Am I the only person who understands Tameem?

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Were you getting tired of the old Dante

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 38 66.7%

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But let's face it, I've seen the behaviour of Jpanese fans. Some are like scum of the earth. Obesssing over 'idols' who have to pretend to act innocent so creepy old guys will spend money. But the moment it is found there is a boyfriend, these 'fans' troll and then burn all items they have with her image and call 'whore' on her. Fans like that aren't fans and aren't worth it

I'd hate to see the majority of video game fans become like that. Breaking their games and burning items with game characters image on them. Just proves how little some people have to do in life if they are batshit insane over something like that. :blink:

What's next: Burn an effigy of Tameem? :blink: It's not flipping Guy Fakwes night yet :lol:

Horrifying thought if you ask me. No wonder why the word 'otaku' is an offensive word there. It's culture.

What I'm trying to say is that a whole bunch of people (including me, of course) hate DmC so much that we will prefer another unfinished game like DMC4 to anything even remotely related to Ninja Theory.

Fanboy logic.

Be a FAN, not a fanboy. I'm on the former and I can even welcome change. It seems some people here want to enjoy STALE things. Ok.
Balance 's boring, let it flow through your soul like a sweet nectar of the gods.
I've got another one: Let me taste the sweet salt of your tears while I put it on my breakfast cereal and laugh at the butthurt. :P

What I'm trying to say is that a whole bunch of people (including me, of course) hate DmC so much that we will prefer another unfinished game like DMC4 to anything even remotely related to Ninja Theory.
Then why be here on this side of the forum? Go play DMC4 and have fun. ^_^

Horrifying thought if you ask me. No wonder why the word 'otaku' is an offensive word there. It's culture.
Yep, but Otaku didn't used to be synonymous to 'creepy person who is a pervert'. It was more like 'resident of the house' I think....but these days the word has a bad meaning.
It's more of a "I tried to play DmC and dropped it in disgust two hours in because it was just too bad" logic. At least DMC4 was still fun to play.

Then why be here on this side of the forum? Go play DMC4 and have fun. ^_^

Played it too much already. Might as well milk some last drops of enjoyment by laughing at the trainwreck. Mutilated corpses of things that you used to love are surprisingly fascinating.
It's more of a "I tried to play DmC and dropped it in disgust two hours in because it was just too bad" logic. At least DMC4 was still fun to play.
Fun to play, but the plot....:blink: I've seen better plot in an episode of Panty & Stocking.(Points if anyone knows what that is!:P)

Besides, I doubt you feel disgust over a game. It's just a game. Disgust is when someone gets brutally murdered or some real life nasty situation like that.
Fun to play, but the plot....:blink: I've seen better plot in an episode of Panty & Stocking.(Points if anyone knows what that is!:P)

Besides, I doubt you feel disgust over a game. It's just a game. Disgust is when someone gets brutally murdered or some real life nasty situation like that.

Panty and Stocking? Hey, I love that! Especially being dubbed.:cool:

DMC4 is fun to play, but DmC is more like a complete package with good gameplay and great storytelling, on par with DMC3.

That guy is trolling. Reported.
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I never thought old Dante was getting out dated, what he needed was a game where he had some emotionally attachment to the story. DMC 1 and 3 story was personel for him and that is what made his character great. 2,4 was just a job to him, a job that he could've done in his sleep. Capcom half-assed DMC2 and 4, also read some body's post where they stated they want Dmc2 or no DMC at all. Can understand that , if Capcom does go back to the old series they will probly just do it as a quick cash grab and not put any effort into it, already happen with DMC2.
Yeah yeah different opinions are trolling. Not my first day on the internet :P

It's almost as if different people have different ideas about what's good and bad. Like with DmC's storytelling, that I find to be laughable, but a lot of other people praise.

Blah, I came here to post that one picture with Erik Kain on Twitter and now it's late at night and I will go to work tired as **** again. Internet holywars are going to be the death of me, I swear. Have a good night everyone. Even you, DmC infidels.
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I never thought old Dante was getting out dated, what he needed was a game where he had some emotionally attachment to the story. DMC 1 and 3 story was personel for him and that is what made his character great. 2,4 was just a job to him, a job that he could've done in his sleep. Capcom half-assed DMC2 and 4, also read some body's post where they stated they want Dmc2 or no DMC at all. Can understand that , if Capcom does go back to the old series they will probly just do it as a quick cash grab and not put any effort into it, already happen with DMC2.

It's really funny to think that DmC ruined the franchise w/o realizing the fact that DMC2 AND the anime series are being terrible. DMC2 capitalized the success of the first game. It sold well, yet it wasn't much of a success.
Yeah yeah different opinions are trolling. Not my first day on the internet :POpinions aren't trolling, but going out of the way to provoke others is. Not saying you were doing it, just a general statement.

It's almost as if different people have different ideas about what's good and bad.That's because people do have different ideas about what's good and bad Like with DmC's storytelling, that I find to be laughable, but a lot of other people praise.It's called life. People like and dislike different things.

Blah, I came here to post that one picture with Erik Kain on Twitter and now it's late at night and I will go to work tired as **** again. Internet holywars are going to be the death of me Please don't do anything sudden and jump:lol: I couldn't resist after all that talk from earlier in the thread. Bad joke...I know, I swear.
It's really funny to think that DmC ruined the franchise w/o realizing the fact that DMC2 AND the anime series are being terrible. DMC2 capitalized the success of the first game. It sold well, yet it wasn't much of a success.
Funny I kinda of liked the anime a little, but the fights only lasted for ten sec. and Dante only sat around and ate Pizza and strawberry sundees, the guy really needed a strong demon to fight
Funny I kinda of liked the anime a little, but the fights only lasted for ten sec. and Dante only sat around and ate Pizza and strawberry sundees, the guy really needed a strong demon to fight
I liked the anime purely for the cussing.:lol: Everything was okay.
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Both Capcom and NT showed they cant handle any kind of criticism or bad opinion. They could ignore "haters" and let whole stupid situation calm down, but they decided to use that to promote reboot and we see how it ended. Press and media of course took same route, repeating same stuff about hair, that haters should shut up and how NT are great instead of try to calm it down and just provide information.
yeah lemme tell you how capcom and NT can't take any bad opinion or criticism and that fanboys like you definitely can
tameem:i don't think bayonetta is cool
Hm...definitly not a veiled's a direct one.:troll:
I see what you did there. :troll:
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