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I'd totally forgotten they made Clock tower and Demento. Those were some good horror games. Demento really gave a sense of fear when you were being chased. But I didn't like the level where Riccardo was chasing you. Using that gun was so unfair.>_<
For me it was that stupid freaking forest even now I still get lost in it Dx its just so confusing but my fav enemy was Daniella but Lorenzo was by far the creepiest out of all of them he was so old and creepy and crawled around chasing after you such a great game though but it all ways reminds me of Rule of Rose mainly because your only companion is a dog but both are good games
For me it was that stupid freaking forest even now I still get lost in it Dx its just so confusing but my fav enemy was Daniella but Lorenzo was by far the creepiest out of all of them he was so old and creepy and crawled around chasing after you such a great game though but it all ways reminds me of Rule of Rose mainly because your only companion is a dog but both are good games
Oh that sodding forest! >_< I'd forgotten about that.
Daniella really creeped me out with her 'wakeup call' for Fiona. That was just so weird how she did that.
I also hated the part with skellington Lorenzo chasing you and it's instant game over if you can't move that statue in the way.

I never got to play Rule of rose. It was banned in England because of worries that it encouraged pedophillia.:'(
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Oh that sodding forest! >_< I'd forgotten about that.
Daniella really creeped me out with her 'wakeup call' for Fiona. That was just so weird how she did that.
I also hated the part with skellington Lorenzo chasing you and it's instant game over if you can't move that statue in the way.

I never got to play Rule of rose. It was banned in England because of worries that it encouraged pedophillia.:'(
Also probably the only game where I tried really hard not to die because of how uncomfortable i got listening to the game over sounds and that statue is pretty much the only time i ever got game overs when playing the game Rule of Rose has a fantastic story and the gameplay is okay its sub pair
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Also probably the only game where I tried really hard not to die because of how uncomfortable i got listening to the game over sounds and that statue is pretty much the only time i ever got game overs when playing the game Rule of Rose has a fantastic story and the gameplay is okay its sub pair
I know what you mean. The times I died gave me the shivers. I think not being able to see it and only hear it makes it worse because it's up to your mind to decide what is happening.Especially with Riccardo after what he tries to do to Fiona>_<

I was lucky to see the Rule of rose story on youtube, and I have to say it does look really good. I just wish I could have played it as well, even if the gameplay wasn't too good.
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I know what you mean. The times I died gave me the shivers. I think not being able to see it and only hear it makes it worse because it's up to your mind to decide what is happening.Especially with Riccardo after what he tries to do to Fiona>_<

I was lucky to see the Rule of rose story on youtube, and I have to say it does look really good. I just wish I could have played it as well, even if the gameplay wasn't too good.
At first the game over screens were just creepy to me then one day i went on youtube and someone described what was happening to Fiona when ever the enemy got her and I down right got freaked out
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At first the game over screens were just creepy to me then one day i went on youtube and someone described what was happening to Fiona when ever the enemy got her and I down right got freaked out
I think I've seen the same description. Nearly all of the stalkers wanted her for her body. >_< Debilitas because she was like a doll to him, Daniella because Fiona could have children and experience pleasure, Riccardo because he wanted her to give birth to him and Lorenzo was for the Azoth.
I think I've seen the same description. Nearly all of the stalkers wanted her for her body. >_< Debilitas because she was like a doll to him, Daniella because Fiona could have children and experience pleasure, Riccardo because he wanted her to give birth to him and Lorenzo was for the Azoth.
Eww yeah poor Fiona she would've gone crazy if it weren't for Hewie, heck she did in one of the endings
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Hideki Kamiya tells fans to "bug" Nintendo about Bayo 2 on other platforms

He also says that it's highly unlikely for Nintendo to publish Bayo 2 on competitions platform (Xbox360/PS3).

But PC isn't a gaming console, so i figure Nintendo may publish it on PC if we asked them alot.

So everyone, as you can see Bayo 2 may come on PC if enuff people speak out.
I don't think this will work. For one, for that stupid gamepad to even matter development will be made with that stupid gimmick in mind. And Nintendo isn't really up for handing off exclusives because just about every one of the titles so far are games that have already come out for other systems (Arkham City, AC 3, etc. etc.) and the WiiU really isn't doing that great. Definitely not up to par with the Wii which won the console wars this generation.
I don't think this will work. For one, for that stupid gamepad to even matter development will be made with that stupid gimmick in mind. And Nintendo isn't really up for handing off exclusives because just about every one of the titles so far are games that have already come out for other systems (Arkham City, AC 3, etc. etc.) and the WiiU really isn't doing that great. Definitely not up to par with the Wii which won the console wars this generation.
Even though a console is a computer doesn't mean it's not different from a PC.

