Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything

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Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who is wary or against covid vaccines are antivaxxers, nor is everyone afraid of side effects amongst the "5G microchip" conspiracy theorists.

But no one wants to talk about how there are some very real, legitimate concerns, right? Left and Right cherry-picking about where bodily autonomy begins and ends, and both of them completely missing the irony of their hypocrisy. People acting as if the adverse reaction statistics are negligible, yet they'd be singing a completely different tune if it was someone they know dying from blood clotting, heart issues, or any other complication that might arise.

Just getting tired of the same group of people telling others if they don't get the shot, they don't care--only to show a complete lack of compassion for those who have died from it, and those who are afraid of it.

(And for the record, after dragging my heels for a long time, I'm getting it; I'm not happy about it, I still have serious misgivings--but because my daughter has to get it for school, I figured whatever the consequences, she shouldn't suffer them alone. I'm just really sick of all the self-congratulating going on every time someone gets their shot and inevitably has to post about it--because they need that sweet, sweet validation). :rolleyes:
Sam's Captain America outfit looks stupid because of that... thing on his head. Yeah yeah I get it, "iT's CoMIc bOoK aCCurAte", but not everything that looks good in comics also looks good in live action.

It's the same thing for the people who wanted the comic book Wolverine costume on Hugh Jackman. Just no. Now that Disney has the rights for the mutants I'm afraid they are gonna do that. Ugh, I don't want Wolverine to look as laughable as he does in his comic costume. It'd be like if Henry Cavill still dressed like Brandon Routh or Christopher Reeves for Superman. Just impossible to take seriously.
DMC 2 isn't really that bad. It is the worst game in the series but definitely not one of the worst games ever made as it is often made out to be. There are more redeeming features of the game then initially thought.
It's the same thing for the people who wanted the comic book Wolverine costume on Hugh Jackman. Just no. Now that Disney has the rights for the mutants I'm afraid they are gonna do that. Ugh, I don't want Wolverine to look as laughable as he does in his comic costume. It'd be like if Henry Cavill still dressed like Brandon Routh or Christopher Reeves for Superman. Just impossible to take seriously.
I'm all for update or some changing, but generic, angsty-teen black leather ain't much better. I still hate that line Cyclops made in the first movie. Yes Cyclops, I don't mind seeing some yellow and blue. At least there is some f#cking color and being honest about where you come from. Not this insecure version of what means to be "adult", "cool", or not "too silly". Everyone wearing black for the original trilogy was just as silly and more boring. Actual color or unique design actually makes the characters stick out more. I am so glad the whole super heroes have to wear black trend died around starting point of the MCU. You realize how stupid and insecure it was when you stop and think about it. If James Wan and his production team can make Aqua Man's orange and green look awesome, then so can Disney with the X-Men.

Aqua Man is the best live action Devil May Cry movie ever made!

DMC 2 isn't really that bad. It is the worst game in the series but definitely not one of the worst games ever made as it is often made out to be. There are more redeeming features of the game then initially thought.
I agree to an extent, but 2's main problem is that is so boring! In order for it to get "good" or "fun", it takes several playthroughs to get to the harder difficulties (you can't unlock them with cheat codes, other than Game Shark). Not to mention, there are better games in the same genre than DMC2. That is before, during, and after its release. DMC1 & its other sequels, DmC (not much of a milestone), Viewtiful Joe, Gungrave, Bujingai, God Hand, Ninja Gaiden, God of War, Bayonetta, and many more, etc.
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I still hate that line Cyclops made in the first movie.

I, instead, applaud every time I hear it. Sure black might be boring, but at least I can take Wolverine a tad more seriously in it as opposed to yellow tights and a big ass carnival mask.

I agree that some middle ground needs to be reached but my point is, if I HAVE to choose between boring and the ridiculous outfits comic purists demand in movie adaptations, I choose boring. I don't want to laugh at my superheroes when they're supposed to be badass characters to be taken seriously.
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instead, applaud every time I hear it. Sure black might be boring, but at least I can take Wolverine a tad more seriously in it as opposed to yellow tights and a big ass carnival mask.
I don't. I flip off the the scene in question. I didn't ask to have Wolverine's mask. I would have been fine with or without it. I just hate that everyone is wearing black. It's boring and stupid. It blends in with all the other superhero movies from the 2000s that use black. Nothing sticks out other than faces and body type.

agree that some middle ground needs to be reached but my point is, if I HAVE to choose between boring and the ridiculous outfits comic purists demand in movie adaptations, I choose boring. I don't want to laugh at my superheroes when they're supposed to be badass characters to be taken seriously.
I also prefer a middle ground, but having color doesn't make them less threatening. It depends on how you use that color and what type of budget you're running on. Spider-Man has his red and blue and everybody was able to take him seriously back when Toby Maguire played him. Captain America was able to be taken seriously and he's practically wearing a flag on himself. Once again, I bring up Aquaman. They made that green and orange look cool and awesome.

