Re: Devil May Cry- Disciples of the Judgement Day Devils [COLLAB FAN FIC - PLANNING F
Final Main Character Program
Name - Aaron Zen a.k.a A.Z.
Location - Malaysia
Blood - Quarter Malay,Quarter Chinese,and half demon
Height - 5 feet
Job - Rebellion Knight
Age - 18
Build - Thin,an average teenage man.
Hair - Black.
Eye colour - Black.
Clothes - Black coat with hood,with blue and red motives.Black gloves.Black boots.
Melee Weapons
Kingslayer - (powerful single edged sword with a shotgun barrel attached.Enables powerful fire explosive attacks.Easily wielded in one hand.The prototype sword model where the Order of the Sword's standard swords is based on.Many modifications made for Aaron's use.Uses the shotgun shells with the power of fire.)
Pandemonium - (powerful gauntlets and greaves.Powerful thunder attacks is enabled.Increases speed,defense,and attack to the user.)
Ranged Weapons
Requiem and Penance - (powerful ranged dual guns.A hybrid between a revolver and a handgun.Built with a revolver's barrel,and a triple medium sized handgun's barrel.Shoots three bullets at the same time.Requiem is painted in black and red motives,while Penance is painted with silver and blue motives.)
Ryukenzan - (Powerful double barreled shotgun.Easily wielded with one hand.)
Special Weapon
Gyokusho - (The power which has the absolute command on demons and the nature.Able to manipulate the demons and nature with free will.Inherited by Aaron's father.When the magic activates,a sigil will appears on his left eye.)
D.T. form
A demonic dark and holy knight with wings.Has powerful demonic attacks and abilities..Increased health regeneration,high attack power,and high defence.Able to fly in a brief period.
Pros - Very cool.Very smart.Street wise.Handsome.Likes cats.Likes girls.
Cons - Very emotional.A bit slow.Very shy to girls.Very rebellious.Happy go lucky.Always keep to himself.
History - A long time admirer of Dante,Nero and Vergil.A man who lost his parents to a demon assault lead by an unknown man in his home when he was young.His father is a demon,and the mother is half Malay and Chinese.He seeks to revenge on those who killed his parents,by doing many demon hunting jobs.His left eye has been inherited by his father,which grants him a powerful magic called Gyokusho,which allows him to command enemies and nature to follow his commands.However,continous usage of Gyokusho makes him weaker and makes him go in a berserk D.T. state after he used the power too much.His father is one of the Dark Knight's Legion,which are Sparda's former main army of demonic knights.
(Chaos Mode is the same with Exceed mode,but Chaos Mode uses fire elemental shotgun shells and must manually reload after 3 shots.)
Imperial Combo I (Chaos) - Quick but powerful 3 hit combo using the Kingslayer.
Imperial Combo II (Chaos)- Furious 5 hit slash attack using the Kingslayer.
Dawn Streak (Chaos) - A powerful long thrust attack and followed by a powerful spinning slash using Kingslayer.
Midnight Launcher (Chaos) - Powerful double upper slash attack.
Dusk End (Chaos) - Powerful aerial 5 slashes attack using the Kingslayer.
Great Crusher (Chaos) - Powerful downward slash attack using the Kingslayer.
Majestic Break (Chaos) - Powerful wave attack using the Kingslayer.
Pandemonium Combo I - Powerful 4 hit combo with punches and kicks using Pandemonium.
Pandemonium Combo II - Powerful multi kick attack using Pandemonium.
Thunder Fury - Powerful uppercut with the power of thunder using Pandemonium.
Storm Crush - Powerful lightning attack released by Pandemonum's gauntlets.
Lightning Spike - Powerful dive kick attack using the Pandemonium.
Grand Storm - Powerful thunder storm attack using the Pandemonium.
Requiem and Penance
Shoot - Shoots using Requiem and Penance.
Rapid Shots - Shoots in rapid fire using Requiem and Penance.
Charge Shot - Powerful charge shot attack using Requiem and Penance.
Multi Shots - Shoots on multiple enemies using Requiem and Penance.
Air Shoot - Shoots in the air using Requiem and Penance.
Shoot - Shoots using Ryukenzan.
Rapid Fire - Shoots with faster fire rate using Ryukenzan.
Charge Shot - Shoot charge shots using Ryukenzan.
Dead End - Multiple shot attack on multiple enemies using Ryukenzan.
Air Shoot - Shoots in the air using Ryukenzan.
(Powerful magical ability,but with many restrictions.Failed to follow the rules results to death.)
Rules and Restricitons]
-Must not be used on any humans.
-Can only be used on demons and the nature.
-Must be aware that the mental stress is overwhelming to the user.
-Half bloods are immune to this magic.
-Can only commands a demon once.Repeated commands on the same demon does not work.
-Does not work on powerful demons.
-Must heal allies when injured.
Gyokusho's Abilities]
Manipulate - Manipulate a demon and will follow Aaron's commands using Gyokusho.
Protection - Use the power of nature as a shield to block attacks using Gyokusho.
Nature's Wish - Manipulates various objects to attack enemies using Gyokusho.
Royal Castle - Powerful barrier which repels attack on the front using Gyokusho.
Pure Wind - Sacrifices some of your own health to
heal allies from injuries and diseases.
Devil Trigger Abilities
(Aaron's demon form is called Devhalo.)
Judgement Slash - Powerful multi hit slash attack.One slash results a shockwave.
Omni Slice - Multiple aerial slash attack by commanding Kingslayer to fly and slash.One slash results a shockwave.
Hallowed Judgement - Summons multiple holy laser attacks to attack enemies.
Luminous Pillars - Summons multiple light pillars to attack enemies.
Holy Impact - Powerful light orb blast attack.
Apocalypse - Powerful ultimate laser cannon attack.
Thunder Destruction - Powerful punch and kick combo attack.Powerful thunder shockwaves ignited every attack.
Thunder Zone - Powerful storm area attack.
Spark Justice - Fires multiple lightning bolts on air.
Lethal Vortex - Powerful spinning lightning body charge attack.
Final Storm - Power lightning explosion attack.
Final Command - Manipulates all enemies in range.
Imperial Shield - Mighty barrier which repel attacks.
Last Judgement - Summons powerful explosion attack.Destroys everything in path.
Last Wind - Heals all allies to full health.
Support Abilities
Acrobatic Dodge - Dodge attacks with fancy acrobatic moves.
Magic Supplier - Fills Devil Trigger faster.
Swim - Able to swim.
Eat - Able to eat.
Flirt - Able to flirt.
Double Jump - Jumps twice.
Dash - Dashes in high speed.
Theme Song - The Dark Rebellion by Chaos Master
The final main character.Needs some modification some time later.Weapons and characters artworks i will post them later if i can draw...