2 million or nothing...

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General gamer
Nov 11, 2012
News has just broke that Capcom have said that they are highly unlikely to make a sequel to a game that hasn't made over 2 million sales. This could mean an end to Devil May Cry... The reason is that DmC has not passed this mark and whilst DMC4 did that was 6 years ago. It is possible for a DMC5 but I would suggest it is unlikely given that the most recent entry in the franchise has garnered so little attention. They may believe that the lack of sales for DmC would mean a lack of sales for a DMC5. Either way - there won't be another DmC: Devil May Cry game.
I couldn't care less. DMC was sterotypical anime crap that has filled the shonen genre for years, and DmC is just another western cool guy pile of junk that's trying to be edgy.

I'm surprised you people still play these stupid games for story.

You mean that? I guess they need to do that so that they can get money from somewhere. With their financial trouble, they can't afford *not* to be as efficient as possible with their sales figures. But, DMC4 sold around 2.8 million units, so it's possible that they'll listen to the old fans and develop a DMC5. Of course, there's a good chance Capcom isn't that smart, and that they might not want to take a risk by developing DMC5. I fear you may be right.
I couldn't care less. DMC was sterotypical anime crap that has filled the shonen genre for years, and DmC is just another western cool guy pile of junk that's trying to be edgy.

I'm surprised you people still play these stupid games for story.

So why are you here? Why do you venture out of the DmC section? I've seen two posts from you today and they both said nearly the exact same thing.

My advice, make a thread about and get it out of your system. Everyone else has.


You mean that? I guess they need to do that so that they can get money from somewhere. With their financial trouble, they can't afford *not* to be as efficient as possible with their sales figures. But, DMC4 sold around 2.8 million units, so it's possible that they'll listen to the old fans and develop a DMC5. Of course, there's a good chance Capcom isn't that smart, and that they might not want to take a risk by developing DMC5. I fear you may be right.
It might not make any difference to them. DmC, DMC might all be the same thing to them one way or another. They are a$$holes like that, sometimes.

So why are you here? Why do you venture out of the DmC section? I've seen two posts from you today and they both said nearly the exact same thing.

My advice, make a thread about and get it out of your system. Everyone else has.
So sorry I like a game for gameplay.
Well that's for the best for DMC cause Devil May Cry can now rest in peace instead of living on as a casual piece of trash that focuses on story and cattering to the casuals.

As for the big picture, since this is the bulls**t Capcom is setting, I will never ever pay for Capcom's games ever again, Torrenting and renting FTW, I hope others follow suit and put these scumbags down for good.
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News has just broke that Capcom have said that they are highly unlikely to make a sequel to a game that hasn't made over 2 million sales. This could mean an end to Devil May Cry... The reason is that DmC has not passed this mark and whilst DMC4 did that was 6 years ago. It is possible for a DMC5 but I would suggest it is unlikely given that the most recent entry in the franchise has garnered so little attention. They may believe that the lack of sales for DmC would mean a lack of sales for a DMC5. Either way - there won't be another DmC: Devil May Cry game.
Are you joking? Coverage for it was everywhere while it was still in development. There were numerous articles about how DmC was going to save the franchise and how it was basically the greatest thing ever. It actually got really annoying. Either way, you really can't say DmC didn't get a lot of attention because it most certainly did.

Also, has this been covered anywhere else? I haven't seen anything.
See, I don't read IGN. :laugh: Thanks though!

I can understand why Capcom would do this. They aren't doing to hot right now after all. I worry that all this means is that they are going to continuously rely on the same few franchises: Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and maybe something else that I'm forgetting. It sucks, but it makes sense coming from a company that is struggling to survive. I don't think they are doing this to be evil or to screw over fans. I think they are just doing it because they are desperate. While I don't agree with there strategy, I also don't know what exactly is going on over there. It could be a lot worse than we think.
See, I don't read IGN. :laugh: Thanks though!

I can understand why Capcom would do this. They aren't doing to hot right now after all. I worry that all this means is that they are going to continuously rely on the same few franchises: Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and maybe something else that I'm forgetting. It sucks, but it makes sense coming from a company that is struggling to survive. I don't think they are doing this to be evil or to screw over fans. I think they are just doing it because they are desperate. While I don't agree with there strategy, I also don't know what exactly is going on over there. It could be a lot worse than we think.
I stopped paying attention to IGN after their Alien Isolation review lol Still I use adblock when I go to their site so they aren't making any money off me :D

It's stuff like this that got Capcom into the sh*t they're in, but for some reason there's a dumbass at Capcom thinking that if they keep on doing this sh*t things will get better.
I hope they keep this crap up because as bad as it is, it'll cause dumb gamers to wise up and repel against Capcom and other companies and cause gaming to crash again, it's what we need for gaming to get it's sh*t together.
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Either way, you really can't say DmC didn't get a lot of attention because it most certainly did.
It got a lot of negative attention. Maybe this was a psychological marketing ploy of NT's that backfired on them?
In hindsight, it kind of looks like Capcom did it on purpose. Make a bad DmC game, give it mass publicity, punt it even more when the fans backlash, and voila, the fans will no longer be demanding another Devil May Cry after the rip-off DmC game they got, hence, The End of DMC.
Maybe this was their way of getting rid of the franchise? Outsourcing it, not selling it so anyone else can profit from it, just so it can die in the graffiti covered coffin it came in.

