hay guys ^_^ i need some wisdom!.....
ok so as most of you know i work as a hair dresser and i'v been with the guy for 5 years now... he taught me everthing i know but the pay is not so good and i tryed speaking to him about it but he alwayz tells me that i cant right now...and i'v been offered a job with alot more money.....but im having a hard time deciding what to do...i mean yeah i should think of whats best for me but still the guy is like my big brother we have been through alot together.......so what shall i do?>_<
Well, this is one of those things where ultimately it's
your decision that will matter.
In case I understood you correctly, you want that new job, but since getting it means somewhat "abandoning" someone you regard as a close friend, no as a big brother, you're having second thoughts.
Well the question is actually like this: Does the new job provide a sure way for you to move on, making it "worthy" enough for you to "leave" your "big brother" ?
If yes, then go for it. Discuss it with him, and if you're as close as you say, he's bound to understand you. It was not like you were going to inherit his business after all, so it was only a matter of time before you'd go to do something on your own/away from him.
If not then think harder of the possibilities. Discuss it with him, with friends, with your family. If you end going somewhere where the only "better" thing is the payment and that's not good enough for you, then you shouldn't apply. Also, look at how long you'll be able to work there. Jobs that have that "temporary" title on them are only good enough in case you have something ready after them/or have other working options in general in case the job fails your expectations.
In general make a list with the good and the bad, and think which of them are most important to you. If the regret is big enough then stay where you are. If the desire to go towards what you think is best for you is stronger than the sad feeling of leaving your current boss, then go there. No one can tell you how to live your life, just make sure you choose the option with the most promise, not only in terms of money, but in terms of feelings/desires as well. You know what they say, money isn't everything.
Oooh, I has question for Mr Tony Redgrave!...
Who's you fav Doctor(obviously from Doctor Who) and why?...
But I has fair idea who favourite might be...
I've only watched the new ones which are all awesome in their own way. Beware of
9th is the most serious of the three, and the one who passes on as the most realistic (Creating stuff using computers and big cables is more easily accepted than using umbrellas and who knows what else, like the 11th does). We saw him the least, but I started Doctor Who with him, and thus he definitely is special for me. He had some pretty bad (in my opinion) episodes unfortunately, like the 2 Slytheen ones (the 3rd one was ok) but he also had some hidden diamonds here and there like the episode with the last remaining Dalek. He knows who he is and what he has to do, is very serious (compared to the other 2 incarnations) and is the only one who didn't wreck the Tardis. He's great, but he's not my favorite among the three.
10th is the most human of the three. He clearly "forgets" who he is most of the time, or rather who he's supposed to be, an observer, someone who only watches no matter how many they suffer in front of him, in order to help, save and be the good samaritan in general. There were many times in which he adopted a scary way of doing things (usually after some tragedy had struck, like in some of the last episodes in some of the seasons, which again shows how human he is, allowing himself to be swept by his emotions) and for that he is the most admirable. Especially in the last of his episodes (the many specials) where he tried to be a calm, cold-collected guy but failed miserably and eventually accepted himself for he was and was ready to continue saving people forever, even if the timeline or whatever was against him. He is awesome, and he is my favorite. I'm pretty sad that he didn't continue a bit more to play in more episodes written by Steven Moffat in which the 11th had the brilliant luck to play. The few ones that Steven Moffat wrote for the 10th are my favorite 10th episodes ever. The Silence in the Library and the one with the Weeping Angels. I also loved how he tried and "stay" alive, more than he had to, causing the tardis to explode right as he transformed to the 11th.
11th is a brilliant, mad, hilarious Doctor. He is more like the Best Friend Doctor, but that friend that won't allow himself to get close to you because he fears he will lose you. 11th is the saddest Doctor when I think about it, he might appear as a playful fool most of the time, but for me it's as if he does things all the time to forget that he's alone. He has my favorite Doctor Who episodes so far, and I'm hoping for more (1st of September!) epicness soon