The other problem I have with that scene is that it comes off as insulting the target audience. "Haha, you're a dumb-ass and nerd for liking costume with extravagant or contrasting colors!" The writers or whoever was in charge can screw off with that. The 90s and early to late 2000s had this big problem of putting everything in black leather to come off as either cool, angsty, or "mature". And I'm not just talking about the superhero movies either. The Matrix and Underworld are a big contenders for this. The irony is that most of them look all the more silly and dated now. Don't get me wrong, I still like the first Matrix movie, but all the other live sequels come off of silly by comparison. Plus, two and three went way overboard on trying to be smart. The Animatrix delivered what I wanted. Back on topic...

Yes, it was all done to get away from the silliness that was Batman and Robin, but a decade afterward everything started looking silly. Though for me, it was a few years earlier than that. When the next X-Men comes out, I don't mind them having color. Their costumes don't have to be over a thousand percent accurate, just good and practical. If I need my superheroes to wear black that badly, I'll watch The Punisher, Batman, Ghost Rider, The Crow, or Spawn. There are plenty of other options.
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Spider-Man has his red and blue and everybody was able to take him seriously back when Toby Maguire played him. Captain America was able to be taken seriously and he's practically wearing a flag on himself.

Sure but even those got some changes. Tobey's Spidey had his colors darkened a bit rather than being bright red and blue, and the shape of his eyes is very angular instead of the wide or round ones that, for example, The Amazing Spider-Man used, making him look really cartoony as a result. Perfect example of a comic book trait that doesn't translate into live action.

As for Cap, he indeed went through a more "comic bookey" phase in the first Avengers, and that costume is, even by fans (which says a lot), regarded as really stupid looking. Colors too bright, suit looking too much like tights, weird silly white... I don't know, plastic rods or something on his wrists and boots, rubber looking cowl. In all the other movies where they toned down the comic book stylistic nonsense, he looks way more badass. The suit looks much more like armor. The colors are slightly darker. The cowl is a helmet. That's the kind of balance that works.

And talking about Cap brings me back to Sam Wilson's outfit in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I'm sorry but while most of the outfit looks great, that stupid ass white sock thing on his head is just ridiculous. Like the big Spidey eyes, it's yet another thing that looks silly in live action. They should have removed that thing and just kept the goggles. It sucks cause Anthony Mackie plays the character in the most badass way he can but that one thing makes me struggle to keep a laugh whenever I look at him and ruins it. I hope they'll have him take that stuff off his head for his movie.

I'm sorry but the reality of the situation is, there are elements to classic superhero costumes that would just look plain stupid on the screen, and should never be put in. Wolverine mask? Stupid. Big eyes Spider-Man? Stupid. Sock on head? Stupid. Underwear over thighs? Stupid.
For some inconceivable reason comic purists apparently find all that stuff actually badass and threatening in their live action adaptation. But for me, I'm sorry, it just makes me laugh.
Their costumes don't have to be over a thousand percent accurate

Should have edited this in the previous post but I forgot, well, that's what I'm saying. We're in agreement on that one. My rant has been about the comic book purists who DO want every costume to be 1000% accurate.
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Sure but even those got some changes. Tobey's Spidey had his colors darkened a bit rather than being bright red and blue, and the shape of his eyes is very angular instead of the wide or round ones that, for example,
They're still brighter than most costume from the 90s and 2000s; minimal difference.

The Amazing Spider-Man used, making him look really cartoony as a result. Perfect example of a comic book trait that doesn't translate into live action.
It's fine, but I'm whatever with the design. I'd give it credit for the unique look. I was never a big fan of TASM films, but I am willing to give them another shot later. Spider-Verse is still the best and all the costumes work there. I know it's animation, but it further proves my point. It takes a little more effort, thinking, and adapting.

