Forced socialising sounds about right - I'm away next week and will have to "do the rounds" and talk to people I haven't seen for three years, repeat myself about fifty times over as they ask the same banal questions, and generally wish I hadn't bothered leaving home. But all with a smile on my face - this will be tough.
That reminds me - I'd better put in an appearance with my dad too. Normally he's at home in Russia but he's flying over for the summer and no doubt will want to descend on our quiet part of the world and do his "you're such a disappointment compared to your sister" routine. Can't wait for that one

And worse is, he's thinking of permanently moving up here to live (prices are cheaper) and then I won't be able to get away from him. Nice.
The rest of my summer will consist of putting on weight, being very hot and irritable and then culminating in agonising labour. Can't wait :lol: