Am I the only person who understands Tameem?

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Were you getting tired of the old Dante

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    Votes: 19 33.3%
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    Votes: 38 66.7%

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True, NT never deserved any respect to begin with.

That's a load of crock, and you know it. They were hired to do a job, and they did it, and before they could even really address it, they hade flaming hate mail and death threats piled on them, something capcom knew would happen and in fact PLANNED for by shifting things toward Cambridge instead of at first even fessing up their own directives.
True, NT never deserved any respect to begin with.
If you want to blame someone, or take away respect, do it to Capcom. They hired NT, they wanted to do the reboot for whatever reason. NT just did what they were hired for. They even did designes close to the classic Dante, but Capcom sent those away and said if they wanted clsassic style Dante, they could do it themselves. They hired NT to break away from the Japanese design.
True, NT never deserved any respect to begin with.

Eh, their gameplay is 100% horrible and their plots are badly written tripe that makes Jim Butcher look good, but they can make some pretty games. That's worthy of a bit of respect in our dark age of brown (people) shooters and Buff Mc'Huge spacemarines.

If you want to blame someone, or take away respect, do it to Capcom. They hired NT, they wanted to do the reboot for whatever reason. NT just did what they were hired for. They even did designes close to the classic Dante, but Capcom sent those away and said if they wanted clsassic style Dante, they could do it themselves. They hired NT to break away from the Japanese design.
Remember how Metroid Prime was a huge break away from the previous games and fans were flipping out but then ended up loving it because it actually was a good game?
That's a load of crock, and you know it. They were hired to do a job, and they did it, and before they could even really address it, they hade flaming hate mail and death threats piled on them, something capcom knew would happen and in fact PLANNED for by shifting things toward Cambridge instead of at first even fessing up their own directives.

They should have planned it better and not insulted the fans. Is it that hard to keep their mouths shut during the interviews?

Eh, their gameplay is 100% horrible and their plots are badly written tripe that makes Jim Butcher look good, but they can make some pretty games. That's worthy of a bit of respect in our dark age of brown (people) shooters and Buff Mc'Huge spacemarines.

Remember how Metroid Prime was a huge break away from the previous game and fans were flipping out but then ended up loving it because it actually was a good game?

Bad gameplay is no excuse for pretty ''artistic'' graphics. Game companies should always focus on gameplay first. Even the ones who want to be ''auteurs''.

And DmC isn't like Metroid Prime. I know MP ended up well, but it almost didn't because of everything bad that was happening within the company. And Shigeru Miyamoto was the one to come in and tell them to go into FPS mode because they themselves couldn't get the camera right.

If you want to blame someone, or take away respect, do it to Capcom. They hired NT, they wanted to do the reboot for whatever reason. NT just did what they were hired for. They even did designes close to the classic Dante, but Capcom sent those away and said if they wanted classic style Dante, they could do it themselves. They hired NT to break away from the Japanese design.

It was a mistake to begin with. And Capcom never told NT to say what they said in the interviews. I can't believe they let them get away with that.

I know, right? Seriously, who does this guy think he is?

I think I'm the guy telling it like it is.
Boy, Tameem must be feeling pretty bad right now. Even that Forbes jounalist is mocking his game now, and he's usually pretty open-minded.

View attachment 332

I feel a bit bad for him now, even though I hate DmC. Must suck balls to see everyone just **** on something that he put so much time and effort into.

[edit]Wait, on second thought, no I don't. He defiled my favorite series. **** him and his feelings.

Yup. He deserve getting hated for doing his job.

Makes perfect sense.
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Bad gameplay is no excuse for pretty ''artistic'' graphics. Game companies should always focus on gameplay first. Even the ones who want to be ''auteurs''.

And DmC isn't like Metroid Prime. I know MP ended up well, but it almost didn't because of everything bad that was happening within the company. And Shigeru Miyamoto was the one to come in and tell them to go into FPS mode because they themselves couldn't get the camera right.

You do realise that I'm not trying to defend NT or DMC, right? All I said is "they deserve a little praise for the one thing that they're actually competent at" and "Metroid Prime proves that a game that is very different from it's predecessors can win over hardcore fans if it's good, and not bad like DmC is." :/

Yup. He deserve getting hated for doing his job.

Makes perfect sense.

He did his job badly and in the process probably killed something that I really like.
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Yup. He deserve getting hated for doing his job.

Makes perfect sense.
The thing is, are any of us here employed game designers, work for a game company or know what it's like to be involved in any pocess of game manufacture? It's easy to throw blame, but what would we do in their shoes? It's easy to say 'I'd do this, this and this'. But if any of us worked in that capacity would we take up Capcom's offer knowing what the stardard to live up to was? NT did what they thought was right with the backing of Capcom most of the way. The two companies were having regular meetings all the way through production.

I'm not saying everything they did was right, but they're human and humans make mistakes. Capcom made mistakes and NT and their PR, some of that was a mistake too. But for it to cause this amount of arguing and hatred on a forum is just.....I have no words. People are falling out on the internet over a game!

There are more important things in the world to argue about and actually do something about. But if you want to argue about a game- fine.
This world really is like DmC. Keep the people plied with games, celebrity and drink while there are real problems, but people turn a blind eye to it and pretend everything is fine while they live in a bubble.
You do realise that I'm not trying to defend NT or DMC, right? All I said is "they deserve a little praise for the one thing that they're actually competent at" and "Metroid Prime proves that a game that is very different from it's predecessors can win over hardcore fans if it's good, and not bad like DmC is." :/

He did his job badly and in the process probably killed something that I really like.

All right, then. They can have that bit of praise for doing the artwork. And I'm glad you're not defending them. They ruined something I loved as well, so I can understand that.

I agree with everything except the, ''it's just a game,'' argument. I believe that a game with a good story, a good message to send, and a good experience to offer, is something that comes along only once every so often.

And I'm getting really tired of these arguments as well... it's not too much to give a good reason for disliking the game other than, ''gameplay isn't quite as good as previous games,'' therefore making it undeserving of praise.
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While I liked the 4 different Dante's in the old story... The 3 after DMC1 never were even close to the original Kamiya version.

So I don't mind what he said after all. It is his opinion and there is some truth in it after all
While I liked the 4 different Dante's in the old story... The 3 after DMC1 never were even close to the original Kamiya version.

So I don't mind what he said after all. It is his opinion and there is some truth in it after all

Kamiya's Dante is Legendary. Nothing can compare, especially not DmC's Donte.
While I liked the 4 different Dante's in the old story... The 3 after DMC1 never were even close to the original Kamiya version.

So I don't mind what he said after all. It is his opinion and there is some truth in it after all
It's like each Dante was a reboot of the original. I wish they had been more consistent with his personality and kept it closer to DMC1 for all Dantes. Maybe DMC3 could be different because he's younger, but that's about it.
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