People care about what developers say because we are giving these people our money. We are supporting them and their antics with our hard earned dollars. Why give money to people who are disrespectful to both the franchise and the fanbase?That's how I see it at least.I still don't fully understand why people actually care that much about what the developers said. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it wasn't kinda disrespectful how NT got their opinions across, but, well, firstly it's only their opinion, and scondly it only matters what the game is like in the end.
And even though Kamiya can be a douche you have to think about who he is being a douche to. Usually when Kamiya attacks someone he attacks someone who asked him something stupid or was trying to troll him. If you are referring to him ask people to check is twitlog well Kamiya still has a point. He has told people countless of times to check his twitlog before asking him your question because a lot of questions people ask are very general like "What's your favorite movie/anime/game/etc?" That can get annoying when asked that every day, every week and people should really think about the question they are going to ask and whether that question has been asked before. If you have something nice to say or have a good question he will be nice and answer the question.