePanda as well) is discussing the meaning of white hair in DmC and DMC.
In DMC white hair is a genetic trait.
In DmC it's a result of Dante's powers.

If you want to you can join in on discussing that :)


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
I am not complaining about DmC Dante having black hair. For all i care he could have pink hair. He's a rebooted character, and has shares similarities with Dante from DMC only because of marketing reasons. Rebooting games aren't exactly done to bring innovation. It's done to earn money on something that has fanbase already. Why do you think there is a superman, spiderman or batman movie released every 2 years or so?

What i am doing (and ChocolatePanda as well) is discussing the meaning of white hair in DmC and DMC.
In DMC white hair is a genetic trait.
In DmC it's a result of Dante's powers.

If you want to you can join in on discussing that :)

D'Oh....ah well my bad.
yh i agree now the white hair has something to do with powers, the extent is yet to be discovered


Well-known Member
No, it won't.
DMC 1, 2, 3 and 4 Dante's hair is white because it was a genetic trait of his father. That is the story meaning to DMC Dante's hair colour.
Outside the game and story the inspiration for why DMC Dante had white hair comes from japanese folklore where someone with white hair was suspected to be possessed by a demon.

Let's go through the meanings again:

DmC = White hair represents his demonic(and possibly his angel) powers
DMC = White hair was a genetic trait

Are they the same meaning? Don't tell me they are lol :p
I guessed u missed my point, what i meant was his powers stem from his genetics soooo because of the those his hair changes to white. So in a sense you can still say his hair is white because of his genes.

This is my last hair comment, if what im saying doesnt make sense to you then lets just agree to disagree.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I guessed u missed my point, what i meant was his powers stem from his genetics soooo because of the those his hair changes to white. So in a sense you can still say his hair is white because of his genes.

This is my last hair comment, if what im saying doesnt make sense to you then lets just agree to disagree.
Well that´s true. "IN A way" you can say his white hair is from his genetics because his powers is from genetics.
We can also say "In a way Dante and Vergil are alike because of genetics", but you need to asK WHY. And the answer to WHY is - they are twins, and that´s the meaning.

In a sense you can say DmC Dante has white hair because of his genes - but what part of is his genes? The part that includes his demon powers. And so Dmc Dante´s hair is white because of demon power genes.
But DMC Dante´s hair is white because his father´s physical appearance genes was like that, and not because Sparda´s powers made his hair go white.

And that makes the meaning of DmC Dante having white hair different than DMC Dante´s.


Well-known Member
Well that´s true. "IN A way" you can say his white hair is from his genetics because his powers is from genetics.
We can also say "In a way Dante and Vergil are alike because of genetics", but you need to asK WHY. And the answer to WHY is - they are twins, and that´s the meaning.

In a sense you can say DmC Dante has white hair because of his genes - but what part of is his genes? The part that includes his demon powers. And so Dmc Dante´s hair is white because of demon power genes.
But DMC Dante´s hair is white because his father´s physical appearance genes was like that, and not because Sparda´s powers made his hair go white.

And that makes the meaning of DmC Dante having white hair different than DMC Dante´s.

When looking at it from a realistic point of view, the genes are from his father as Sparda has white hair in his human form. There needn't be anything else behind it, no supernatural explanation, it can simply be that one fact. They could just as well have turned blonde, as their mother has blonde hair, but the masculine gene seems to be the dominating one hence why their hair turned white instead.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
When looking at it from a realistic point of view, the genes are from his father as Sparda has white hair in his human form. There needn't be anything else behind it, no supernatural explanation, it can simply be that one fact. They could just as well have turned blonde, as their mother has blonde hair, but the masculine gene seems to be the dominating one hence why their hair turned white instead.
Yes, from a realistic perspective. And that´s the meaning that DMC Dante has as to why his hair is white. Where as in DmC the meaning has with his supernatural powers that comes from his father (if Sparda is his father and exists in DmC).


Well-known Member
Yes, from a realistic perspective. And that´s the meaning that DMC Dante has as to why his hair is white. Where as in DmC the meaning has with his supernatural powers that comes from his father (if Sparda is his father and exists in DmC).

Is there a specific official explanation to why he has white hair? That it is actually because of his demonic powers? If so, I would like to see the source on that.

It could might as well be because of his demonic heritage, as white hair in animé is usually linked to something supernatural, but I haven't seen an official statement about why Dante has white hair.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Is there a specific official explanation to why he has white hair? That it is actually because of his demonic powers? If so, I would like to see the source on that.

It could might as well be because of his demonic heritage, as white hair in animé is usually linked to something supernatural, but I haven't seen an official statement about why Dante has white hair.
You mean a non story related reason? Yes, there is and i told Chocolotatepanda in previous posts.
The reason for why Dante has white hair is because in japanese folklore people with white hair was believed to be possessed by a demon. And so people with white hair was "supernatural" in that sense.


Well-known Member
You mean a non story related reason? Yes, there is and i told Chocolotatepanda in previous posts.
The reason for why Dante has white hair is because in japanese folklore people with white hair was believed to be possessed by a demon. And so people with white hair was "supernatural" in that sense.

But has Capcom themselves given an explanation?
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