Therefor i think it's possible for Nintendo publishing Bayonetta 2 on PC at a later date if enough people ask for it.

Come on dude, Adam Orth left Microsoft because he was being stupid.
If Bayo fans (alot of them) express themself to the same degree that gamers did about Adam Orth, then Nintendo will be a villain if they ignore the request.

And it's not unreasonable for Nintendo to do so. Their main competition is Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox 720.
Even though a console is a computer doesn't mean it's not different from a PC.

Therefor i think it's possible for Nintendo publishing Bayonetta 2 on PC at a later date if enough people ask for it.

Come on dude, Adam Orth left Microsoft because he was being stupid.
If Bayo fans (alot of them) express themself to the same degree that gamers did about Adam Orth, then Nintendo will be a villain if they ignore the request.

And it's not unreasonable for Nintendo to do so. Their main competition is Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox 720.
The PC can't do what the WiiU can do and why are you bringing up that obnoxious pr!ck Adam Orth? That's an entirely different can of worms and it wasn't just xbox fans who were trying to tell this guy something, it was people in the industry.

Nintendo has every right NOT to share an exclusive to another platform. The only reason the game is getting made is because Nintendo is willing to be publisher. The Bayonetta team needs to thank their lucky stars. You think Bayonetta has some huge fanbase where in reality it doesn't. The first game did not make enough of an impact to even garnish a sequel. I can see Nintendo being the one to pick something up like this though since their mission right now seems to be to scrap up as many as possible. Nintendo needs though exclusives if they want to get people to ONLY turn to their system.
PC is a middle ground for comproise for Nintendo and Fans.
If Nintendo doesn't publish the game on PC, then the Bayo fans who said "F You Nintendo" are right.

Listen to what you said "Nintendo SAVED Bayonetta ".
No...Nintendo saved Bayonetta from a delayed sequal.

Bayonetta wasn't in danger of being completely forgotten or never made.

They have every right to not release the game on Xbox or Playstation console, but if Nintendo does not publish Bayonetta on PC, then fans have EVERY right to be angry.
And i would go as far and say they should all go on a war path against Nintendo.

I repeat: Bayonetta isn't a struggling serie.

There is Sony and Microsoft, Sega and Nintendo.
Sega the owner said "No thanks".

Nintendo said "Hey we can make it".

If Sony or Microsoft had said that, then Bayonetta would have been released on one of the console it was originally made for.

So IF Nintendo does not release Bayonetta 2 on PC, then they are opportunistic douchebags and not saviors of a serie.
PC is a middle ground for comproise for Nintendo and Fans.
If Nintendo doesn't publish the game on PC, then the Bayo fans who said "F You Nintendo" are right.

Listen to what you said "Nintendo SAVED Bayonetta ".
No...Nintendo saved Bayonetta from a delayed sequal.

Bayonetta wasn't in danger of being completely forgotten or never made.

They have every right to not release the game on Xbox or Playstation console, but if Nintendo does not publish Bayonetta on PC, then fans have EVERY right to be angry.
And i would go as far and say they should all go on a war path against Nintendo.

I repeat: Bayonetta isn't a struggling serie.

There is Sony and Microsoft, Sega and Nintendo.
Sega the owner said "No thanks".

Nintendo said "Hey we can make it".

If Sony or Microsoft had said that, then Bayonetta would have been released on one of the console it was originally made for.

So IF Nintendo does not release Bayonetta 2 on PC, then they are opportunistic douchebags and not saviors of a serie.
How many people want Bayonetta 2?

How many people want Bayonetta 2?

Clearly you dont want Bayo 2 to be on PC.

Why else would you be against the idea so much and use a lame gif portraying amount of people wanting Bayo 2 on PC is equal to 1.
Clearly you dont want Bayo 2 to be on PC.

