DMC scores

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I'll be scoring my own based off the games in the series. Comparing them to one another like there's nothing else in it's genre.

DMC 1 10/10
DMC 2 6/10
DMC 3 SE 8/10
DMC 4 6/10
DmC 10/10

Sidenotes: DMC -It's scored the highest because it started it all. If this failed for me I wouldn't be here.

DMC 2 -The game that literally was ahead of it's time. It birthed the style system. It had everything Dante could do in the game from start to finish. Which made the cutscenes seem underwhelming. If not for this game (that alters Dante's usual combo), we wouldn't have gotten DMC 3.

DMC 3 -The solution to the Nero Angelo mystery. It spawned what I wanted DMC 3 Dante to be in the form of a twin named Vergil that wields my ideal weapon! C'mon! I did however feel short changed on Vergil for so much money to get that same level of recycling that DMC 4 has. Wasn't a fan.

DMC 4 -The game DMC 2 was supposed to be. This is the official sequel to DMC 1 even in the timeline. The focus is on the gameplay of Dante not Nero. The story is focused around Nero but as far as moves and weapons, he was so short changed I disliked Dante gaining weapons during his moment. I felt cheated because I constantly thought Nero would get more of a gameplay edge than Dante. Complete mindf***.

(Spoilers ahead)
DmC -I'm not looking for judgement or anything negative from anyone. This is just the game that brought me back to how I felt about the DMC series entirely. The freedom to actually do whatever mix ups I wanted, for it to look and feel unrestricted, for Vergil to actually STAR in his own story that DIDN'T recycle stages, and the story connecting origin stories for each character especially Dante did it for me. I completely understand why Dante acted the way he does in DmC and how he had to mature to handle the mistake he just made by the end of DmC.

Last thing is what Dante actually is in DmC. He has shown us that he can adapt to each situation. When the moment came for him to end Vergil I felt this slight refusal in myself. I literally couldn't do what Dante did to Vergil to my own kin even if it were for mankind. I'd just keep fighting him until he escaped or I found out how to subdue him. The thing is, Dante knew there was no talking Vergil out of it at all. He knew there was no resolution for their problem and became the hero he didn't want to become but had to be.

Hence why the name Dante is so infamous in the demon world. He started off making noise, then he made a dent, and then he made history. How could a game like this (from my perspective) not get a perfect score?
Devil May Cry: 9/10 (personal favorite)

Devil May Cry 2: 5/10

Devil May Cry 3: 8.4/10

Devil May Cry 4: 3/10

DmC Devil May Cry: 8.5/10
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Reactions: Demi-fiend
Devil May Cry: 8/10
Devil May Cry 2: 7.5/10
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition: 10/10
Devil May Cry 4: 9/10
DmC: 7/10
I just finished DmC, and thought I would rate it as well as update the scores for the other games.

Devil May Cry - 10/10
Devil May Cry 2 - 6/10
Devil May Cry 3 - 8/10
Devil May Cry 4 - 7.5/10
DmC: Devil May Cry - 9/10

Other Details:


Atmosphere/Level Design



Dante's Appearance

Dante's Personality


Main Antagonist



Bloody Palace
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DMC 9/10

This is the game that started it all for me and i just loved the horror atmosphere it had while still being a great 3rd person action advetenture hack/slash game. Dante was so stylish and badass to me at the time and the music was just superb in it. It was not until years later that I found out from a friend that it was actually meant to be Resident Evil 4 which explains the great atmosphere and music which I wish would return.

DMC2 7/10

Now a lot of fans really don't hold this game in high esteem and I see most of the scores here have it ranked below 7, but for me this game actually brought some new and interesting mechanics to the DMC series such as the dodging, running up walls, and actually being able to switch weapons on the fly without having to go to the inventory screen. These things all where welcomed additions to me, but sadly the easy difficulty as well as the uninspiring story just made the game fall kinda flat to me, but still I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, Dante outfit in this game is also my favorite out of all the Dante's, although him not having DMC1 Dante's attitude kinda dampered it.

