Capcom/Ninja theory's plan was to replace Dante?

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Ah right. Yeah with that said i guess Capcom may have planned two DMC games from early on. But it that proves that this thread is not so true.

So it can be closed i guess. Good points.
Aside from DMC4 Dante, all the old Dantes have appeared in other games.

DMC1 Dante in Viewtiful Joe
DMC2 Dante in Shin Megami Tensei 3
DMC3 Dante in Marvel vs Capcom 3/Ultimate MvsC3

Edit: CoolDemon, shall I close the thread? I think it's ok for it to remain open, but as you're the thread's creator, I leave the final judgment to you.
You said "there he is" as in Dante being somewhere? Where (what game are you talking about)?

I'm saying that that boy with the black hair and black coat is Dante, they didn't trow him away, there he is, but they trew away alot of what made him him. So you can look at it in one of two ways: 1 They aren't replacing Dante himself, just most of who he is and 2 They are replacing Dante, they're just keeping one or two characteristics and the name.

Isn't he just beautiful? I love the DMC2 look... *sighs longingly*
Isn't he just beautiful? I love the DMC2 look... *sighs longingly*

I found him quite appealing as well to be honest, dunno why loads of people found the game uninteresting. DMC2 Dante was just as good as the others, minus the unnecessary comments every five seconds. He said what he needed to say, then shut the hell up, just how I like my protagonists. :3
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I don't know, that picture doesn't really do it for me. I like the DMC2 images better.
I like DMC 2 to be honest thought it may has it's flaws. I like the Dante in DMC 2 more than 3. DMC 2 and DMC 1 Dante is kinda hard to say which i like most.

I'm saying that that boy with the black hair and black coat is Dante, they didn't trow him away, there he is, but they trew away alot of what made him him. So you can look at it in one of two ways: 1 They aren't replacing Dante himself, just most of who he is and 2 They are replacing Dante, they're just keeping one or two characteristics and the name.
If they didn't throw him away (as in keep him the same in DmC) then what's point of two DMC universes then?
And no last i checked Dante don't smoke and isn't half angel and demon. And his hair is white because his father's human form has white hair not because he got white hair from demon powers.

No kan do sir - That's not the Dante i know and love.
I don't care much if Dante gets replaced or not at this point. But i just wanted to discuss if that might have been their plan with DmC.

I don't get your point about old and new. Mario hasn't changed in ages, and so hasn't Link. And what about Monkey from Enslaved how is he any way how people are in real life? Since some people bring up the argument that "DmC Dante is easier to relate to than DMC Dante".
And trends and being cool is not important in a video game unless it's what the game is about (the Sims for example). Good gameplay, story, atmosphere, music, etc is. I don't see how DmC and it's character is new or unique. Different it is though. The character is based off DMC Dante. Unique definition means being one of a kind. How is DmC's character that when DMC Dante is the same "kind"?.
Your points are good. I made this topic to discuss and you have brought up some good arguments about why they won't replace Dante.
To just remind you though that Capcom's Pr Manager Leo Tan did say "“I think it’s important that we aren’t ruling out the possibility of a Devil May Cry 5 to continue the story. We just want to see where the reboot goes first, before making any further decisions.”".

I hate the word reboot and rebooting in general. Because it's a cowards way of making games. Instead of trying to be innovative and try to come up with something new they milk exisiting games with reboots of them. For what? Money. But i like how Tomb raider character looks like in the reboot. And if you compare old tombraider game with reboot you will see signficant poorer graphics in old games. So i like graphical improvements that reboots bring and that is why i tolerate such reboots.

But 2008 Prince of Persia and this DmC reboot are reboots i don't tolerate. They are totally unecessary. Instead of fixing DMC story - they decided to make a reboot in other words milk the series. If you find that acceptable then imagine a scenario of Capcom making two more "DMC" universes along with the current two. 1) called dmC 2) dMc. And then there would be total of one DMC game and 3 "DMC" games and the 3 "DMC" (the reboots) games share DMC as template (source of idea, gameplay , character). Would that be ok? No, and neither should one reboot be (especially one that's so different and not necessary).

The true fan thing is something i have cast away. But i believe that we are fan of something more than something else. Because that's how we are in general about interests, friends, idols, characters, series etc.
For example if you had to make a choice because a game company asked you "Do you want us to make sequel to Game A or Game B ?" (and person having to make a choice is fan of both game serie). You can't say both - then which would you choose? Whichever you choose it shows that people can be fans of something more than something else.

To be honest mario and link are in a different league as they are literally gaming icons/staples and persisted thruought the eras being innovattive with each big addition. plus no one plays mario for its story and link is not even a character, he is a cipher for the player.

i think monkey is a bit more of a relatable character than dante because i can say i understand him a little better and there is a method to his actions where dante just does what the writers want because they do dont know what to do. Another way to look at it was that monkey recieved more more care and attention than dante to where im guessing the writers didnt really care about the story and overplayed his coolness.

i still hate the parallel universe since for me its one or the other.

on rebooting pop, i felt that what they were going for was the right move as they wanted to treat the series like the arabian knights which is a collection of fairy tales/stories about different people doing different things etc with only a few key elements remaining. So the changes made with pop make sense since they were never trying to bring back the sands of times prince, they wanted to keep trying new things.
I don't care much if Dante gets replaced or not at this point. But i just wanted to discuss if that might have been their plan with DmC.