Why else would you be against the idea so much and use a lame gif portraying amount of people wanting Bayo 2 on PC is equal to 1.
Even though I want it, I know the demand is not great.
I don't think putting it on PC would help either. PC keyboard controls would put a lot of people off playing it. Those sort of controls just don't work with a fast action game like that. Which is why pople try to link up their controllers to the PC. The only advantage PC has is graphical capability.
Plus, would they really spend time trying to make a decent PC port? Could they afford to knowing the poor sales of the first Bayonetta, even though it was on 360 and PS3? The PS3 port was pretty bad, and not many people bought it for that reason. So I don't see them doing a PC port. it's just not the right thing to do financially or practically.
Even though I want it, I know the demand is not great.
I don't think putting it on PC would help either. PC keyboard controls would put a lot of people off playing it. Those sort of controls just don't work with a fast action game like that. Which is why pople try to link up their controllers to the PC. The only advantage PC has is graphical capability.
Plus, would they really spend time trying to make a decent PC port? Could they afford to knowing the poor sales of the first Bayonetta, even though it was on 360 and PS3? The PS3 port was pretty bad, and not many people bought it for that reason. So I don't see them doing a PC port. it's just not the right thing to do financially or practically.
You make really good points Loopy. That's why your a forum member i have alot respect for (even though you dont know this).

But let's adress the controller issue ok? I've plugged a PS3 controller to PC and set it up to play DMC 3 on it.
It's pretty easy to set up a Xbox/PS3 controller to a PC.
So i don't think that point of yours holds much validity. And many Bayo players love the game because its hardcore, and hardcore gamers know these stuff (setting up controller) :P Or would find it out easily.

Your point of a bad port = pretty valid. I am afraid if they decide to publish Bayo 2 on PC that they think "We'll just do a lazy port". But we'll find that out, besides if they act lazy it will backfire on them (angry fans).

And considering there is little chance of Bayo 2 for PS3/Xbox360, i think PC is a compromise, and i doubt it would work against Nintendo's aim to sell alot of Wii U. Infact if they create a excellent port, then it will be good PR for Nintendo.

If Nintendo publishes Bayo 2 for PC, and it's not a bad port:
1) It's better than no Bayo 2 if you cant or wont buy Wii U
2) You can't say Nintendo weren't respectful towards fans

And this is the right timing for me to say this "Nintendo is a business".
And publishing Bayo 2 for Playstation or Xbox is bad for business.

Besides if we are going to point fingers at Nintendo even after they published a PC edition that works nicely, then why are noone pointing fingers at Sony or Microsoft ?
They could have taken the opportunity to publish Bayo 2 instead of Nintendo.

But they didn't, so i don't get why it's so wrong for Nintendo.

You make really good points Loopy. That's why your a forum member i have alot respect for (even though you dont know this).

But let's adress the controller issue ok? I've plugged a PS3 controller to PC and set it up to play DMC 3 on it.
It's pretty easy to set up a Xbox/PS3 controller to a PC.
So i don't think that point of yours holds much validity. And many Bayo players love the game because its hardcore, and hardcore gamers know these stuff (setting up controller) :P Or would find it out easily.
It's not so easy. I see a lot of people complaining that the software used to connect the controller is unreliable or bugged. It's not so simple as plug in controller to PC using cable. Plus, even hardcore gamers will have a software failure and there's nothing they can do about that.

Your point of a bad port = pretty valid. I am afraid if they decide to publish Bayo 2 on PC that they think "We'll just do a lazy port". But we'll find that out, besides if they act lazy it will backfire on them (angry fans).
I just don't know if a PC port is even something they will think about, especially as it is going to be WiiU exclusing, which means they have paid for this game to never be released on any other platform, and that includes PC.

And considering there is little chance of Bayo 2 for PS3/Xbox360, i think PC is a compromise, and i doubt it would work against Nintendo's aim to sell alot of Wii U. Infact if they create a excellent port, then it will be good PR for Nintendo.
I don't know if it would be a compromise. It would mae more sense to have it on PS3 or Xbox because that's what a lot of people use to play games. PC is reserved for a few games.
It would make no sense for Nintendo to spend money on making a PC port just so that people can buy a PC instead of buying a WiiU. They would be making themselves not sell their own console. That does not make sense. Nintendo want their console to sell, not a PC.

If Nintendo publishes Bayo 2 for PC, and it's not a bad port:
1) It's better than no Bayo 2 if you cant or wont buy Wii U
2) You can't say Nintendo weren't respectful towards fans
But they won't make it for PC. They want consumers to buy their WiiU, not a PC. Otherwise what was the point for Nintendo paying for Bayonetta exclusive publishing rights?

And this is the right timing for me to say this "Nintendo is a business".
And publishing Bayo 2 for Playstation or Xbox is bad for business.
Nintendo is a business and they only want their console to sell. Making a port for PC, PS3 or Xbox would be a bad business choice to make.