DMC3 9/10

This game just improved on DMC2 in so many ways such as having a much better story, better weapons, improved gameplay mechanics that where introduced in DMC2, and also having Dante cocky and talkative yet again. After playing DMC1 I always wanted to know more about Nelo Angelo's (Vergil) relationship and past with Dante which made this game that much more important and dear to me. It also sported some of the best unlockable features in a DMC game to date such as many costumes and in a later edition a new mode staring Vergil himself. This game was just so great.

DMC4 6.5/10

I looked forward to DMC4 for so long that once I finally got to play the game it just fell short of all my expectations. For once thing I was expecting a game where we would get a equal amount of Dante play as well as new areas and bosses for him, instead we got a game where not only did Nero's part of the game dominate it, but it also was rehashed along with the bosses for Dante's part of the game which made me finally getting to Dante and being able to play as him feel so not worth the play. And the bright ass levels and scenery just did not fit a DMC game in my opinion, one thing the DMC series was known for before was its darker scenery and to have most of DMC4 take place in such bright and colorful areas just felt weird at times. But despite these issues it still had some great gameplay and Nero's Devil Bringer was new and interesting and I enjoyed using it. And Dante being able to switch all his style on the fly was also a welcomed addition.

DmC 7/10

Ok I must admit that I was skeptical about this game from the jump, not only was it a reboot to a beloved series of mine it also featured a Dante that looked a lot different to the Dante i know and love. But as time went on and NT made changes to his look my worries slowly but surely eased.
To save me the time and trouble I'm just going to copy and paste my pros and cons for this game from my Thoughts on DmC game topic.


First let me start out with the pros.

- .Story is definitely better than DMC4, I like how the relationship with Dante and Vergil was fleshed out as them being loving brothers to possible enemies should their be a later games. In the original series we never got to see Vergil and Dante during their "brotherly years" so
It was a plus for me to see it here. So over all, I would rate the story as a ok one, but the ending was another matter which I will get into later.

- Unlockables where also good in this game. I like being able to unlock costumes and content within the game and DmC definitely delivered here in that respect.

- The Voice acting was really top notch in this, Dante and Vergil voice actors in particular did a great job at catching the emotions in the scenes.

Now on to the cons.

- Admittedly this is just a personal reason and taste, but I honestly just don't like this new Dante's design. I've been a fan of the original series for so long that I just have a vision of what I expect Dante to be as far as appearance goes, and that appearance includes a devilishly handsome white haired red coat wearing badazz.

- Combat left a lot to be desired in comparison to the previous DMC games. It just isn't as stylish or as fluid as say DMC4 or DMC3. It seems pretty obvious to me that once you
compare the combat to the original games that NT would need to work on it more if it wants to improve it from the high bar DMC4 set with its great gameplay. Granted this does not mean at all that the combat is bad, the gameplay itself is actually pretty good and I enjoyed it very much as a action adventure hack/slash game.

- Graphics was another thing that I had a problem with. Considering this game was made years after the previous DMC game I would think that NT would have made it a note to make sure the graphics where superior or at least comparable to DMC4. Once you compare the 2 its obvious that it was lacking.

- The ending is just something I just did not like one bit. I get that some feel it was intentionally done like that to pave a way for a sequel, but I just dislike open endings like that which just ends leaving you "hanging" so to speak. Having Vergil and Dante have a battle like that and simply having Vergil just get up and leave and the game ending after a few words between Dante and Kat made me feel as if the ending could have been done better. I feel it could have been done in a way that made the players feel like they got something out of the story by for example having Vergil give 1 final epic speech to Dante
And then having a flash forward to Dante building his Devil May Cry shop alongside Kat with a new attire and new attitude. Granted the story really hasn't ended until we get our hands on the Vergil DLC that is confirmed to take place after DmC, but having to pay for the real ending never suited my taste.>_<

- Excessive swearing was another gripe I had with it, now now I know some of you are going to scream "But this is a M rated game, what you expect?" but its not the fact that there is swearing in the game that I have a problem with Its the fact that so many unneeded F bombs get dropped that I feel like NT is trying to force the whole "edgy" thing on the fans.:/

- Difficulty in comparison to the previous series was lacking, not saying the game is easy but I had a harder time with some of the original games than I did with this one.

