But let's face it, I've seen the behaviour of Jpanese fans. Some are like scum of the earth. Obesssing over 'idols' who have to pretend to act innocent so creepy old guys will spend money. But the moment it is found there is a boyfriend, these 'fans' troll and then burn all items they have with her image and call 'whore' on her. Fans like that aren't fans and aren't worth it
I'd hate to see the majority of video game fans become like that. Breaking their games and burning items with game characters image on them. Just proves how little some people have to do in life if they are batshit insane over something like that. :blink:
What's next: Burn an effigy of Tameem? :blink: It's not flipping Guy Fakwes night yet :lol:
Horrifying thought if you ask me. No wonder why the word 'otaku' is an offensive word there. It's culture.
What I'm trying to say is that a whole bunch of people (including me, of course) hate DmC so much that we will prefer another unfinished game like DMC4 to anything even remotely related to Ninja Theory.
Fanboy logic.
Be a FAN, not a fanboy. I'm on the former and I can even welcome change. It seems some people here want to enjoy STALE things. Ok.