Besides if we are going to point fingers at Nintendo even after they published a PC edition that works nicely, then why are noone pointing fingers at Sony or Microsoft ?
They could have taken the opportunity to publish Bayo 2 instead of Nintendo.
But they haven't make a port yet, and they won't because they want their console to sell.
Sony and Microsoft did not want Bayonetta, so they did not buy it to get exclusive rights. If either company had wanted Bayonetta on their consoles then they would have bought the rights to the game when it was being offered for sale.

But they didn't, so i don't get why it's so wrong for Nintendo.

Even though I want it, I know the demand is not great.
I don't think putting it on PC would help either. PC keyboard controls would put a lot of people off playing it. Those sort of controls just don't work with a fast action game like that. Which is why pople try to link up their controllers to the PC. The only advantage PC has is graphical capability.
Plus, would they really spend time trying to make a decent PC port? Could they afford to knowing the poor sales of the first Bayonetta, even though it was on 360 and PS3? The PS3 port was pretty bad, and not many people bought it for that reason. So I don't see them doing a PC port. it's just not the right thing to do financially or practically.
A part of the reason developers are so iffy when it comes to PC ports is also because there is that wide belief that a lot of people steal games.

And yes, Bayonetta did not sell that well and it was on both PS3 and 360. It's easy for people like Demon to say let's do both and if they don't then they obviously hate you. I see people don't take in to account how it takes money to make games. And looking at Bayonetta, the first one didn't even make a splash and it was one 2 consoles. I can only imagine making it a WiiU exclusive is not going to do any better. In fact even worse because there is not a high demand for Bayonetta 2, especially on an Nintendo console.

I don't know if companies realize but different consoles share a very particular audience. The people who play an X-Box or PS3 usually aren't the ones also playing a Nintendo system.

I play everything though. I think every system has their pros and cons and I'm also the fan who needs to get his dose of Zelda and other Nintendo titles every now and then.

Clearly you dont want Bayo 2 to be on PC.

Why else would you be against the idea so much and use a lame gif portraying amount of people wanting Bayo 2 on PC is equal to 1.
Lame gif? Look at the COLORS! I think that's pretty cool whatever that stuff is.
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A part of the reason developers are so iffy when it comes to PC ports is also because there is that wide belief that a lot of people steal games.
Yes, that too. There is a fear that their game will be pirated, so they lose out financially.

And yes, Bayonetta did not sell that well and it was on both PS3 and 360. It's easy for people like Demon to say let's do both and if they don't then they obviously hate you. I see people don't take in to account how it takes money to make games. And looking at Bayonetta, the first one didn't even make a splash and it was one 2 consoles. I can only imagine making it a WiiU exclusive is not going to do any better. In fact even worse because there is not a high demand for Bayonetta 2, especially on an Nintendo console.
And if it doesn't sell well being on 2 popular consoles, then I'm not sure how it will do only on the WiiU. Besides, this game is an exclusive. Nintendo payed to have this game on their console only. So they can't make it for PC, even if someone wanted to.

I don't know if companies realize but different consoles share a very particular audience. The people who play an X-Box or PS3 usually aren't the ones also playing a Nintendo system.
Very true. I haven't played Nintendo since the gameboy and SNES. When the N64 came out, I was already playing the Playstation. I haven't gone back since. They just don't have the games I want. If I want to play Mario, I can get out my old SNES.

I play everything though. I think every system has their pros and cons and I'm also the fan who needs to get his dose of Zelda and other Nintendo titles every now and then.
Ok, i must say i exaggerated with Controller being easy. But i set up PS3 for PC and it wasnt hard at all.
But it should work.

Now i am suggesting PC because they wouldnt publish it for other consoles (why make Bayo 2 then?).

But i think if Nintendo ignores fan request for Bayo 2 on PC, then they will get alot of bad PR.

And PC is a middle ground. Nintendo wants excclusivitiy for Bayo to get their console sold:
- No Xbox or PS
- and only 6 months after Nintendo release will PC edition come out

Thats a good deal for Nintendo if you ask me. They have provided a PC edition for people.
Its not Xbox or PS but hey everyone knows that Nintendo can't do that, and i cant blame them if they released a PC edition.

But Loopy hypothetically Nintendo publishes a PC edition that works well:
Don't you think Nintendo have paid respect to fans then?

Id say so. The inconvenience (getting PC) is bad but ill say it again: If Nintendo does then kudos to them.

But if Nintendo does nothing and keeps the exclusivity then i agree with some fans:
F Nintendo.

Because they did not save Bayonetta 2 from anything more than a delayed sequal.

And whats point of Bayo 2 if you never will get to play it on Xbox or PS, which is where the fans are, or even have the chance of playing it on PC.
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