You make really good points Loopy. That's why your a forum member i have alot respect for (even though you dont know this).
But let's adress the controller issue ok? I've plugged a PS3 controller to PC and set it up to play DMC 3 on it.
It's pretty easy to set up a Xbox/PS3 controller to a PC.
So i don't think that point of yours holds much validity. And many Bayo players love the game because its hardcore, and hardcore gamers know these stuff (setting up controller)

Or would find it out easily.
It's not so easy. I see a lot of people complaining that the software used to connect the controller is unreliable or bugged. It's not so simple as plug in controller to PC using cable. Plus, even hardcore gamers will have a software failure and there's nothing they can do about that.
Your point of a bad port = pretty valid. I am afraid if they decide to publish Bayo 2 on PC that they think "We'll just do a lazy port". But we'll find that out, besides if they act lazy it will backfire on them (angry fans).
I just don't know if a PC port is even something they will think about, especially as it is going to be WiiU exclusing, which means they have paid for this game to never be released on any other platform, and that includes PC.
And considering there is little chance of Bayo 2 for PS3/Xbox360, i think PC is a compromise, and i doubt it would work against Nintendo's aim to sell alot of Wii U. Infact if they create a excellent port, then it will be good PR for Nintendo.
I don't know if it would be a compromise. It would mae more sense to have it on PS3 or Xbox because that's what a lot of people use to play games. PC is reserved for a few games.
It would make no sense for Nintendo to spend money on making a PC port just so that people can buy a PC instead of buying a WiiU. They would be making themselves not sell their own console. That does not make sense. Nintendo want their console to sell, not a PC.
If Nintendo publishes Bayo 2 for PC, and it's not a bad port:
1) It's better than no Bayo 2 if you cant or wont buy Wii U
2) You can't say Nintendo weren't respectful towards fans
But they won't make it for PC. They want consumers to buy their WiiU, not a PC. Otherwise what was the point for Nintendo paying for Bayonetta exclusive publishing rights?
And this is the right timing for me to say this "Nintendo is a business".
And publishing Bayo 2 for Playstation or Xbox is bad for business.
Nintendo is a business and they only want their console to sell. Making a port for PC, PS3 or Xbox would be a bad business choice to make.
Besides if we are going to point fingers at Nintendo even after they published a PC edition that works nicely, then why are noone pointing fingers at Sony or Microsoft ?
They could have taken the opportunity to publish Bayo 2 instead of Nintendo.
But they haven't make a port yet, and they won't because they want their console to sell.
Sony and Microsoft did not want Bayonetta, so they did not buy it to get exclusive rights. If either company had wanted Bayonetta on their consoles then they would have bought the rights to the game when it was being offered for sale.
But they didn't, so i don't get why it's so wrong for Nintendo.