Man, I remember DMC3 difficulty kicked my ass most of the time. I usually got a B ranking and stuck with it.
Awesome, we'll be waiting for your playthrough then, don't worry about items or ND, just doing it will be fine. If you need a link to the mod it's here,
As it's so easy I expect your playthrough to be up at some point soon, or at the very least mission 2 today.
So wait...I'm allowed to use items? You do understand that no matter what this will be incredibly easy right? How About I do level 2 with no damage? Is that okay for you?
Whatever you want, as long as it's GMD+LDK I don't care I just want to see if you can beat it like you say.
So I can use items, and it doesn't matter what grade I get?
lol, you underestimate me by quite a bit there. I've already completed LDK no damage, this will not be any harder.
So you guarantee that I can't complete this level even with items and no Damage? Guarantee?
I don't guarantee it, I'm not so arrogant with my assumptions. If you do it I will happily admit I was wrong and credit you as a good DMC player.
However the footage you have shown only shows that you are a slightly above average player, something this difficulty does not allow.
ND runs and S ranks don't mean you're a good player. It just means you know how to play safe, good players push their limits and make real challenges for themselves. The earlier showing of "not using the analog stick" doesn't mean the game's easy with items or you are good, for a start you can still easily exploit the invulnerable frames from jumping. Try it again as Dante without using the analog stick or jumping, only using Royal Guard to not take damage.
Do it all the time. Plus there is strategy, strategy is the way to go. I have a strategy to doing this, which by your own criteria makes me a good dmc player.
You are mis-interpreting what I'm saying, a good player doesn't go around saying everything is easy, they look for more challenges to better improve themselves rather than saying they are already amazing and assuming they are the best or at least on par with them.
A strategy could be just use your guns and long range moves to beat the enemy without taking damage, doesn't make someone a good player.
But your criteria to being a good player would be that I would be able to do this level with no damage?
Why do we keep going around in circles? we started talking about this an hour ago, if you do impressive stuff I'll think you are a good player, what you have shown in your videos is not impressive by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not saying your ND runs are not hard and well done for being able to do them but in the grand scheme of "good DMC players" it's not even in the same league or sport.
I haven't completed GMD+LDK on any levels and I'd be considered a decent well above average player, so by extension if you can do this you're a superior player to myself.
you're a decent above average player? Last I checked the game grades players. In only your own eyes are you seeing yourself as better than me, but since I last checked, I don't think you outscored me on any of the missions, and I've completed the whole game ND where you haven't.
A simple empirical way of measuring us. I have finished the game ND with no items, you haven't.