I'll just throw my two cents in here before taking a step back.
I don't really understand how someone could truly hate DmC. Like, yeah... I hated it too, didn't like Dante, didn't like Vergil.... like, I would NEVER trash anyone at NT over it, but none the less... being on this forum has really opened my eyes.
It's made me think of passed games, like Chrono Trigger, Dragon Ball Z, Burnout, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Battlefield, and even Call of Duty have all moved away from what I loved about them. Chrono Trigger was a classic, and I DID enjoy Chrono Cross.... but throughout the game I really missed the instant battles, the time travel, and even the characters... yet, I never dissed anyone that said it was the best game ever, or anything silly like that. The game itself constantly made little nods towards Chrono Trigger, and I loved that. It's something DmC does too.
Battlefield really took a huge turn. With Battlefield 3 I was expecting them to go back to the BF2 formula, and they didn't of course... but that's just how it is. Games change, heck... look at Dragon Ball Z games. Those really took a turn for the worst... but I still managed to enjoy Burst Limit. It definitely didn't hold up to the Budokai series, but it still added some cool features and ideas that were steps in the right direction, but sadly the game overall was a bit of a let down. It's not like I made any threats over it though, it's just how it is.
With DmC, when I first heard of it... I had a strong dislike towards it since it was just so different from the previous games, even more so than the previous games were to each other (if that makes any sense)... but you know, thinking back, it's really not a big deal. I should point out, that I love DmC. I got all the concept art, and sadly I got bored of the story.... but hey, the replay value exceeded DMC1:HD's total playtime.
This isn't directed to anyone, but whenever I see hate comments (threats and what not) towards DmC I just think... why? Not only is it just a game, but all games do this. Old school aspects to FPS's have slowly died out. Now every game wants to be like CoD (which isn't a bad thing), but it's over saturated with the same core ideas (bullet counts, health regen, killstreaks, perks). Heck, look at WW2 games. Those died out too. The trend seems to be modern warfare or future warfare. My point is, games change. For better of for the worst. When I think about it... comparing DmC to DMC3 is like comparing Battlefield 3 to Battlefield 2. Heck... comparing the DMC series is like comparing the BF series now that I think about it. They're all really different from each other, yet they all keep the core aspect that made them great (style/teamwork). I enjoy BF3, and I think it's a good game. I would love another BF1942, or even another BF2... but those games required a lot of teamwork. They wouldn't appeal to as many players like BF3 does. So really, how can I expect EA/Dice to go back to their roots when there's more money to be made this way? This last question doesn't apply to DMC, I just felt like throwing it out there as food for thought.
Anyway, I'll probably end up going around in circles with this so I'll just end it here.
PS: I should add that this post revolves around opinion.