And that is it for my scores.
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DMC1: Sticky controls, sticky camera, paper-thin plot, laughable acting -- NEXT
Ok... so maybe it had a FEW good combo possibilities here and there. Still doesn't make up for all the crap, though. 5/10
DMC2: HAHAHA... oh wait, you're serious. *ahem*... at least it's better than DMC4, though that's not really saying much.

[When talking about overall quality I mean; and at least it tried to take itself seriously instead of making Dante dance in confetti.]

Yes, much like the previous game, it had some good combo possibilities -- and some nice new backgrounds taking place in high-tech oil rigs and city skylines -- but that's it. 6/10
DMC3: 4 perfect melee weapons and 1 hard-to-control guitar. Yes, I know you can do great combos with the Nevan, but no. Just no.

Vergil's weapons were "less-than-perfect", but his entire skill set flowed so well together that it didn't matter.

Also, DMD with No Upgrade SS Rank Dante on Turbo. Whoa. 9/10
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DMC4: HAHAHAHA -- ok fine, I'll tell you what's wrong with it.

5 weapons with Dante and Nero opposed to 7 weapons with Dante and Vergil. Repeating backgrounds, Nero crying, Dante dancing in confetti, Nero crying, lame bad guy, Nero crying, lame stuttering henchman, Nero crying, Angelic Final Fantasy designs, Nero wrapping his legs around Dante.

Instead of posting a combo video here, I'm just going to post this -- because this is 90% of all DMC4 vids anyway; with the other 10 percent being Pandora tomfoolery. I'll take Spiral over that OP-POS any day of the week.
Oh, and OP Distortion.
Really? And you're saying that DmC's DT + Arbiter was bad? Please. 4/10
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This is my favorite action game of all time. It even beats out Darksiders II; while that game came in at a very close second, in the end I have to give (massive) credit where credit is due.

Also: Spinning Camera during combos.

10 out of 10. 100 Points. 5 stars.

However you want to grade it -- just know that it's a game that takes me to Nirvana, and never goes back.

Flawless Victory.



He knew there was no resolution for their problem and became the hero he didn't want to become but had to be.

Hence why the name Dante is so infamous in the demon world. He started off making noise, then he made a dent, and then he made history. How could a game like this (from my perspective) not get a perfect score?
Beautiful. :'(
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Reactions: The Final Offer
DMC: 8/10 the gameplay is still really fun but it does show age
still i really like the story and it only got better after i replayed it knowing what happened in 3

DMC2: 6/10 its not THAT bad but the first one was so much better
but i do like the things that that they tried to do most of witch where perfected in 3

DMC3/3SE: 9.5/10 my favorite game of all time
IMO had the best story
best/most bosses
and my favorite combat
only nit pick is that there are 1 or 2 rooms/levels that feel like padding to make the game longer

DMC4: 8.5/10 the first one i played
yes it is only half of a game which is really the only reason why i don't tie it with 3
Nero is really fun to play as and once i heard he was Vergil's son i liked him way more as a character

DmC: 7/10 i like the gameplay but i'm disappointed by there being no styles
but the writing is where this game really lacks for me its not horrible but it has allot of problems
also none of the bosses impressed me
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they can do that if they wish but i like the idea that he is

I like the idea of Nero being Vergil's son as well.

But from a logical standpoint as in how old Vergil would have had to be to father Nero I just can't help but have doubts.

That and his attitude towards humans.
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Reactions: MephistoCarnival
DMC1 = 9/10 Game held surprisingly well and after playing it I haven't felt it's outdated, except jump mechanics and camera. It also features some nice sceneries. Enemies are best in whole franchise. Bosses are really great with only disappointment that you need to fight them 3 times. Some of them have nice place changes that makes them feel like new fights (Griffon 2). It also features coolest Dante appearance in franchise.

