Any Gundam fans here on the forums?

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Yeah IDOLO was terrible.

Poor animation.
Poor pacing.
Grim dark I can take if appropriate but Grim Derp? No thanks.

The only thing of value it provided was a little Back Story for Viola from ZOE and a more nuanced view of Bahram and it's origins and motivations.

The Orbital Frame itself while a nice sleek design kind of ****ed me off despite looking good.
Why does Idolo a Precursor/Prototype look more Polished/Sleek than Jehuty it's successor O.F.?
That really irks me.
Especially considering Jehuty had Bolt on Leg Booster/Manouvering Thrusters and a Bolt on Blade and Shield.
You expect Bolt ons on a Testbed not a finished product.
Anubis had integrated Weapons Tech due to Maturity and Earlier Models etc but Idolo looked like Jehuty's successor! Raaaghhhh!

*pant pant pant pant*

Rant over.... Sorry. :)
Patlabor the TV Series! (Great Slice of Life/Mecha Comedy!)

Five Star Stories! (Good look finding a copy though!)
I used to watch Gundam Wing and G Gundam on Toonami back in the day. I than bought the second of two G Gundam Box sets. I don't remember much of Wing expect some of the Mobile's suit designs. G I remember well. I still say that Devil/Dark Gundam when it becomes one with the Space Japan colony is the coolest thing I've ever seen! It tries to eat Earth!
I used to watch Gundam Wing and G Gundam on Toonami back in the day. I than bought the second of two G Gundam Box sets. I don't remember much of Wing expect some of the Mobile's suit designs. G I remember well. I still say that Devil/Dark Gundam when it becomes one with the Space Japan colony is the coolest thing I've ever seen! It tries to eat Earth!

Colony Devil Gundam is pretty cool, but I actually like its original Ultimate Gundam form the most.
Speaking of Gundam, is anyone else into those plastic model Gundam you can build called "Gunpla"?
They look really cool
But damn are they expensive, perhaps I'll just stick to drawing them instead :frown:

Of course they're expensive. Bandai sometimes puts extra Mobile Suits in the shows just to sell more Gunpla units.
So is anyone else watching the new Gundam that's airing? Iron Blooded Orphans.

Only seen the first episode so far but it looks promising. A little unsubtle at times especially when it concerns child soldiers or expendable lower class. But still good nontheless.
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So is anyone else watching the new Gundam that's airing? Iron Blooded Orphans.

Only seen the first episode so far but it looks promising. A little unsubtle at times especially when it concerns child soldiers or expendable lower class. But still good nontheless.

Second episode is out. It's awesome so far! Waiting on the Char clone to pop up. Hoping Miki grows more through out the series.
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Still watching Iron Blooded Orphans. It's great! By far the best Gundam show of recent years.

I also just bought "Gundam: The Origin" manga. Can't wait for it to arrive.
Still watching Iron Blooded Orphans. It's great! By far the best Gundam show of recent years.

I also just bought "Gundam: The Origin" manga. Can't wait for it to arrive.

I've been meaning to watch this myself, I haven't enjoyed a good Gundam Shows since 00 but sadly all the others released as of late lack what made Gundam 00 so great for me.

So would you rank it over Gundam 00, Wing, or Seed(my favorite) for example?
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Haven't watched Wing or Seed. The main character Mikazuki does remind me of Setsuna actually.

IBO does start off a little slow, but once you hit episode 3 it really picks up.
Since a bunch of Gundam anime have been made legally available on the Crunchyroll streaming service, I've been binging them recently.

I just finished "Gundam: Build Fighters" which was packed full to the brim with nostalgia of series new and old. :thumbsup:
To be honest, the only thing I really liked about IBO was the implications of the Hashmal Mobile Armor and I was really bummed that we didn't get to see more autonomous MAs.
Hmm... it seems that IBO really was divisive among the fanbase. People either seemed to love it or hate it.

Anyway, I'm going to try and muscle my way through the rest of Reconguista this week. :thumbsdown:
Speaking of Gundam, is anyone else into those plastic model Gundam you can build called "Gunpla"?
They look really cool
But damn are they expensive, perhaps I'll just stick to drawing them instead :frown:

The model kits are awesome but (in my experience) incredibly hard to construct. (This was back several, several years mind you.) The pieces were brittle, you could ruin a part of the Gundam just by detaching it from its plastic holder thingy. China Stores sell them cheap but I don't know if their official kits thou. >_>
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