Well like many others i expected a prequel or sequel game of DMC.They haven't forgotten about the "old" Dante and will probably continue DMC.
This is just an experiment, spicing the things up and testing how fans would react if the series went in other direction.
You can still play that HD collection, which they made to keep DMC canon hot.
Dante from DMC hasn't changed ffs.
He's still there and you will probably play couple more games with him.
If you don't like this character, then wait for the continuation of the canon and amuse yourself with HD collection until then.
In the meantime I'll enjoy this sweet candy of a game.
A prequel showing how things went for Vergil in demon realm or Sparda family
A sequel explaining Nero
HD games will be nice but it does not provide any of that.
Just because i discuss the character Dante of DMC does not mean i believe character is only important thing in a game.