'm sorry but the reality of the situation is, there are elements to classic superhero costumes that would just look plain stupid on the screen, and should never be put in. Wolverine mask? Stupid. Big eyes Spider-Man? Stupid. Sock on head? Stupid. Underwear over thighs? Stupid.
Funny you mention that as the guy in charge, Bryan Singer, hated comics. He would not allow any to bring comics on the set of the first X-Men film. Even people were allowed to bring comics on the set of Batman Begin, TDK, and Rises. If that don't tell you something, I don't know what will. And when I last checked, an insecure f#ck nut that lusted after under-aged girls don't know **** nor should have been given the reigns to direct costuming. All the actors hated the black leather btw. Hard to move around in them, and Hugh Jackman could not jump over a certain ledge, because it kept getting caught. Say what you will about the later X-Men films, but they and Deadpool have much better costumes by a lot. Even Deadpool silly costume looks cool and worked fine for everyone. Deadpool's costume is practically a sock.

Red underwear over tights? Reeves rocked that **** for years! I still do love the Supes costume on Cavill. I appreciate the update and have no problems with it.

Wolverine does not need the mask, but he can have either his yellow and blue colors, or yellow and brown. Works either way for me. If they do the mask justice, I have no complaints.

Should have edited this in the previous post but I forgot, well, that's what I'm saying. We're in agreement on that one.
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Underwear over thighs? Reeves rocked that **** for years!

Yeah I know. As a kid I'd dress up like his Superman all the time. But growing up, of course I find his costume ridiculous. Cause it is. It's freaking underwear on top of tights. Not to knock on the actor, Reeves is like Mackie, the perfect actor hindered by a silly costume too faithful to the original that could have been fixed with a single little tweak. As far as mere looks go, I can actually take Cavill's Supes more seriously than Reeves' or even worse, Routh's. Which by the way, starred in a movie directed by the so called comic book hater who funnily enough still ended up dressing him up in the ridiculous comic book costume.

Even Deadpool silly costume looks cool and worked fine for everyone. Deadpool's costume is practically a sock.

Deadpool is supposed to be silly and over the top. His case is a different one and even then, they darkened the red quite a bit. Although admittedly, even if they had gone bright red, his case is one of the few where I wouldn't have minded.

If they do the mask justice, I have no complaints.

Well, I can only say that if any costume designer actually manages to not make that thing look absolutely laughable on a real actor, and not make him look like he just came out of a carnival parade or a con cosplaying the comics, that guy is a god on earth and should be given an instant bonus. I don't have much faith, I have seen that mask in live action stuff before and I almost lost a lung, but you never know, somebody out there might be able to pull it off, as slim as the chances are. XD
Yeah I know. As a kid I'd dress up like his Superman all the time. But growing up, of course I find his costume ridiculous. Cause it is. It's freaking underwear on top of tights. Not to knock on the actor, Reeves is like Mackie, the perfect actor hindered by a silly costume too faithful to the original that could have been fixed with a single little tweak. As far as mere looks go, I can actually take Cavill's Supes more seriously than Reeves' or even worse, Routh's. Which by the way, starred in a movie directed by the so called comic book hater who funnily enough still ended up dressing him up in the ridiculous comic book costume.
I can take Supes seriously with or without the red tights either way. Those acting or those drawing and writing him in a dignified way is all that matters to me. BTW, Superman Returns sucks hard. A film so bad that even my parents hate the movie, and my dad forgot the film even existed. Singer was always a pretentious butt-f$ck.

Deadpool is supposed to be silly and over the top. His case is a different one and even then, they darkened the red quite a bit. Although admittedly, even if they had gone bright red, his case is one of the few where I wouldn't have minded.
Doesn't matter, people still took the costume and many other characters' costumes seriously. They just got some extra laughs to go along with it. When Deadpool got serious: whether it be the drama, the action, the action and drama, you believe you saw Deadpool come to life. When he got dangerous, he got f#cking dangerous.
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The No More Heroes franchise has the best light saber combat to date. Beating all of the Star Wars games that focus heavily on melee/light saber combat.
You know those really annoying mothers out there? The ones who crank up the volume to 30 in the car and roll down all the windows whilst blaring either LP or BTS when picking up their college kids after school? Or who wear beanies on a sweltering hot day because they couldn't be bothered to brush their hair? Or who hoots at strangers' kids at school pickup because they were showing or shouting obscenities at their friends (the kids, not the mom)?