DMC2 = 7/10 My first DMC so I wasn't disappointed by it like most. I still enjoy playing it. It suffers from bad enemy design and dumb AI, but some bosses are actually cool, like Furitarius or Despair.

DMC3 = 9/10 It exceeds DMC1 in combat and bosses. My main grip is still pretty bad jumping + normal enemies are somewhere on DMC2 level. Return to castle is nice choice and bosses are awesome. Style system really added more variation. Restricted weapon usage is also nice, because it makes you learn your tools more to survive ordeals. Overall one of my most favorite HnS games along with Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden 2

DMC4 = 8/10 It would be solid 9/10 if it wasn't for backtracking. I enjoyed combat on same scale as DMC3 and enemies from DMC1 were really cool too. I also enjoyed boss battles in it. Especially Credo. I didn't mind Nero as most, though he does require character development to stand on his own, apart from Dante. And he definitely needs more weapons. I loved Dante weapons, especially Pandora's box.

DmC = 6/10 One of the biggest disappointment I felt during my 18 + years of gaming. I don't like new direction, but I expected it to offer much more in terms of combat. After 2 playthroughs I felt genuinely bored with combat and it's repetitiveness. Enemies are somewhere on level of DMC3/DMC2, but bosses are probably worst in whole franchise, which pretty much killed the last positive impression I had for this game.
I like the idea of Nero being Vergil's son as well.

But from a logical standpoint as in how old Vergil would have had to be to father Nero I just can't help but have doubts.

That and his attitude towards humans.

I'm thinking they're going to clear this up by telling us that each Devil May Cry game was an alternate universe.
DMC1 = 9/10 Game held surprisingly well and after playing it I haven't felt it's outdated, except jump mechanics and camera. It also features some nice sceneries. Enemies are best in whole franchise. Bosses are really great with only disappointment that you need to fight them 3 times. Some of them have nice place changes that makes them feel like new fights (Griffon 2). It also features coolest Dante appearance in franchise.

DMC2 = 7/10 My first DMC so I wasn't disappointed by it like most. I still enjoy playing it. It suffers from bad enemy design and dumb AI, but some bosses are actually cool, like Furitarius or Despair.

DMC3 = 9/10 It exceeds DMC1 in combat and bosses. My main grip is still pretty bad jumping + normal enemies are somewhere on DMC2 level. Return to castle is nice choice and bosses are awesome. Style system really added more variation. Restricted weapon usage is also nice, because it makes you learn your tools more to survive ordeals. Overall one of my most favorite HnS games along with Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden 2

DMC4 = 8/10 It would be solid 9/10 if it wasn't for backtracking. I enjoyed combat on same scale as DMC3 and enemies from DMC1 were really cool too. I also enjoyed boss battles in it. Especially Credo. I didn't mind Nero as most, though he does require character development to stand on his own, apart from Dante. And he definitely needs more weapons. I loved Dante weapons, especially Pandora's box.

DmC = 6/10 One of the biggest disappointment I felt during my 18 + years of gaming. I don't like new direction, but I expected it to offer much more in terms of combat. After 2 playthroughs I felt genuinely bored with combat and it's repetitiveness. Enemies are somewhere on level of DMC3/DMC2, but bosses are probably worst in whole franchise, which pretty much killed the last positive impression I had for this game.


Wait whoa. TWO playthroughs? In the other thread you said you beat it on every difficulty. In the other thread, you also said that the color coated enemies were a nuisance because they restricted your weapons, but when DMC 3 does it, you're A ok with it? You also said in another thread that you believed that it was replacing the original and thus hate it for that very reason. You thought the game held restrictions in places it truly hadn't.

Flip flop.
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Wait whoa. TWO playthroughs? In the other thread you said you beat it on every difficulty. In the other thread, you also said that the color coated enemies were a nuisance because they restricted your weapons, but when DMC 3 does it, you're A ok with it? You also said in another thread that you believed that it was replacing the original and thus hate it for that very reason. You thought the game held restrictions in places it truly hadn't.

Flip flop.
I think he posted previously that he got bored, yet finished all the difficulties despite that. I guess it took him two playthroughs to be bored of the game? :unsure: