Eternal Sonata - I was genuinely very excited to play that game and it was dreadful to the extent that I quit and sold it on about two days later.
wow that must have been one hell of a game :blink:Eternal Sonata - I was genuinely very excited to play that game and it was dreadful to the extent that I quit and sold it on about two days later.
DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS.....what was the one game you really were exited to play and when you did you totally sucked??....if there is any ^_^
I noticed some sigs here at really big. Is the scroll box on REN going to be implemented here?
Really now? I haven't noticed anything. Maybe I'm going blind! :blink:I believe it has already taken effect, I noticed that too...
I noticed some sigs here at really big. Is the scroll box on REN going to be implemented here?
First i am not a member of the staff but i felt that i need to say this.
There are so many things the staff have to do to keep the forum running smoothly for everyone. They have a life outside of the internet. and as what we are seeing these days life isn't easy. and when they come here there are a lot of things they have to do from Editing, checking and fixing errors, and replying to threads.
So i want to thank all of the staff members for there hard work. and i want you to know that i appreciate everything you are doing.
i remember that there used to be a code where if an image is larger than the certain width and hight it will refuse to upload the image. is it available?
DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS.....what was the one game you really were exited to play and when you did you totally sucked??....if there is any ^_^
Aside from the 2010 AvP which was an absolute travesty on everything bar the Marine campaign on Nightmare (seriously, the game's only saving grace), I've only ever been massively disappointed by one game I bought.
Brink. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate Brink, it was just so...Average, it had the potential to be something legitimately amazing and it just turned out lukewarm and mediocre. I thought what they were doing with the game engine was remarkable, the SMART system was a breath of fresh air and a nice bit of innovation to a stagnating FPS market and the objective based gameplay/team work was like taking the best elements of TF2 and throwing something awesome in there.
That didn't happen, it just turned out to be a markedly mediocre first person shooter with a free running system which, while quite cool, failed to deliver.
Brink, ladies and gentlemen, the game that couldn't live up to everyone's expectations.
I was disappointed in how it ended up, I didnt play it but I was looking forward to it. I just heard it was very middle ground average so I didnt end up buying it.
If you were looking forward to it, it's best that you decided against playing it.
I was so legitimately let down by that game, it was one of those games I'd followed through literally every stage of its development, watching the dev diaries, all their showcases etc, it just looked like a genuine breath of fresh air and a hell of a lot of fun.
Yeah, basically what should and easily could have been truly great was just flat out average, and that's the most crushing thing about it. It could have been god awful and I wouldn't have been nearly as disappointed as I was with it because there would have had to be something major they screwed up. But they didn't screw anything up, the game itself was fine, there were no glaring issues, it was just...Bland.
Again, what could have easily been a master class game turned out to be all round boilerplate average.
Why don't you just put in your status on your profile page that you need to go? Everyone you chat to will see it there.hay guys^_^ i was wondering if you could include a msg box or something at the forum home page so all can see you know it will ease things so if someone made a new thread or discovered something for ex. he/she can post it and all can see....or as a genaral question about a book or a game and all can see...or just say gd bye for now or goodnight....take me for ex. most of the time i speak to like 5 people here when im at work and if i have to go i have to go to each one and say gdbye for now...or i have to it will be easier and faster to just write it there and everyone can see it
so can it happen or is it too much trouble? or it was before and it was misused (although i cant see how it can) but you know what i mean ^_^
Why don't you just put in your status on your profile page that you need to go? Everyone you chat to will see it there.
Separate names with a comma. You may invite up to 5 member(s).