I'm a BTS -mom. I drink soju whenever I have the money and capability to do so. I eat kimchi with everything. I yell at people in a mix of Korean and Afrikaans when I get mad. This includes family members. And I get stuckup about a certain song :whistle: because it's a load of rubbish and they are better than that.
Sure Valve, your platform has forums, reviews, group chats, streams, voice chat, etc... But the Epic Store freaking gives games away. Even big, AAA ones sometimes. Beat that.
But the Epic Store freaking gives games away. Even big, AAA ones sometimes. Beat that.
But most of the AAA games that have on sale are **** any way and not worth my time. I am not a hardcore Steam fan either, but I go for usually smaller games anyway. :LOL:

I'll just come right out and say it, Crysis 3 is the best game in the entire Crysis franchise. Sure, the game is not as long as 1 or 2, but it's not short by that much. The stages are longer and more diverse, and has the best of both worlds. Not to mention, it has better overall improvements when it comes to the nano suit powers over the first two games.

To the hardcore PC crowd that said Crytek betrayed them and the entire community, y'all can screw right off. They didn't "betray" anyone. They made what they thought was the best decision they could. Not everybody got what they wanted, but so what? As the entire franchise has proven, each game was barely able to break even. So even if they pandered to the more PC crowd, the results would have been the same or even worse when it came to sales. Just be happy you got four games and none of them are bad.

This franchise is also one of the best from 7th generation. It's definitely aged better than a lot FPS franchises from seventh generation. Ended on a better note than FEAR of BioShock. Especially if we're talking about trilogies.
But most of the AAA games that have on sale are **** any way

I don't know about that, I'd say it's the opposite, I don't even visit the Epic Store that often but I still got given games like Alien Isolation, the Borderlands collection, the whole Batman Arkham trilogy, the Metro Redux games, Nioh, Control, and I've missed a whole lot of them during the times I didn't log on, which I now regret. Those aren't bad games dude, and for free it's great ****ing value.

And if you're gonna reply to me explaining how those games are aCtUallY crap etc etc, whatever man. You're entitled to your opinion, I'd heavily disagree but it's not the point, the point is that they're the only ones to be consistently giving games away for free, really free, without any sort of subscription or monthly fee, and that's good for gamers. No matter what kind of "the fox and the grapes" style argument you might wanna bring up, and no matter how many comparisons people like to make between the EGS and Steam. Which are all valid but if you've got to be fair, you also have to mention the one big thing the former has over the latter, from the consumer perspective. That was my bottom line.

I go for usually smaller games anyway.

Great, should be right up your alley then, they give indies and smaller titles away like candy too. It made me discover Darkest Dungeon which is a pretty fascinating one, I recommend it to you if you haven't gotten it already.

And I don't get why you're linking me articles covering their money loss, it wasn't the point of my post nor do I care how much money they earn or lose lol, it's not like I have some personal attachment to the company, I just care about the fact that they give me games for free. Hate on Epic all you want, God knows they've got reasons to be hated but credit where it's due , there's pretty damn good value to be had there for the consumer. That's all I was saying. The company runs the store at a loss cause of it? Don't care, it's their decision, I am just content to reap the benefits, and I'm sure they are oh so worried in the face of the billions Fortnite makes them every year anyway.
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Hate on Epic all you want, God knows they've got reasons to be hated but credit where it's due , there's pretty damn good value to be had there for the consumer.
We're nothing more than mere bonus to them. The only reason it works for the consumer is because they're so greedy and stupid.

I have no problem with you liking the store, but it is not even worth it for me.

The only reason I linked those sites to you was to be well informed. Nothing more.
We're nothing more than mere bonus to them.

Of course. But whatever their motives might be, and whatever they see me as, doesn't matter to me as long as I don't lose anything but gain something from it. Which I do in this case, so as long as I benefit, they can go off and keep doing what they're doing.

I have no problem with you liking the store

It's not that I like the store, I like the fact that they give me games to play free of charge, lol. The platform itself I consider pretty sub par like everyone does, lacking basic features that should be a given in this day and age. I'm just talking about the free games here.

The only reason I linked those sites to you was to be well informed. Nothing more.

Well I knew all that already. It's just that, as I said, I don't care about their financial situation, nor does it have anything to do with my original point.
Every time I want to talk about realistic gun handling in games, using Resident Evil: Outbreak as an example, I automatically get hate and dislike towards the idea around me.

With VR popularizing realistic gun handling nowadays, I think I can talk about it more openly.
Of course. But whatever their motives might be, and whatever they see me as, doesn't matter to me as long as I don't lose anything but gain something from it. Which I do in this case, so as long as I benefit, they can go off and keep doing what they're doing.

It's not that I like the store, I like the fact that they give me games to play free of charge, lol. The platform itself I consider pretty sub par like everyone does, lacking basic features that should be a given in this day and age. I'm just talking about the free games here.

Well I knew all that already. It's just that, as I said, I don't care about their financial situation, nor does it have anything to do with my original point.
Fine by me, do what you want to do.