DmC Official Demo Thread

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Not sure if this was said before, but I noticed that if you do a perfect dodge while holing R2 Dante dodges in slow motion. Also, There is a secret mission in the start of the boss battle mission. Look to the left of the opening right at the end of the hallway, and there's a door that needs a copper key to open. GOING BACK TO PLAYING
If any of you have played Legacy of Kain, or at least LOK: Defiance, you won't have much of a problem with adjusting to the controls. A lot of them are similar. Especially dodging, and the fact that Defiance gives you the chance to fight without a hard lock-on.
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It's not that bad. I've played the demo on both 360 and PS3 and PS3 isn't that much different.
I think it is. I mean, it's already at half the series' standard framerate, and it's not even a rock solid 30fps? It's ridiculous that it drops.

Other than that I'm having a blast with the game, it's a day one purchase to me... on PC.

How. I played an earlier build and it looked absolutely gorgeous
It is gorgeous, I'm only talking about framerate here :)
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Now that ive beat the demo i can say that the game makes me feel angry in a good way. Like i feel that i wanna rip these demons a new one when i play it which i like. In my personal opinion it is as good as (though not as complex as) dmc 3. My complaints are that the cutscenes are a bit choppy and the camera needs work especially since there is no lock on but other then that im set
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It's not that bad. I've played the demo on both 360 and PS3 and PS3 isn't that much different.

I play on a 40 inch LED and a sound system so the difference is totally noticeable. The cut scenes have frame rate issues, the lighting and rendering jumps, the load screen drops audio and skips, the Vergil PSA drops audio, and some other small issues not really present in the 360 demo.

Ninja Theory does seem to favor the 360 version a lot since most of the previews and previous demos were on it.
It does feel a bit like Enslaved all over again :(
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Just downloaded it...It's been a long time since I played it.
This game makes you remember good memories of playing a game that is new, and also gives you the feeling that you are playing DMC. Which is a weird feeling...because I never felt that when I played DMC4 the first time.

First the music that greets you on your first battle is possibly the closest to "rock". I just love the feeling of the 80's.
I didn't like the previous series music that didn't quite seem to have enough feelings of it. But finally we have a punk character instead of a Final fantasy character with the right music. Good.
The combat is simply FUN. No wonder it has good marks on PSN. It has a damn reason.
It's takes quite some skill to get a S ranking. And is very challenging since the enemies are quite strong and encourages you to dodge stylishly.
Some of the moves are up-graded than the previous series. Drive seems useful as ever, and Angel lift is a stronger air-trick, since it stuns enemies on contact. Prop and shredder seems more "Shredder" like, since Dante extends his arm forward menacingly, and you don't simply mess with trillion stabs. You get it, TRILLION!.
But there is some points that I don't like. Like you can't charge you shots while using Ophion. And it seems you have to press a bit more than in the classic series to launch youself in the air with hightime. But otherwise it's quite a fine build.

(Also as I played I noticed more about the fun parts of limbo.
Some of the walls and floors detect Dante's presence and extends this tar-like objects, it's quite fun. sightseeing Limbo.
Edit: I noticed some art on the wall that looks like some stygian drones are being pierced by Yamato)
I play on a 40 inch LED and a sound system so the difference is totally noticeable. The cut scenes have frame rate issues, the lighting and rendering jumps, the load screen drops audio and skips, the Vergil PSA drops audio, and some other small issues not really present in the 360 demo.

Ninja Theory does seem to favor the 360 version a lot since most of the previews and previous demos were on it.
It does feel a bit like Enslaved all over again :(
Ah, well from my experience it wasn't that different. :P
Well I'm sorry for all the PS3 owners. :/
Does someone want to make a bug list thread. I got a bug where the boss is just staring at me...
After stupid amounts of rendering my video is uploaded (Which also took it's time)
Gota say I felt I wasn't playing very well. It is guna take me a while to get use to everything. Then I can fully enjoy fluent gameplay :D (Which I can't wait to achieve)
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you guys just made me worried :( PS3 version is that BAD ?
It has issues bad enough to have you lean toward the 360 version more. If you own a PS3, the problems don't break the game in terms of playablility. Its just if I had to choose between the two consoles, it would be 360 no brainer.
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