Just because Goku is an exceptionally skilled fighter doesn’t make him automatically superior then a Fusion Character Gotenks has more potential1. Just because Gotenks goes SuperSaiyan 3 doesn't make it equal to an adult SuperSaiyan 3, especially an adult who's been training & fighting far longer than a children who's had far less battle experience then all the adult Z-fighters.
I never said Gotenks was equal to SSJ3 i just said he had equal amount of Raw power b/c of Fusion gotenks is retarded and would easily get beaten by Goku
4. Again why do you exaggerate Ultimate Gohan power level?
where did I ? if not anything it’s the show itself which is exaggerating Ultimate GohanUltimate Gohan is slightly stronger then a 1st ever transformation SuperSaiyan 3 adult, that's it.
We all know that SSJ2 vegeta is lightyears ahead of SSJ2 gohan RIGHT?? and he was killed by a Semi-suppressed Fat BUU and it would take a SSJ3 to kill Buu as stated by goku
Super Buu is basically 10% stronger then Fat buu
So what makes you think that Gohan can come back having SUCH A huge leap in power and still be considered weaker than SSJ3 Goku ?

WHY ARE YOU PUTTING YOUR LOGIC ?? Is that so hard ??5. 20episodes trying to kill something & a little training with a Kai does not equal a lifetime of fighting from child Dragonball to adult Dragonball Z.
Gohan gets his potential unlocked (gets as strong as SSJ3) Beats the crap out of Super buu
Dude seriously… what are you smoking ? I can wholeheartedly agree that Super Buu is weaker then Kidbuu BUT UltimateBuu REALLY ? REALLY ?6. Ultimate Buu.....is weaker then Kidbuu
The form which forced Goku to Fuse with Vegeta ?? the most rudimentary rule of DBZ is that Fusion Characters are Stronger then non-fused ones