I just think it's impossible to question Angel, I want to say she's the comic relief but I feel like I'd get smited in some way or form. :lol:
Ah she does do a damned good job though, and she's brilliantly funny, think the forum would be more of a wreck without her around here.
You've got a point, we're in a DMC forum, I should hope that people around here know something about DMC, even if we don't, I don't play the game for the storyline, I play it for the gameplay as far as DMC is concerned, I just tend to blank it out, because it's always the cliche save the world from some big demon.
Thanks, yeah, it's a nice weight off my mind, less stressed out about everything, it was my Theatre Studies practical, which has been giving me no end of hassle, and now it's done, I can finally relax until May/June.