Just played the demo. I was actually playing DMC4 while I waited for the download.
To say one thing, this game is very fair, but still punishes you accordingly. It's just as challenging as the others though, but will never p*ss you off enough for you to stop playing. The Stylish Meter felt more like it was encouraging me to do better, rather than disheartening me about my score. It shows what combos you'll pull off, which is very satisfying and helpful if you did something by accident.
This game is hard. I mean, very hard. Enemies attacks are designed well, especially ones with shields or chainsaws. I like how the gameforces you to experiment, but does so naturally. You learn new combosand and strategies by playing the game more often. I found myself messing some moves up. I guess this is what Tameem meant by "Easy to learn, hard to master."
Now the opening cutscene runs through the story. It seems we'll have a lot of new ploy points that were either never discussed in DMC3 or that never happened. The environments are beautiful, and the game never had any framerate issues for me.
For skeptics, play the demo. Don't expect a master piece. Expect another Devil May Cry game. Don't go into it wanting to like it or hate it. Go in neutral. You may enjoy it.
When in Neutral when first played it....
Was waaaaaay to easy and boring, even on SoS.