Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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I still don't fully understand why people actually care that much about what the developers said. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it wasn't kinda disrespectful how NT got their opinions across, but, well, firstly it's only their opinion, and scondly it only matters what the game is like in the end.
People care about what developers say because we are giving these people our money. We are supporting them and their antics with our hard earned dollars. Why give money to people who are disrespectful to both the franchise and the fanbase?That's how I see it at least.

And even though Kamiya can be a douche you have to think about who he is being a douche to. Usually when Kamiya attacks someone he attacks someone who asked him something stupid or was trying to troll him. If you are referring to him ask people to check is twitlog well Kamiya still has a point. He has told people countless of times to check his twitlog before asking him your question because a lot of questions people ask are very general like "What's your favorite movie/anime/game/etc?" That can get annoying when asked that every day, every week and people should really think about the question they are going to ask and whether that question has been asked before. If you have something nice to say or have a good question he will be nice and answer the question.
Well, there are the retro fans that are incredebly, um, displeased with Sonic's re-design he got in Adventure, and seemingly make quite a fuss about it. They also don't like that it changed form 2D to 3D and how there are so many characters. They want Sonic to be only about Sonic and maybe Tails, I think :/
Ah....I never realised fans of sonic could get like that. I didn't even know they had that kind of thing to complain about. I would have thought the move to 3D was a good thing....clearly not for some people. Also, Sonic looks the same to me. It's not like they changed his colour or gave him a dramatic redesign.
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Ah....I never realised fans of sonic could get like that. I didn't even know they had that kind of thing to complain about. I would have thought the move to 3D was a good thing....clearly not for some people. Also, Sonic looks the same to me. It's not like they changed his colour or gave him a dramatic redesign.
Yeah, I didn't realize it for quite a while either :P
I think i remember them complaining about him no longer being chubby and his eyes being green :blink:
Well, the quality of Sonic games went down since the change into 3D, but regardless it was a nessesary step to take, because, well everything is 3D today, it almost seems as if some people think 2D=not worth buying :<

People care about what developers say because we are giving these people our money. We are supporting them and their antics with our hard earned dollars. Why give money to people who are disrespectful to both the franchise and the fanbase?That's how I see it at least.
But it was only one person out of, 90 I think? who expressed his opinion at all and was a little disrespectful while doing so :/ Personally, I couldn't care less about their opinion as long as I like the game they make. And I don't think that they were disrespectful to the franchise, but I guess that depends on your point of view.
And even though Kamiya can be a douche you have to think about who he is being a douche to. Usually when Kamiya attacks someone he attacks someone who asked him something stupid or was trying to troll him. If you are referring to him ask people to check is twitlog well Kamiya still has a point. He has told people countless of times to check his twitlog before asking him your question because a lot of questions people ask are very general like "What's your favorite movie/anime/game/etc?" That can get annoying when asked that every day, every week and people should really think about the question they are going to ask and whether that question has been asked before. If you have something nice to say or have a good question he will be nice and answer the question.
Well, I think Tameem was also only rude towards those who were rude to him, so unless I missed out on something, it seems like the exact same case to me.
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Well, there are the retro fans that are incredebly, um, displeased with Sonic's re-design he got in Adventure, and seemingly make quite a fuss about it. They also don't like that it changed form 2D to 3D and how there are so many characters. They want Sonic to be only about Sonic and maybe Tails, I think :/
They're just never happy.

I can only imagine they've sworn off chili dogs forever.
They're just never happy.

I can only imagine they've sworn off chili dogs forever.
I'm not a Sonic fan, but I don't like how that series has shaped out or Sonic's new design. Now that's a series that needs one hell of a reboot.
I'm not a Sonic fan, but I don't like how that series has shaped out or Sonic's new design. Now that's a series that needs one hell of a reboot.
Oh God please no reboot. Seeing how there are people complaing about something as minor as eyecolor, what would happen if they rebooted the whole thing? :blink:
But yeah, they really need to do something. I guess Generations was a good start.
People care about what developers say because we are giving these people our money. We are supporting them and their antics with our hard earned dollars. Why give money to people who are disrespectful to both the franchise and the fanbase?That's how I see it at least.

