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  • Nice to know I'm not the only one losing their mind, almost reassuring in a somewhat stupid kind of way. :lol:

    ODST eh? We should all get together for a match of Firefight, providing my connection wants to play ball, last time I played with Steve, it was laggy as hell.
    Jessica's worked out Braid? I can't work that out at the best of times! Jake's sick? That sucks, for him and for you, nothing worse than a crying baby, I can feel my eardrums shattering now...

    Oh, college is mediocre, though thanks for asking, would be better if my tutor weren't being a tool about my personal statement for Uni, and as it stands, I have some viral infection thingy in my stomach, so guess how much work I'm gonna be bogged down with next week. :lol:
    Lol! Niice ^^
    Yeah, since I live between my home and hers I don't really have my own space anymore, so it'll be nice to re-establish somewhere for myself, set up my games consoles, put my books somewhere and have full access to them whenever, without worry about moving them or wondering when or if ^^

    I'm sure it'll be great, just alot of change in one hit, not to mention that this year has been one whole punch worth of change and tragedy O_O!
    Well thankfully Hail and I are attending the same place, so we're sharing a room -- with its own shower. Having to wait in-line for 30 other students to finish their business in the shower is pretty damn offputting lol
    I find life is a bit more interesting when you step on the 'wrong' side of sanity lol

    It may just be a combination of things I'd imagine, I find when I'm REALLY tired that I can't actually sleep because being tired is oddly keeping me up o_O or its the six-pack of Red Bull :D

    Sick? Awww, sorry to hear that, also its a shame when little-uns get ill, mainly because they tend to give man-flu a run for its money in ragards to the amount of attention they require ^^

    Glad to hear everyone is okay :)

    Cake? Nope, they got me a card which was lovely, and I bought some doughnuts, its such a nice place to work that it'll be really sad at 5:30pm today -- but, looking forward and moving on, gotta do what I can I guess.

    Move into my Uni digs on Saturday - nerves a bundle! :S
    I swear, these days I can barely keep tabs on conversations with people, again, sorry 'bout the delay, it just slipped my mind, it's a concern...
    Anyway, my loss of mental stability aside, how are you, Steve and the newborn doing? ^^
    Darn i'm sad today lol Tis my last day at work :S Mixed Feelins all round ^^

    How are you today Angel?
    Is little Jake okay? How're the rest of the residents?
    Ahh sorry I didn't get back to ya sooner, college has been bogging me down to no end lately, barely had the time to even have a moment's quiet thought to myself. >_<

    Glad it's all going well for you, I'm happy for the two of ya, it's great news, really, bet Steve is chuffed as hell eh? ^^

    I've been pretty damn good thanks, though as mentioned, college bogging me down = No free time, which is driving me mental, ah well, and how are you these days? Feels like it's been ages. :D
    Grats on the new born!

    Hope that you're alright. And I hope that Steve, Jacob and Jess are all good aswel.

    Best wishes for the future.
    I can only imagine someone giggling as an epidural was administered lol, seems like two very contradictory actions ^^
    No, I've never halucinated.
    I've ended up knocking the books off my shelf when I thought I was playing Tennis...in my dream ofcourse lol
    Still sounds like 'fun' ^_^, well I guess you'll have a good idea what's going to happen this time around ^^
    Lol yeah, I was told once that the phrase "It was a good idea...at the time" comes up alot in hospitals ^__^
    Yeah, I'm hoping for a real quick turn around :D

    September eh? Well, not that long now ^_^
    How are things on the Maternity front?
    Shared house was what I was thinking - pah, too complicated for me lol

    I've been better, been worse too lol, my Xbox has just started it trip to Germany lol

    How about you?
    Sorry angel for bugging u about this .. i thought all the admins and mods would wanna know ..... sorry !!!

    I've left a message on his profile and also checked the IP.
    The only issue that cropped up is Neros1Hater (w/e) is on an identical IP as Enigmatic Soldier (iirc). Not sure about the drama behind such though.
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