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  • Check my profile please , its really important , check the nero's comments , its Little_d ... all the proof is there !!!
    Yeah, that's ok. If it's better for the site I'm all for it, but I thought it was mabye a problem only I was having.

    Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me.
    Awww, why can't I hang my cursor over a thread and read the first few lines without clicking on it anymore?

    This a problem only I am getting or has it been changed on purpose?
    Hey. I want to ask you something. I currently have 247 posts and I have the rank 'Deadly'. What number of posts do I need to have to become 'Carnage'. Or, if you don't mind, you can tell me the ranks (only the Deadly, Carnage, Brutal, Atomic, ... ones) and the number of posts needed to gain the respective rank.
    hi sharon , u ok if u dont mind me askking how long left til the big day ??
    When words can't express the failure, there's always facepalm.
    Wow, just wow, though thank you for that, that got a decent laugh out of me to say the least, your family sounds...Colourful. :lol:

    Hang on, let me get this straight, she expected you to buy her a 3 piece suite for a wedding gift? Lolwat? No, no I just can't get my head round that, I need a minute here.
    -Pounds my head against my desk repeatedly.-

    There we go, so, sounds like you had...Fun. :rolleyes:

    PS: Nice to see you back. ^_^
    Its a glandular problem - honest! :D

    Hows things Sharon?
    I've had an apiffi...appfi..apiffitree ^^
    Oh dear...:lol:

    Yeah tell me about it, I mean, I don't mind the odd visit from a couple friends from my old school, it's always a laugh to get together with a few beers and blast the night away playing Gears or COD, but when you've got people who can't be bothered to make the effort always asking you catch up questions, it just makes you wonder..."If you really want to know, why don't you pop round once in a blue moon?"
    God, I dunno, people eh?

    Yes, I know that feeling, quite frankly my cousin could be living on the streets offering sex for food and she'd still be the messiah in comparison to me, my college education and desire to go into Criminal Behaviour Analysis seems to be meaningless while she's doing whatever it is she does, christ, family suck, don't they?
    Oh good lord, I think I would actually snap going through the forced socialising with people I haven't seen for years, I've gotten to the point where I just don't care about the people from my past and I'd probably just ignore them if they were to ask me the generalised catch-up questions, ugh, do what I do, find out what they're doing first, make a joke about how it's a crap thing to do and then move on to the next half-wit.

    Oh fun, being compared to another member of the family is always such a laugh...I always got the comparison to my cousin, see, apparently, even though she dropped out of college within the first month, she's doing more with her life and is being more successful than I am, dunno how that works, but there we go. :rolleyes:

    All I can say to you Sharon, is good luck, oh and if he isn't already, turn Steve into your own personal slave. :lol:
    I stepped into the local Job Centre to check out what jobs were going locally, apparently, Leeds is local to me...What with me being down the arse end of nowhere, let's see, Leeds...Middle/Top of the country, Dorset, very bottom...Sure, that's local, if I fancy a 6-8 hour commute every day.

    Oh the usual probably, drinking too much, gaming, forced socialising, being bored out of my bloody skull, probably a visit or two to the old man's, wherever he's located these days.
    So yeah, I think I'm going to have the classic teenage holiday, yourself?
    They just absorb everything, time, money, effort, energy...Money...:lol:

    I must admit it is a little odd, I've got to find something to do until I get my results and find out whether I can continue the A2 level courses or not, 3 months of nothing and job hunting...Yay.
    Oh it's perfectly understandable to feel a little resentment, after all, it is draining your life. :lol:
    See, I like to call babies, as well as kids, energy vampires, they do what they say on the tin, suck the life out of you without remorse.

    Oh I'm not too bad ta, the usual really, feeling a touch vindictive after being shouted at by my douchebag excuse for a Theatre Studies lecturer for doing...Well, absolutely nothing wrong.
    But aside from that, I'm alright, trying to enjoy my couple days off after my A Levels exams, don't actually have to attend the lessons that I've done exams for now, meaning I'm pretty much free most days. ^_^
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