DreadnoughtDT Feb 28, 2018 Can it be March 20th yet? I don't think I can take the wait for AOT2 anymore...
DreadnoughtDT Feb 6, 2018 Whoa, that moment when you hit refresh to see your messages and the forum completely changes. Noice.
DreadnoughtDT Jan 19, 2018 Getting my first three Gundam models for my birthday... Hashmal, Jesta and EZ-8.
DreadnoughtDT Nov 26, 2017 That moment when you want to buy every Souls game on Steam just so you can cheat through them... I have the right, I've beaten them already.
That moment when you want to buy every Souls game on Steam just so you can cheat through them... I have the right, I've beaten them already.
DreadnoughtDT Sep 1, 2017 I know Koei is busy making the next Dynasty Warriors game, but I want another DW: Gundam or Attack on Titan game plz.
I know Koei is busy making the next Dynasty Warriors game, but I want another DW: Gundam or Attack on Titan game plz.
DreadnoughtDT Aug 26, 2017 So Toffee is the best villain ever IMO. It helps he's voiced by the guy who played Dexter in, well, Dexter.
So Toffee is the best villain ever IMO. It helps he's voiced by the guy who played Dexter in, well, Dexter.
DreadnoughtDT Aug 5, 2017 I swear my new characters keep getting weirder and weirder... Yet they all serve a purpose. My brain confuses me.
I swear my new characters keep getting weirder and weirder... Yet they all serve a purpose. My brain confuses me.
DreadnoughtDT Jul 10, 2017 So apparently a friend of mine thinks wingless dragons are "losers"... Ouch?
DreadnoughtDT Jul 5, 2017 I want a new Ninja Gaiden game. The dismemberment mechanics have always been super satisfying to me and I crave more.
I want a new Ninja Gaiden game. The dismemberment mechanics have always been super satisfying to me and I crave more.
DreadnoughtDT Jul 1, 2017 I should really stop playing EDF so late at night... But I love smashing giant bugs.
DreadnoughtDT Jun 28, 2017 That moment when you're just randomly browsing youtube and see that A Fox in Space has some new scenes animated.
That moment when you're just randomly browsing youtube and see that A Fox in Space has some new scenes animated.
DreadnoughtDT Jun 14, 2017 TWO METROID GAMES?! Also one is a Metroid 2 remake... Them canning AM2R now makes sense, but I'm still bitter about it.
TWO METROID GAMES?! Also one is a Metroid 2 remake... Them canning AM2R now makes sense, but I'm still bitter about it.