First thing I noticed; "He has high heels. Mechanical, clawed high heels, but still, High heels."
Konami can put Cyborg stilettos on Raiden, but as soon as Ninja Theory slap a bit of black hair on Dante, they're responsible for the Holocaust.
Correction; PLANTINUM, because they are headed by THE ALMIGHTY AND SACRED HIEDEKI KAMIYA, OUR GAME GOD AND LORD SAVIOR, can put cyber stilettos on Raiden(whom Kojima actually expressed he'd rather was actually Gray Fox instead of the disliked Raiden) and be praised for it. But should NT follow Capcom's directive and try to start Dante off as different from his classic rendition after having brought back a design that looked like a westernized verion of his classic self and having it rejected...they clearly are the Anti-Christ.
Tameem is a quirky and somewhat arrogant sod, and he's amusing at that. Kamiya is a pretentious and egotistical dick, and his company reflects that.