For the love of...Bayonetta's story is NOTHING original. NO one said DMC's was, and by the way, no, it was not a "copy" of Inuyasha. The themes that are common to DMC and to Inu, I'll note, are a widespread theme in japanese fiction. You had the same thing in Kamen Rider KIva; two half brothers, one a halfbreed, the other a full breed, and they were at odds until the end. Colors you say? Dante wears red because of a Japanese cultural trait that red is a heroic color; ironic if you look at the Zelda series and it's main villian.
Bayonetta's story is a typical story of an outcast who is reviled by both sides, with a not so healthy dose of DMC4's own "Savior" storyline thrown in. And yes, I can say that, I KNOW the whole storyline in the game, and I called over half the twists before they got revealed. Kamiya also makes heavy references to his own previous game, even lifting ENTIRE LINES from the DMC series. Bayonetta is nothing more than Kamiya doing a DMC style game the way he wanted to do DMC, with a different hero leading each game. It's nothing new, nothing original and ground breaking, it's just piecing together already(and recently used, I might add) storylines from other games and tales.
Kamiya admitted to playing "half" of DMC4. Considering the incredible amounts of plot-lifting from said game, it's obvious he played the entire thing. He's also kept up on DMC since he left Capcom, clearly. Bayonetta is nothing new, and anyone who tries to say it's "more original" than DMC is deluding themselves. It copies everyone else. Hell, I can even show notes on how Bayonetta herself, in character, is is a copy of BloodRayne. Anyone else who has played the Bloodrayne games can back me up here; they're practically the same character, just with a different supernatural racial origin.