I'm just speculating, though.
Chances are if Capcom made DMC5, it would sell better than DmC. Maybe not as much as DMC4. Somewhere in between. Maybe just enough for them to recoup.
You guys are going off the handle believing DMC5 would sell more than any other Devil May Cry game. If any of you haven't noticed, the DMC Collection came out months before DmC and that sold worse than anything. So it's highly likely that fans are not about to dive headfirst into DMC 5 because of it's anime style over DmC's realistic style.

There's also the fact that Bayonetta did terrible in Japan. Again, BAYONETTA 2 is doing terrible, worse than DmC, and if you didn't know anything about Bayonetta 2 Platinum Games had no money to finance it in the first place. So, it was a complete gamble and they relied on their fanbase to support them.

Devil May Cry 5 just took too long and there are several games out there that just dwarf the series. All around and not just gameplay. Well rounded games sale the best. No matter how you feel about it.

Street Fighter x Tekken didn't even make it to 2 million? Motherf***in Street and Tekken didn't break 2 million and they're the most well known fighters out there? You s***ing me? I hope that doesn't hurt the Versus series.

Dragon's Dogma didn't make it to 2 million and they released it twice.
Dead Rising 3 didn't make it to 2 million and it's on PC and Xbox One.
DmC didn't make it to 2 million and that was multiplatform.

Did Lost Planet 3 make 2 million?
Bionic Commando?
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Well that's for the best for DMC cause Devil May Cry can now rest in peace instead of living on as a casual piece of trash that focuses on story and cattering to the casuals.
DMC has been story and cattering since DMC2. Why are you surprised?
If any of you haven't noticed, the DMC Collection came out months before DmC and that sold worse than anything.

Comparing the sales of a re-release to those of a new game makes absolutely no sense.

But you're right. The DMC Collection didn't sell too well. They probably won't make a DMC Collection 2 now. So sad. :'(
I'm sorry, but i just don't care wether DmC gets sequel or not. I'm not interested in it at all. Shame for people who wanted it, but...oh, well not much can be done about it.
The only continuity im interested in is DMC5
Comparing the sales of a re-release to those of a new game makes absolutely no sense.

But you're right. The DMC Collection didn't sell too well. They probably won't make a DMC Collection 2 now. So sad. :'(

Don't be so simplistic. DMC Collection was meant to gauge how many people actually haven't played DMC 1-3 with DMC 4 being multiplatform already, they had to test the waters of 1-3 and since it sold so poorly, that meant alot of people STILL aren't interested in those games.

This is just like Resident Evil 1-3 having an HD release on current generation consoles. They have to check and see if anyone wants anything like them.

Did anyone not notice Strider?

Is it just me or do people not see how Capcom does business?
If I'm not mistaken, the DMC HD Collection was the fifth time they released DMC3, and the fourth time they released DMC1 and DMC2.

(DMC3 had it's original release, the Special Edition release, was included in the 5th Anniversary collection, eventually released on PC, and then was included in the HD collection.)

Gauging interest in a franchise based on the sales of it's fourth+ release sounds absolutely insane. I really, really hope Capcom isn't that dumb.
If I'm not mistaken, the DMC HD Collection was the fifth time they released DMC3, and the fourth time they released DMC1 and DMC2.

(DMC3 had it's original release, the Special Edition release, was included in the 5th Anniversary collection, eventually released on PC, and then was included in the HD collection.)

Gauging interest on a franchise based on the sales of it's fourth+ release sounds absolutely insane. I really, really hope Capcom isn't that dumb.

Now all you gotta do is factor in Resident Evil HD Remaster for current gen and then.....you get it.

"We're returning Resident Evil to it's roots."

Re-releases Resident Evil 1.
This is hilarious. This is literally hilarious.

Capcom's financial goals and decisions never cease to amaze me. With the exception of Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Monster Hunter, almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of their recent projects have scuttled around the 1 million mark.

And now they're going to flat out cancel any franchise that doesn't make 2 million? SERIOUSLY? That's 3/4 of their inventory right there.

Then again, these are the same people that expected DmC to outsell every previous entry in the Devil May Cry series, and expressed disappointment at Resident Evil 6's 6 million sales and Lost Planet 3's 2.4 million sales, because they didn't mirror the sales numbers of franchises like Call of Duty or Halo.

And that's to say nothing of their outlandish expectations for a brand-new IP like Dragon's Dogma.

Maybe if they didn't pour so much money into MAKING these games, and tried to make them with cheaper and more down-to-earth assets, they wouldn't set such high financial goals for games that never demanded such immense budgets in the first place. Games like Call of Duty and Madden are released every year on half the budget, and their sales dwarf the financial success of every competitor in the gaming market.

You wouldn't be in your current financial situation if you had just kept your expectations a little closer to the ground, Capcom. And this new plan of rounding all sequel potential to 2 million sales, will not be your downfall.

See, 'downfall' implies you could fall any lower.