And even though Kamiya can be a douche you have to think about who he is being a douche to. Usually when Kamiya attacks someone he attacks someone who asked him something stupid or was trying to troll him. If you are referring to him ask people to check is twitlog well Kamiya still has a point. He has told people countless of times to check his twitlog before asking him your question because a lot of questions people ask are very general like "What's your favorite movie/anime/game/etc?" That can get annoying when asked that every day, every week and people should really think about the question they are going to ask and whether that question has been asked before. If you have something nice to say or have a good question he will be nice and answer the question.
And when has NT ever just flat out insulted me as a person? I've just noticed it was a few combacks to a bunch of obnoxious pr!cks who think the world should revolve around their personal fanfictions. And don't say one guy saying "Dante isn't cool anymore." That's not an insult to the fanbase.

Honestly, I don't care if someone makes fun of Dante. I make fun of Dante. I mean, why can't I?

I love the Metal Gear Solid series but I will make fun of Solid Snake even though I love the character. I'll also make fun of Raiden but, that's because Raiden totally freaking sucks and is just a bad stain on the Metal Gear universe that needs to die.
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They're just never happy.

I can only imagine they've sworn off chili dogs forever.

Well I'm a Sonic fan and I'm happy.

Their latest games like Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors actually has been pretty well received.

So I don't see where your getting that Sonic fans are NEVER happy...:/
Well I'm a Sonic fan and I'm happy.

Their latest games like Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors actually has been pretty well received.

So I don't see where your getting that Sonic fans are NEVER happy...:/

There's always a portion of the Sonic fanbase that isn't pleased, people have bitched about Colours and Generations regardless of how petty their points are.

You'll get fans saying there aren't enough characters, some saying there are too many, some saying they don't like this or that while others will praise it.

It is literally impossible to appeal to the entire Sonic community.
Well I'm a Sonic fan and I'm happy.

Their latest games like Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors actually has been pretty well received.

So I don't see where your getting that Sonic fans are NEVER happy...:/

Some not all......I hear that some parts of the Sonc fanbase are lunatics. Apparently during the whole DmC debacle, I heard that the Sonic fanbase is the worst gaming fanbase in existence and the DMC fanbase almost reached their standards.

I would love to see the Sonic fanbase in action......but havent yet. I guess I should drop by a Sonic forum or something and check it out.
There's always a portion of the Sonic fanbase that isn't pleased, people have bitched about Colours and Generations regardless of how petty their points are.

You'll get fans saying there aren't enough characters, some saying there are too many, some saying they don't like this or that while others will praise it.

It is literally impossible to appeal to the entire Sonic community.

Yea there are guys like that.

Being a part of the Sonic fanbase myself since day 1 has shown me this.

But all I'm saying is that the entirety of the Sonic fanbase is NOT like that, Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors where 2 of the most well received amongst fans in a very long time.

Sure there are some who still had stuff to complain about, but it was a step in the right direction commercially and fanwise in my opinion.

Some not all......I hear that some parts of the Sonc fanbase are lunatics. Apparently during the whole DmC debacle, I heard that the Sonic fanbase is the worst gaming fanbase in existence and the DMC fanbase almost reached their standards.

I would love to see the Sonic fanbase in action......but havent yet. I guess I should drop by a Sonic forum or something and check it out.

I mostly see Chancey drawing that comparison the most around here lol.

And as I said above, as someone who has geen with the fanbase since day 1 I must say that currently the DMC fanbase has us beat in the fanatical hater department lol.
Some not all......I hear that some parts of the Sonc fanbase are lunatics. Apparently during the whole DmC debacle, I heard that the Sonic fanbase is the worst gaming fanbase in existence and the DMC fanbase almost reached their standards.

I would love to see the Sonic fanbase in action......but havent yet. I guess I should drop by a Sonic forum or something and check it out.
HA! Almost. They did.

The petition to the white house and how they seriously haven't gotten over themselves and it's been over 2 years since the reveal of a reboot. Seriously, just look at the official DMC facebook page and with every post of fan art or whatever on that page it's the same whining
"We want real Dante back!"
"DmC isn't Devil May Cry!"
"Dante isn't suppose to have white hair!"
"wah wah wah boo hoo nanananana *more random baby talk*"
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HA! Almost. They did.

