If from what i've read from wikia is true then i'm REALLY PI$$ED !
This movie was supposed to have the old serious DBZ movie theme BUT toriyama ****ing screwed everything up !
Bills original Concept is Awesome he was supposed to be the God who made the saiyan race for what they are now he made them lust for power and fights.. and that could've answered so many questions and he was supposed to look like a creepy lizard man or something now he's just a "Random" opponent out of nowhere
Having someone like that in the story gives a totally new perspective where SSJ's are finally weak
People were saying that "OH Toriyama is getting involved he's gonna make this movie KICK ASS!" instead he just ended up making it more like Dragon ball then actually DBZ !
This movie was supposed to be SERIOUS and BADASS instead it just ends up being a tepid, predictable DBZ movie WTF ?
I think we all can kiss DBZ goodbye if they just keep coming up with horrible OVA's and Movies like these..
it just adds EVEN MORE PLOTHOLES !
Wasn't son goku&return of friends enough already ? why do we need more of this childish garbage ?
This movie was supposed to have the old serious DBZ movie theme BUT toriyama ****ing screwed everything up !
Bills original Concept is Awesome he was supposed to be the God who made the saiyan race for what they are now he made them lust for power and fights.. and that could've answered so many questions and he was supposed to look like a creepy lizard man or something now he's just a "Random" opponent out of nowhere
Having someone like that in the story gives a totally new perspective where SSJ's are finally weak
People were saying that "OH Toriyama is getting involved he's gonna make this movie KICK ASS!" instead he just ended up making it more like Dragon ball then actually DBZ !
This movie was supposed to be SERIOUS and BADASS instead it just ends up being a tepid, predictable DBZ movie WTF ?
I think we all can kiss DBZ goodbye if they just keep coming up with horrible OVA's and Movies like these..
it just adds EVEN MORE PLOTHOLES !
Wasn't son goku&return of friends enough already ? why do we need more of this childish garbage ?