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Disappointing DT?


Praise the Sun!
You're multi-posting. You only need to edit your first post if you left out something.
ohhhhhhhh yeah but my internet kept going off and on so i had to reply to each quickly and one at a time in case it went off and i couldn't post but the problem is now fixed ^_^


Devil hunter in training
Is the trigger in the game Dante's full one? As he is half a demon, is it safe to assume his devil trigger is incomplete for now? Maybe he gets a full one later in the game that looks more demon like.


Praise the Sun!
Is the trigger in the game Dante's full one? As he is half a demon, is it safe to assume his devil trigger is incomplete for now? Maybe he gets a full one later in the game that looks more demon like.
in all prior games when he got his DT its was already complete besides in 1 and 2 where in 1 he took his fathers form and in 2 when he was in danger and close to dying it would become more powerful


Hot-blooded God of Guns
in all prior games when he got his DT its was already complete besides in 1 and 2 where in 1 he took his fathers form and in 2 when he was in danger and close to dying it would become more powerful

Keep in mind though, that in DMC1, Dante was taking on the form of the Devil Arm's soul. The only reason he looked like Sparda at the end was because he had Sparda's sword. And DMC2 takes place the furthest way in Dante's life, to the point where he's much more powerful, and possibly surpassed his father. Even in DMC3 his DT is takes power from the weapon he's holding.

You can't really compare them to the veritable fledgling Dante of DmC and hope for similar results.


so kinda like Nelo Angelo with the whole veins and red eyes
Vergil(As Nelo Angelo) in UMvC3 looked awesome, along with his Devil Trigger


Praise the Sun!
Hmmm...looks like I found another anti-fan who doesn't know what is the meaning of "alternate universe".
or someone who's just curious to know if the new dante will get a full DT

Keep in mind though, that in DMC!, Dante was taking on the form of the Devil Arm's soul. The only reason looked like Sparda at the end was because he had Sparda's sword. And DMC2 takes place the furthest way in Dante's life, to the point where he's much more powerful, and possibly surpassed his father. Even in DMC3 his DT is takes power from the weapon he's holding.

You can't really compare them to the veritable fledgling Dante of DmC and hope for similar results.
i know this but seeing how dante has the weapons of his mother and father his DT would look slightly more demonic/angelic than, his hair turns white, coat turns a deeper shade of red and his eyes go red with red veins which reminds me of nelo angelo except his veins were blue and he was much more pale


Hot-blooded God of Guns
i know this but seeing how dante has the weapons of his mother and father his DT would look slightly more demonic/angelic than, his hair turns white, coat turns a deeper shade of red and his eyes go red with red veins which reminds me of nelo angelo except his veins were blue and he was much more pale

Sure, but you're applying DMC logic to DmC, which may not work, which in this case, it doesn't. In DmC, weapons don't offer anything towards Dante's Devil Trigger, and they all exist as different forms Rebellion takes.


Praise the Sun!
Sure, but you're applying DMC logic to DmC, which may not work, which in this case, it doesn't. In DmC, weapons don't offer anything towards Dante's Devil Trigger, and they all exist as different forms Rebellion takes.
do you like the DT so far?


Well-known Member
or someone who's just curious to know if the new dante will get a full DT

Even if he did have one, he wouldn't even look like a demon much, remember..he's nephilim. Hell, I remember when I saw the DT for the first time, I thought it was NT's attempt to shut the crybaby fanboys up about the hair. For now I would sometimes name this the Super Saiyan Trigger.

All I'm trying to say is that Dante wouldn't even look like a demon if he had a full DT, it's not that I wouldn't want one.


Praise the Sun!
Even if he did have one, he wouldn't even look like a demon much, remember..he's nephilim. Hell, I remember when I saw the DT for the first time, I thought it was NT's attempt to shut the crybaby fanboys up about the hair. For now I would sometimes name this the Super Saiyan Trigger.

All I'm trying to say is that Dante wouldn't even look like a demon if he had a full DT, it's not that I wouldn't want one.
if he's "nephilim" which is the wrong term anyway ,thats why its in quotes, shouldn't he look more demonic or angelic instead of "old dante"


Well-known Member
if he's "nephilim" which is the wrong term anyway ,thats why its in quotes, shouldn't he look more demonic or angelic instead of "old dante"

The term "nephilim" can be different in DmC than it is in real-life mythos. Games do that all the time, taking names from real-life mythos and change it to fit their world mythos.

For example, the Asura in Guild Wars isn't the same as the Asura in real-life mythos. But so what?
Another example, Dante is based on Dante Alighieri from Dante's Inferno, but that doesn't mean DmC/DMC Dante has to be exactly like him.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
do you like the DT so far?

Yeah, I like it. But that's because I love the concept of his Devil Trigger giving him some semblance of control over Malice in Limbo, and I think it's an interesting take on that. I like the effects. It could be better, but I'm okay with it for now. Plus, given the way Demons really look in this (the actual demons, not the drone-like Stygians), would you want Dante to look more demonic...?

I also don't consistently expect things to appear similar to the classic stuff. I take it all as it comes, and am pleasantly surprised when something is a nod to the classics in some way.

if he's "nephilim" which is the wrong term anyway ,thats why its in quotes, shouldn't he look more demonic or angelic instead of "old dante"

Nephilim is the wrong term, but oooooh weeeellll. Darksiders mucked it up first, as have a few others. That's the funny thing about creative liberty. I do it in my writing, too.


Praise the Sun!
The term "nephilim" can be different in DmC than it is in real-life mythos. Games do that all the time, taking names from real-life mythos and change it to fit their world mythos.

For example, the Asura in Guild Wars isn't the same as the Asura in real-life mythos. But so what?
Another example, Dante is based on Dante Alighieri from Dante's Inferno, but that doesn't mean DmC/DMC Dante has to be exactly like him.
i know that but for terms for creatures it seems like they didn't research it, its the same with the succubus it seems stupid the examples you gave where characters so you have room to change the character around but its like if i were to call a zombie a nosferatu it just seems sily


Well-known Member
i know that but for terms for creatures it seems like they didn't research it, its the same with the succubus it seems stupid the examples you gave where characters so you have room to change the character around but its like if i were to call a zombie a nosferatu it just seems sily

Again, games have done this for a LONG long time. You don't have to like it, just accept it.


Praise the Sun!
Yeah, I like it. But that's because I love the concept of his Devil Trigger giving him some semblance of control over Malice in Limbo, and I think it's an interesting take on that. I like the effects. It could be better, but I'm okay with it for now. Plus, given the way Demons really look in this (the actual demons, not the drone-like Stygians), would you want Dante to look more demonic...?
now that you mention i probably wouldn't want him to look more demonic since everything i see either reminds me of silent hill and parasite eve *shudders* but for me his DT just looks like something NT did to please fans of the old series
Again, games have done this for a LONG long time. You don't have to like it, just accept it.


Well-known Member
I do sincerely hope that there is more to this game's DT actually.
I didn't realize that the veins look like cracks as Alittleacorn pointed out. That is pretty interesting if they actually role with that idea; that something is trying to breach out of his human shape.

I'd also have a little headcanon that this Dante really wishes he was just human and can't let go of that false premise in his head. Hence why all that power is so locked away.

If the end game (maybe the final showdown with Mundus) has him in a true demon mode at some point of the fight I think it be pretty cool and rewarding.
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