The petition to the white house and how they seriously haven't gotten over themselves and it's been over 2 years since the reveal of a reboot. Seriously, just look at the official DMC facebook page and with every post of fan art or whatever on that page it's the same whining
"We want real Dante back!"
"DmC isn't Devil May Cry!"
"Dante isn't suppose to have white hair!"
"wah wah wah boo hoo nanananana *more random baby talk*"
To be fair, there were valid concerns, like NTs track record with games. Both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved look great and have a great story and script, but gameplay was not so good. So I can undertsand the worry from a combat perspective. But as Capcom were heavily watching the combat making and giving advice, that worry should have gone away. The other complaints came off as whiny to me.
A bunch of DMC fans started a petition on the White House's official website in order to get the game removed from shelves. This is not how democracy works.
Not sure if I got this right, but they sent a petition to the Whitehouse to have DmC canned and banned.
Lol. <-- have nothing more to say about this petition. No, really.... *facepalms*
Btw, thanks for telling me! :)
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To be fair, there were valid concerns, like NTs track record with games. Both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved look great and have a great story and script, but gameplay was not so good. So I can undertsand the worry from a combat perspective. But as Capcom were heavily watching the combat making and giving advice, that worry should have gone away. The other complaints came off as whiny to me.
Remember that trailer back from 2010? The one with the junkie looking Dante? I guarantee if Dante had his original haircut in that trailer it would have NOT gotten the kind of backlash it did. What was up with this emo Dante claim? This is Dante we're talking about here. He's established to be pretty easy going and cocky, did they seriously think he was going to go all serious and depressed? How did that work out last time? Oh yea it was called DMC 2.
...uhm... what petition? sorry for being so disinformed... :ermm:
There's some kinda offical site of the USA's government where you can create petitions that will be viewed by them if they get enough votes and might lead to a change in law. Someone SERIOUSLY created a petition there for DmC to be banned from being sold, saying that it would violate their human rights to be able to choose between the classic series and the reboot. Talk about 'over-devoted' :/

Edit: Damnit Chancey and Loopy and your sonic speeds:P
To be fair, there were valid concerns, like NTs track record with games. Both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved look great and have a great story and script, but gameplay was not so good. So I can undertsand the worry from a combat perspective. But as Capcom were heavily watching the combat making and giving advice, that worry should have gone away. The other complaints came off as whiny to me.
Both of these games had outsourced writing.

Tameem does not care about us, or what we think. He makes games for.... I don't even know... himself?
Yeah he said something like that in one interview. On other hand i heard something like that from Brian Fargo but he added "game we and rpg fans want to play". Such guy deserves respect.
Well, I think Tameem was also only rude towards those who were rude to him, so unless I missed out on something, it seems like the exact same case to me.

“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago – I think that was when the first game came out [correction: It actually came out nine years ago for PS2 - JC] – isn’t cool any more."

“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out."

Those are quotes from Tameem after the first DmC trailer in 2010. When you say things like that they come of as disrespectful. Who is he to say what is cool now? Who is he to say Dante and Devil May Cry is outdated. For non Ninja Theory fans, the guy is a nobody and just comes off as douche bag who looks like the emo kid from South Park.

Also don't forget this one

"I instead assumed the snarky journalist persona, and without thinking asked, “So, how do you feel about the fan reaction to DMC?”

Tameen looked at me a moment and took a drag of his cigarette. Then without blinking, and without pausing to exhale the smoke from his mouth he said, “I don't care.”

or this

"Usually the worst creative crimes are made when you're trying to make a game for someone else - some perceived demographic that, in all likelihood, doesn't actually exist."

Tameem does not care about us, or what we think about his creations. He makes games for.... I don't even know... himself?

Anyway, it was because of comments like the ones shown that I felt that Tameem was disrespectful. He is arrogant and seems like a person who cannot handle criticism (which was shown when he went off on a person on Twitter for making a valid complaint). I can't support a dev like him. The guy also doesn't know a thing about Devil May Cry. Check out the first article and you can already tell that he was the wrong man for the job.