I don't get your point about old and new. Mario hasn't changed in ages, and so hasn't Link. And what about Monkey from Enslaved how is he any way how people are in real life? Since some people bring up the argument that "DmC Dante is easier to relate to than DMC Dante".
And trends and being cool is not important in a video game unless it's what the game is about (the Sims for example). Good gameplay, story, atmosphere, music, etc is. I don't see how DmC and it's character is new or unique. Different it is though. The character is based off DMC Dante. Unique definition means being one of a kind. How is DmC's character that when DMC Dante is the same "kind"?.
Your points are good. I made this topic to discuss and you have brought up some good arguments about why they won't replace Dante.
To just remind you though that Capcom's Pr Manager Leo Tan did say "“I think it’s important that we aren’t ruling out the possibility of a Devil May Cry 5 to continue the story. We just want to see where the reboot goes first, before making any further decisions.”".

I hate the word reboot and rebooting in general. Because it's a cowards way of making games. Instead of trying to be innovative and try to come up with something new they milk exisiting games with reboots of them. For what? Money. But i like how Tomb raider character looks like in the reboot. And if you compare old tombraider game with reboot you will see signficant poorer graphics in old games. So i like graphical improvements that reboots bring and that is why i tolerate such reboots.

But 2008 Prince of Persia and this DmC reboot are reboots i don't tolerate. They are totally unecessary. Instead of fixing DMC story - they decided to make a reboot in other words milk the series. If you find that acceptable then imagine a scenario of Capcom making two more "DMC" universes along with the current two. 1) called dmC 2) dMc. And then there would be total of one DMC game and 3 "DMC" games and the 3 "DMC" (the reboots) games share DMC as template (source of idea, gameplay , character). Would that be ok? No, and neither should one reboot be (especially one that's so different and not necessary).

The true fan thing is something i have cast away. But i believe that we are fan of something more than something else. Because that's how we are in general about interests, friends, idols, characters, series etc.
For example if you had to make a choice because a game company asked you "Do you want us to make sequel to Game A or Game B ?" (and person having to make a choice is fan of both game serie). You can't say both - then which would you choose? Whichever you choose it shows that people can be fans of something more than something else.

I can't reply to all of your post, as I do not have the time today either -.-

Why move from 'old' Lara Croft? Because she isn't cool any more? I'm sorry but that to me is just silly. If you want to change the fell of the game-play to make it more survival styled. You don't need to redesign Lara Croft or go back to the beginning with it all. That to me is a ridiculous move, and a serious insult to those who have been fans since the very start, or for even a little while now.

But yet you're more okay with such a change from that, than you are from this. When as I said before, DmC is non canon to DMC. And it seems more likely that they will be continuing with the Devil May Cry series, because a ton of people still love the 'old' Dante. As I'm sure a lot of people still love the 'old' Lara Croft. So lets just hope they don't forget about them.

I have much more to say at a later date. Tomorrow morning, I shall return to continue this post. I have a lot of things left to say.
I have much more to say at a later date. Tomorrow morning, I shall return to continue this post. I have a lot of things left to say.

There is no point in trying to convince CoolDemon that he might be wrong, because in his head, he never is.
I can't reply to all of your post, as I do not have the time today either -.-

Why move from 'old' Lara Croft? Because she isn't cool any more? I'm sorry but that to me is just silly. If you want to change the fell of the game-play to make it more survival styled. You don't need to redesign Lara Croft or go back to the beginning with it all. That to me is a ridiculous move, and a serious insult to those who have been fans since the very start, or for even a little while now.

But yet you're more okay with such a change from that, than you are from this. When as I said before, DmC is non canon to DMC. And it seems more likely that they will be continuing with the Devil May Cry series, because a ton of people still love the 'old' Dante. As I'm sure a lot of people still love the 'old' Lara Croft. So lets just hope they don't forget about them.

I have much more to say at a later date. Tomorrow morning, I shall return to continue this post. I have a lot of things left to say.
No, i say that Lara Croft in reboot looks amazing and much better than old Lara Craft because of graphical reasons. If they made a sequel to original Lara Croft games with nowdays technology then the character in reboot is very great to use. Because she looks like Lara Croft. They haven't changed her.
And i haven't said to discard original Lara. I have just said that the reboot looks like her and has much detail than poorer graphic Lara. And that original Lara should have same graphical update.
^^ The graphics in the last tomb raider were not that bad, i actually think the ocean scenes/levels were the most beautiful ocean sequences i've ever seen in a video game. The only thing i noticed that changed was how her face looked and the size of her breast, plus she screams more, but i think thats what they were going for, seeing Lara for the first time and how she survives.
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