It all depends how close you wanna get as Lucifer needs to be dome just after he appears and close enough to damage h but not close enough for u to take damage off his shield it all depends on what moves you find comfortable
It all depends how close you wanna get as Lucifer needs to be dome just after he appears and close enough to damage h but not close enough for u to take damage off his shield it all depends on what moves you find comfortable
They do if you press the style button when u get to where u move but I do the rows on the spot exploding them one after another til they explode at least 4 rows then from there you take him down whatever way you like
No change dude she will be reviewed in the morning so I am gonna go sleep in the evo in the carpark fr the night prob be on here til I get tired
Me too we are still waiting for her waters to break **** sake
Congratz man.Yep she was born last night at 7.53pm 7 pounds 15 ounces and they are both doing fantastic woohoo
Yep she was born last night at 7.53pm 7 pounds 15 ounces and they are both doing fantastic woohoo
Try to average An a in style rank do a lot of level 3 exceed attacks when he is downed ad when he is about to reform his shield jump up DT and charge shot him he will drop again then buster him turn off DT and you will stay in the dt'd animation mash the shoot button and hit him with the summoned swords and repeat u may find that easier